• 需要金钱可以获得邻里的认可。

    To be accepted by the neighborhood association, you do not need money.


  • 想象一下,如果邻居触犯法律法官就会怀疑整个区域的邻里

    Imagine that someone in your neighborhood broke the law, and the judge put the whole neighborhood under suspicion.


  • 如果一定要大声电视听收银音乐的话,记得上耳机,别影响邻里这样可以使双方感到舒适。

    If you need your TV, radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates altruism to your neighbours, which will make you and them feel good.


  • 既然就住在农贸市场附近,食品的都邻里还要认证资质干什么呢?

    When you live where your market is and sell to your neighbors, what more could you ask for?


  • 全世界都存在的问题帮助邻里解决这个问题——改变世界一个不可能完成的任务但是可以家门口作一些改变。

    Take a worldwide problem and solve it for somebody in your neighborhood - Changing the world is an impossible task but you can make a difference on your doorstep.


  • 他们朋友,他们加入邻里互助计划”,甚至还他们做了很不错交易

    You befriended them, drew them into the neighbourhood-watch scheme and even made some nice trades.


  • 办法冲他们发火,始终有种怪怪的感觉好像一个越战老兵看到有人穿着战斗参加邻里互助会时的感觉一样

    You couldn't actually be rude to them, but you couldn't help feeling about them the same way that, say, a Vietnam veteran would feel about someone who wears combat gear to Neighborhood Watch meetings.


  • 例如正在旧金山一个街区溜达寻找一个可以租住公寓打开摄像头,平板电脑(或是手机),然后邻里之间慢慢摇动

    For instance, say you're strolling through a San Francisco district in search of an apartment for rent. You turn on the camera, hold up your tablet (or phone), and pan slowly through the neighborhood.


  • 在这儿积极鼓励指责邻里缴纳道路早早垃圾桶放在外面虚假索赔

    Here, you're actively encouraged to denounce your neighbour, for not paying road tax or putting a bin out early or dishonestly claiming a benefit.


  • 集合大量重要信息然后会看到邻里之间互相帮助,”补充说

    "A critical mass of information gathers, and then you see neighbors helping neighbors," he adds.


  • 是否意识到,博客构成一种邻里关系?

    Your blog is a part of a neighborhood, whether you realize it or not.


  • 可以负责食物供给准备组织邻里相助会议翻译

    You could be responsible for food supplies and preparation, organizing neighborhood watch meetings, interpreting, etc.


  • 怎样改变邻里关系

    How would you change your neighborhood?


  • 邻里许多停车位吗?

    Are there many parking Spaces in your neighborhood?


  • 他们经常邻里这个故事告诉人们动物也是热爱生命的,而且救助动物时,自己会得到帮助的。

    They often told their neighbors this story, to remind people that animals love their lives, and that by helping animals, sometimes you can help yourself, too.


  • 如果一定要大声电视、听收音机音乐的话,记得上耳机。别影响邻里这样可以使双方感到舒适。

    If you need your TV, radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates altruism to your neighbors, which will make you and them feel good.


  • 是否愿意了解邻里的情况?

    Are you willing to know about your neighbors?


  • 能够容易自订网页根据您的邻里

    You will be able to easily customize your homepage according to your neighborhood.


  • 如果一个邻里组织,提出这个问题并且人们是否使用美国环境保护机构认证火炉火炉清洁

    If you have a neighborhood association, bring up the issue and ask if folks are using stoves certified by the U. s. Environmental Protection Agency, which burn more cleanly than older stoves.


  • 邻里之间是否和睦关系购房者日后居住生活状态好的邻居生活愉快

    Whether between the neighborhood to relate home - buyer's in the future housing life condition harmoniously, the good neighbor will let you live happily.


  • 邻里低头不见抬头某种程度上说是不想好的,我们何苦处理好,至少处理得“温和一点呢?

    Neighbors low head do not see to raise head see, from certain kind level say is you do not think also get, us why bother do not handle, at least, does handling get the point "are you mild"?


  • 邻里关系不太好的社区,或者居民经常搬家的社区,很难找到托儿服务或者其它帮助

    Living in an unfriendly neighborhood, or one where residents move often, can make it harder to find child-care help or other support.


  • 涵盖了长辈夫妻关系,又如市民邻里、同事以及其他人,是方方面面社交关系。

    It encompasses all of the facets of your relationship: as parent, as wife or husband, as citizen, neighbor, worker, and all of the others.


  • 如果邻居对“”置之不理,修复它,那么久而久之邻里关系就恶化因为那些破坏者一些讨人嫌就会认为他们而继续肆无忌惮。

    If a neighborhood allows broken Windows to stay that way, and fails to replace them, the neighborhood will deteriorate because vandals and other unsavory people will assume no one CARES.


  • 是否大声怒喝街坊邻里着急不安还是独自坐下默默掩面

    Did you shout out in anger, in fear for your neighbor or did you just sit down and cry ?


  • 如果基于真实去思考找到邻里和睦相处的科学不是试图编制一种与此相关的哲学

    If you look at it truthfully, then you will arrive at a science what works best between neighbors rather than trying to weave a philosophy around it.


  • 如果喜欢去健身房,那就邻里散散步或者在家附近做一些活动比如上下楼或者在客厅里跟着电视里的明星跳舞

    If you're not the gym type, walk around your neighborhood or try activities around the house, such as walking up and down stairs or dancing with the stars in your living room.


  • 如果喜欢去健身房,那就邻里散散步或者在家附近做一些活动比如上下楼或者在客厅里跟着电视里的明星跳舞

    If you're not the gym type, walk around your neighborhood or try activities around the house, such as walking up and down stairs or dancing with the stars in your living room.


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