• 事实上身体毫无疑问地每天小小的改变,这些变化不能我们目前拥有工具测量的。

    In fact, your body is no doubt making small changes each day, changes that can't always be measured by the tools we have available.


  • 身体不断地变化,对男生来说可是有趣时期事实上好像每天身上某个地方会在不断体毛加重

    It can be a very interesting time in a guy's life, what with all the changes going on. In fact, it seems like every day something on your body grows bigger or hair begins sprouting somewhere.


  • 体型开始变化——肩膀身体肌肉也会不停增多。

    Your body shape will also begin to change - your shoulders will widen and your body will become more muscular.


  • 评论孩子身体发育方面变化。“佳丝敏长到这么了!”

    Comment on changes in children's physical development; "Jasmine, you are getting so tall!"


  • 可能身体经受一些改变造成听过很多激素都会导致情绪变化或者困惑情感

    Some of it may be the changes your body's going through: All those hormones you hear so much about can cause mood swings and confused emotions.


  • 运动让身体实实在在变化细节令人惊奇的,认为非常激励人。

    The details of what actually happens in your body are truly amazing and, I think, super motivating.


  • 即使已经连续几年服用相同剂量还有可能突然使血液一定程度因为你身体状况发生了变化,可能是饮食基本新陈代谢的改变所致。

    And even if you've been taking the same dose for years, the degree to which it thins your blood may suddenly change because of changes in your other meds, your diet or your underlying metabolism.


  • 或许身体变化有些情绪或者担心们亲密时候伤害婴儿

    He may be having feelings about your changing body or be nervous about harming the baby in intimate moments.


  • 医生解释怀孕期间可能会遭遇身体情绪上变化

    The doctor will explain the types of physical and emotional changes you can expect during pregnancy.


  • 记录每天吃下的食物,这个记录关系身体健康会提醒吃完某种食品后会有什么样的情绪上的变化

    The journal keeps you in relationship to your body. It reminds you of the connection between what you eat and how you feel.


  • 身体发生变化时,有时情感上会让难以接受——这主要是因为,这身体已经习惯于先前的模样。

    A change in your body can be tough to deal with emotionallymainly because, well, your body is yours and you have become used to it.


  • 无法预料自己身体状况发生什么变化

    You never know what your health is going to be," she says.


  • 毕竟,除了诱惑女性以外身体首要工作就是提供环境变化信息

    After all, your body's number-one job (other than luring female fauna to your plumage) is to provide you with updates about your environment.


  • 身体已经适应了某种模式,对赛跑者来说也是如此身体习惯了单一模式,那么稍微有点变化,就有可能受伤。

    Your body ADAPTS to its routine, and if that routine is monotonously habitual as with many runners, it doesn't take much of a change to cause an injury.


  • 不同身体特点体型不同的用处,有些幼年时得很好的事情发育期间发生变化

    Different physical attributes and body types are good for different things - and sometimes the things you did well as a kid can change during puberty.


  • 如果身体变化感到伤心困惑出去散散步,逗逗小狗或者朋友一起玩玩飞盘也许会有点用。

    If your changing body has you feeling sad or confused, it may help to go for a walk, play with your dog, or throw a Frisbee with your friends.


  • 正如已经阅读的一样,深层睡眠之中,身体经历主要生理变化修复肌肉增强免疫系统补充能量

    As you've read, it's during deep sleep that your body undergoes major physiological changes to repair your muscles, power up your immune system and replenish your energy.


  • 可能注意到了青春期伴随着各种变化——体形发生了变化甚至觉得身体发出来的气味都变了。

    As you've probably noticed, puberty comes with all kinds of changes - including the way your body looks and even the way you might think it smells.


  • 即使身体发生了变化体重不一定也会变化,因为增加肌肉重量抵消减少脂肪重量。

    Increase in muscle can offset decreases in fat so the scale doesn't change even if your body is.


  • 不会知道什么迷住了不知道身体里面时间内发生什么化学变化所以知道想法

    She won't know what you're into or what works in your short-term chemistry, so let her know exactly what is going on.


  • 这个新的转变自己能量身体变化

    During this transition from the old to the new it is you yourself, your own energy body, that is changing.


  • 没有预期这些发生,那么这些身体变化怎么归因呢?

    But as you weren't expecting this to happen, to what do you attribute these changes in your body's state?


  • 同样的方式身体细胞可能变化觉醒程度实际上它们人类身体一部分

    In the same manner, the cells in your body may have varying degrees of awareness that they are in fact part of a larger human body.


  • 抑郁症引起身体变化比如使消化过程减慢从而导致胃病

    Depression can cause real changes in your body. For instance, it can slow down your digestion, which can result in stomach problems.


  • 也许还不知道确实年青一代兴趣好书讨论成长过程中身体变化的。

    And let me tell you, there are actually some really great books out there about growing bodies, many that are made to be interesting to the younger generation.


  • 每天摄入食物总量中富含水分的食物要占80%,坚持10,关注你身体变化

    Eat 80 per cent water-rich food. Try it for the next 10 days.


  • 持续变化海况无论是凶猛还是平静,都意味着时刻不能放松这个地球好客海域之一里接受心灵身体的双重考验。

    The constant changing conditions, from brutal to mild, mean that there is no relaxing, you will be pushed mentally and physically in one of the most inhospitable parts of the planet.


  • 原因不明情绪变化特别是感觉精神萎靡烦躁可能预示身体没有得到所需要能量

    Unexplained mood changes, especially feeling apathetic or irritable, can be a sign that your body isn't getting the energy it needs.


  • 原因不明情绪变化特别是感觉精神萎靡烦躁可能预示身体没有得到所需要能量

    Unexplained mood changes, especially feeling apathetic or irritable, can be a sign that your body isn't getting the energy it needs.


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