• 结论耕耘疗法可改善创面局部微循环促进创面液化使愈合缩短

    Conclusion: Ploughing helped to improve local micro-circulation in the wounds, promoted liquefaction and shortened healing time.


  • 谈谈失去的那段感情曾经带给快乐,谈谈曾经如何使你的生活丰富多彩。着眼于积极的一面加快心灵的愈合

    Talk about the happiness your relationship brought you and how it enriched your life. Focusing on the positive will expedite the healing process.


  • Mceneaney这个消息正在使长期以来的情感挫伤愈合

    McEneaney said that the news is also opening emotional wounds that have taken a long time to heal.


  • 但是最终为了使伤口愈合不得不面对自己真实感觉想法

    And yet, in the end, these were the feelings and thoughts I had to look at in order to heal.


  • 再次体验我们过去痛苦以便使伤口愈合

    It wants to recreate the pain of our past in order to heal the wounds.


  • 这种使妻子丈夫分离使母亲儿子分离的残暴方式,留下永不愈合疮疤

    The brutal way in which wives were separated from husbands, and mothers were separated from sons have left scars that will never heal.


  • 通过我们自己经历去帮助别人,这加速我们创伤愈合一个美妙方式使我们已经发生的悲剧中能很好地走出来。

    Helping others through something we have experienced is a wonderful way to fascilitate our healing and bring good out of something tragic.


  • 常常会有最后个不易愈合伤口,使病人极其厌烦地忍受着长期的包扎。

    There always is a last wound like that which will not close, and which prolongs the dressings indefinitely, to the great annoyance of the sick person.


  • 复合体系中的裂纹穿过材料使微包覆物破坏从而释放愈合助剂

    Small fractures in the composites move through the material and rupture the microcapsules, releasing the healing agent.


  • 那些蛋白使非正常的、成熟皮肤细胞创伤愈合行为中长出毛发胚胎的皮肤细胞,生长出新的毛囊

    Those proteins made mature skin cells that don't normally make hair during wound healing behave like embryonic skin cells, giving rise to new hair follicles.


  • 穿灵魂深处使精神苦刑得到创伤养伤愈合中,得到苦的涤除了苏生的

    Wear dig with the depths of the soul, so that the people affected by the spirits of torture and get hurt, and from this to hurt and wounds and healing, get bitter eliminate, but on the revival road.


  • 合并开放性复位并侥骨头固定及内固定远端尺骨关节可以使骨间膜机会愈合并且使前臂稳定

    The combined open reduction/internal fixation of the radial head with the closed reduction/internal fixation of the DRUJ allowed the IOM to have a chance to heal and gave stability to the forearm.


  • 矿产作出跟进包含愈合矿物性能特别是有利于人民谁的避难所'吨得以磨损使后续多年来,例如那些酒渣鼻痤疮敏感皮肤

    Mineral make-up contains healing mineral properties, especially beneficial to people who haven't been able to wear make-up for years, such as those with rosacea, acne and sensitive skins.


  • 经常也是一个很好的单独处理增强免疫系统使身体对抗疾病容易加速愈合过程

    It is also an excellent stand alone treatment that strengthens the immune system, allowing the body to fight illness more easily and speeding up the healing process.


  • 中心巨大压力使深部承压流体钠质产生周期性构造泵吸—水力压裂沉淀愈合作用

    The large pressure decline in the pumping centre caused the deep-seated confined fluids to develop periodic tectonic pumping, hydrofracturing and precipitation healing in the sodium-rich rock series.


  • 术后数月里,移植物经过在其周围愈合,在形成一个长骨使这个脊柱节段稳定。

    In the months following the surgery, the bone graft heals together through and alongside the cage, creating one long bone between the vertebrae and immobilizing that segment of the spine.


  • 结论:前庭大囊肿或脓肿弧形切口造口术有利于(囊)脓液引流通畅,使(囊)脓肿愈合快。

    Conclusions:Curved incision of is good for Bartholin′s gland abscess drainage. Washing by gentamicin solution can effectively control pathogen′s growth and healing.


  • 纹身部位不要刺激性药物处理,如碘酒酒精等,此类药物易使伤口不宜愈合发生掉色

    Do not dress wounds with irritant medicines (e. g. : ethanol, iodine) which may cause the failure of healing or fading.


  • 正如身体可以愈合使肌肉保持健康一样,你的大脑也可以重建疲惫不堪的神经元

    Just as your body can pack on and condition new muscle, your brain can rebuild used-up neurons.


  • 隧道可吸收螺钉挤压固定,愈合内口消失,可避免韧带撞击使之逐渐扩大引起重建韧带松弛。

    The tunnel disappears after the screw is absorbed, avoiding the ligament's bump toward the inside tunnel, which leads to gradual extension of the inside tunnel and cause the ligament flabby.


  • 方法:穿式钢丝捆绑固定尽早膝关节功能练习,创口愈合后加中药熏洗使关节功能恢复良好。

    Methods: To exercise articular genu function as early as possible after internal fixation with penetrative steel-wire binding.


  • 研究者经过维生素a处理胶原产物使皮肤可能经得起创伤有助于溃疡愈合

    The production of collagen, due to the retinol treatment, also makes it more likely that the skin can withstand injury and ulcer formation, researchers say.


  • 愈合来到我们我们自己的资源释放愈合使我们的免疫系统运作良佳,并始终我们如何融合

    For healing comes to us from within, our own healing resources are freed to allow our immune system to operate optimally and that is always how we heal.


  • 愈合来到我们我们自己的资源释放愈合使我们的免疫系统运作良佳,并始终我们如何融合

    For healing comes to us from within, our own healing resources are freed to allow our immune system to operate optimally and that is always how we heal.


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