• 至少到现在,那些期待歪风邪气能够产生多米诺骨牌效应使国家经济崩塌的投机商们并没有像期待相反结果的投机商们那样收获丰厚。

    So far at least, speculators who counted on contagion toppling countries like dominoes have little to show for it, while those who bet the other way have juicy gains.


  • 然而,正是这种多样性性质使旅游业成为许多国家区域社区经济发展理想工具

    However, the nature of this very diversity makes travel and tourism ideal vehicles for economic development in a wide variety of countries, regions or communities.


  • 1815年以后交通改善使越来越多的西方农民摆脱自给自足的生活方式,进入国家市场经济

    After 1815 improved transportation enabled more and more western farmers to escape a self-sufficient way of life and enter a national market economy.


  • 方和国家政府面临的挑战是管理旅游业,使社区能够在经济上受益,同时确保所有人都能享受到旅游区。

    The challenge for local and national governments is to manage tourism so that communities can benefit economically, and yet at the same time, make sure that the tourist areas are kept for all to enjoy.


  • 同时大宗商品的高价正在使那些不喜欢美国霸权国家经济能力得以增长

    At the same time higher commodity prices are giving increased economic power to countries that dislike American hegemony.


  • 一些欧盟国家要求公民接受形式灵活劳工使雇佣解雇变得更加容易基础上经济好转起来

    Several European Union countries have asked their citizens to accept flexible Labour laws, which make hiring and firing easy, on the basis that this will lead to economic good health.


  • 当地媒体毫不惊奇报道救助新闻但是许多里斯本居民当成使国家脱离经济衰退项强硬措施。

    Local media reported news of the bailout as no surprise, while many Lisbon residents took it as a forced solution to get the country out of its economic recession.


  • 稳定经济增长使地区27个国家贫困人口比重1998年的20%减少2003年12%。

    Steady economic growth helped reduce the percentage of poor people living in the region's 27 countries from 20 percent in 1998 to 12 percent in 2003.


  • 知道这些国家何时欧盟接纳使它们能重统一经济

    I don't know how long will it be before all of the countries of the former Yugoslavia belong to the European Union and are hence reunited as an economic space.


  • 没有哪个发达国家能够通过养老金医保承诺使经济增长

    No rich country can simply grow its way out of looming pension and health-care commitments.


  • 只是新兴经济大国复苏迅速,使大多数发达国家避免衰退。 这里应该是:(公共开支产生需求)正使得新兴经济大国加速经济复苏,但是多数发达国家来说,(公共开支产生的需求)只能避免他们重陷衰退

    That is revving recovery in big emerging economies, while only staving off a relapse into recession in much of the rich world.


  • 但是外债信心崩溃致命结合使国家陷入经济的困境。

    But a toxic combination of external debt and collapsing confidence left the economy floundering.


  • 由于这些经济融入世界使全球劳动力更加充裕发达国家工人失去他们一些讨价权,使真实工资下压

    Because these economies' global integration has made Labour more abundant, workers in developed countries have lost some of their bargaining power, which has put downward pressure on real wages.


  • 过去50年间,这些官僚们大力发展工业政策使日本战后废墟上建成世界第二经济国家

    In the past 50 years, bureaucrats helped develop the industrial policies that turned Japan from post-war collapse to the second-biggest economy in the world.


  • 崛起中的亚洲经济正在快速恢复,其速度之快使世界其他国家无法望其项背。

    Asia's emerging economies are recovering much more quickly than economies in other parts of the world.


  • 过去四十大多数时间,经济学家一直一个悖论迷惑不解,这个悖论使GDP作为全球国家成功主要指标角色产生了质疑

    For much of the past four decades, economists have puzzled over a paradox that cast doubt on GDP as the world's main indicator of success.


  • 直到最近西班牙部分南欧国家对外输出了很多工人人口经济变化使他们成为劳工进口国

    Until recently Spain and other parts of southern Europe were sending lots of workers abroad, but demographic and economic changes have made them into net Labour importers.


  • 这一危机带来经济衰退使一些国家付出惨重代价人均实际产出中,超出10%的财富化为乌有。

    The crisis caused recessions that cost some countries more than 10 per cent of their real output per person.


  • 欧元区边缘国家持续恶化债务危机使人们开始再次担心16个经济情况各异主权国家组成的货币联盟是否还能继续生存下去。

    The worsening debt crisis on the euro zone's periphery has reawakened concerns about the viability of a currency union that encompasses 16 sovereign nations with disparate economies.


  • 他们常常回来了,这在经济使国家产业技能遭受损失使邻邦新加坡更加富有。

    Often they do not come back, and the economy suffers from the loss of their entrepreneurial skills—they make neighbouring Singapore even richer instead.


  • 这种经济国家主义对西门子没什么好处使公司变得臃肿懒惰在海外竞争中步履蹒跚

    This economic nationalism did Siemens little good: it grew fat and lazy and struggled to compete abroad.


  • 条约使两个国家经济紧密结合在一起

    The treaty knitted the economics of the two nations together.


  • 条约使两个国家经济紧密结合在一起

    The treaty knitted the economics of the two nations together.


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