• 如果看见告诉希望一切都好

    If you see him, tell him I wish him well.


  • 考虑一下点击后退按钮时,希望看见什么然后这样

    Think about what you want to see when you click the back button and make it happen.


  • 达尔文中心’,那里看见科学家正在工作,让许多眼睛睁大我们希望我们新式的展览会让人们看得更远

    The Darwin Centre, where you can see the scientists at work, has opened many eyes, and we hope our new approach in our exhibitions will open them still further.


  • 恐惧侵蚀心:“可能死于此地”希望褪去之际狂乱眼睛看见一道远方暗光

    Fear gnaws at you: "I may never make it back to safety." Just as all hope is fading, your frantic eyes see a dim light in the distance.


  • 希望看见太阳升起不想看到身边有人。

    You wanted to see the sun come up and no one to be near you.


  • 例如如果发现信件收信人一样皮划艇爱好者,加上这样一句更好,“希望春天看见亚当斯划着皮艇。”

    For example, if you found out that the recipient of your note is an avid kayaker like you, add something like, "Hope to see you paddling on the Adams River this spring."


  • 世界上有些东西看见了,但是希望自己不见

    You know how there's somethings you see, and then you wish you could un-see it, but you can't, because you can't un-see what you've seen? This is one of those things.


  • 树,因为希望你看见时会想到我,并且知道我会它一样坚定左右。

    I want to plant a tree for you, because I want you to think of when I see it and know I will like it around in your firm.


  • 必须扔掉希望他人教给他们那种口号文化驾驭力量看和知道上帝看见和知道的。

    You must throw off the banner and culture of wanting others to see for you or teach you what they know, and harness your powers to see and know what God sees and knows.


  • 记得上一次逛街,看见男生停下了脚步多少回头希望转身看到面容因为真的好像

    Remember the street again, saw a very much like you guys, I stopped, looked back the number of times the only hope that one of his turn around and let me see her face, for he and you really like.


  • 想吃的,但是看见其他人的以后,希望的是那个

    You order what you want, and when you see what the other fellow has, you wish you had ordered that.


  • 希望看见更多公司来分红。如果帮助一个公司赚取利润,那应该分享应该让顶层的高管分享。

    I also wanna see more companies do profit sharing. If you helpedmake the profit you should be able to share them, not just theexecutives at the top.


  • 希望这些相片翻看一下着从中找出看见那个人。

    I'd like you to look through these photographs and try to pick out the man you saw.


  • 我们希望他们一样看见好像世界上没有什么能把我们分开,法是我们永远彼此存在记得吗?。

    Wish we were invisible like them, and pretending that no world force could separate us by them, and swear we'll always be there for each other, you remember that?


  • 喝咖啡那些副作用呢?头痛、容易生气、还会脱水感觉沮丧疲倦的时候,最不希望看见就是情况变得更糟。

    And the side effects of caffeine consumption? Headaches, irritability and dehydration. When you're already feeling crappy and tired, the last thing you want is to feel worse!


  • 如果看见蝴蝶翩翩起舞使感到愉悦,那么,还有希望

    If you can find pleasure in the movement of a butterfly, then you still have hope.


  • 我会准备好所有的东西。只要自己就行了。希望明天看见

    Yeah, I'll get everything ready. You just bring yourself. I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.


  • 希望有一可以看见

    I hope one day you can see.


  • 设法那些带回来制作纳米那种方式下,就能精确地看见一个玩具物理东西。 我希望一个好的解释如果不是好解释,我另外一个方法再次尝试(解释)。

    I try to bring those back and make you a nano layer in that you can see exactly what it is physically as a toy, I hope it was a good explanation, if not, I'll try again in another way.


  • 但是就是,我不以为记得一些真实事情,我不再什么真实,我就希望在这儿所以可以我可以说话,看见找到应该的事情。

    Butt I just don't understand, I don't think she still remember some of your real things, I don't know what is true, I want you here, so I can I can talk to you, see you, find what I should do.


  • 我们多么希望这个房子里看见拥有可爱笑容

    We all do, so don't cry, we all want to see that cute, smile of yours in the house.


  • 结婚非常朋友一起饭馆想要吃的,后来看见别人希望份同样的。

    Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends. You order what you want, then when you see what the other person has, you wish you had ordered that.


  • 希望将来的“遥远的世界”所看见的?

    What 8 things would you like to see next in Distant Worlds?


  • 希望解决这个问题使能够看见其他电脑

    You want to resolve the problem so that you can see other computers on the routed network.


  • 希望解决这个问题使能够看见其他电脑

    You want to resolve the problem so that you can see other computers on the routed network.


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