• 我心船儿驶入海洋

    My heart's ship is sailing into you heart's ocean.


  • 迈克尔·科林斯阿姆斯特朗奥尔德林一起乘返回舱坠入太平洋时曾说:“地球海洋如此壮丽。”似乎无人有异议。

    Everyone seemed to agree with Michael Collins's thought as he splashed back down into the Pacific with Armstrong and Aldrin "Nice ocean you got here, planet Earth."


  • 迈克尔·科林斯阿姆斯特朗奥尔德林一起乘返回舱坠入太平洋时曾说:“地球,海洋如此壮丽。”似乎无人有异议。

    Everyone seemed to agree with Michael Collins’s thought as he splashed back down into the Pacific with Armstrong and Aldrin “Nice ocean you got here, planet Earth.


  • 知道正在关于鲸鱼论文是关于鲸鱼海洋游泳路径以及它们的移动模式

    You know, I am writing that paper about whales and the path they travel as they swim through the ocean, their migration patterns.


  • 一方面,马尼拉麻这样植物产品可以连续好几个礼拜拖着它们穿过海洋

    On the other hand, plant products like Manila hemp, you can drag through the ocean for weeks on end.


  • 有没有听说过有一类树木陆地动物海洋动物栖息地

    Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes to animals both on land and sea?


  • 海洋中,看到海星以及海马它们都是很有趣很美丽海洋动物

    In the oceans, you can find starfish and sea horses. They are interesting and beautiful sea animals.


  • 有没有听过一种树木它们是陆地动物海洋生物家园

    Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes over animals both on land and sea?


  • 海洋中的废物如何危害海洋生物,以及能做些什么。

    Learn how waste in our oceans harms sea life and what you can do about it.


  • 可以看到不同风格的建筑,在古老的废墟上欣赏美妙的日落,爬上高山,飞越海洋,或者坐在餐厅和酒吧里体验秘鲁人悠闲的生活。

    You can see buildings in different styles, enjoy the fantastic sunset over the ancient ruins, climb the mountains, fly over the ocean, or sit in the restaurants and bars to experience Peruvians' relaxing life.


  • 现在伟大神圣意识流中体会自己:无尽海洋中的一点闪光不可毁灭的一点闪光,为整体提供着独特唯一贡献

    Now feel who you are in this great, divine flow: one spark of light within an ocean of living awareness, but an indestructible spark who offers a unique contribution to the whole.


  • 水族馆公众提供了许多体验海洋生命机会这些有趣富有教育地方世界各地找到

    Aquariums provide the public with many chances to experience life under the sea. These fun and educational places can be found in most areas of the world.


  • 他们指着照片告诉对不起,让白跑一趟,可以看出来为什么在这里不会找到任何海洋数据

    They pointed to the photo and told him, sorry, but you can see why you won't find any old ocean data here.


  • 但是注意可能欣赏到世界上奇特海洋生物

    But also notice that you may just be witnessing one of the weirdest sea creatures in the world.


  • 弟弟永远不会知道种感觉——拥有头脑不是汪清晰见海洋而是一片雾茫茫的荒原,失落孤独弟弟当然不会懂得这种感觉。

    But my brother will never know what it feels like to have a mind that isn't an ocean whose depths are clear to the very bottom, but a bog in which I wander, lost and lonely.


  • 问题是,如果一个强大的内陆国家,使自己的势力到达海洋,最好要一支海军。

    The problem was if you have a basically landlocked power and want to get to the sea, then you'd better have a navy.


  • 到了20世纪时蒸汽推进的技术越来越进步甚至可以大型蒸汽船横渡海洋

    Into the 20th century, steam propulsion became so advanced that you could ride a giant steamer across the ocean.


  • 要买利用海洋产品珊瑚鲨鱼补品珊瑚珠宝如果要买鱼油可以有同等健康价值的亚麻

    Don't buy products that exploit the oceans, such as coral calcium, shark cartilage supplements, and coral jewelry, and if you take fish oil, you can substitute equally healthy flaxseed oil.


  • 说:“我们一直改变沿海地区,倾放营养物海洋当然可以看到大堡礁已经养分径流破坏相当严重了”。

    "We've been altering coastal areas, delivering nutrients into the ocean, and of course you see the Great Barrier Reef, which has been quite damaged due to nutrient run-off," he said.


  • 这里有太多地方等着去发掘探索,多明各玛丽大教堂就是其中之一,而聚集各种海洋生物的水族馆也是不容错过。

    One of the places located in the capital is the Cathedral of Santa Maria. The Aquarium with lots of beautiful marine life to see is another great attraction.


  • 是什么如此积极保护海洋抗争

    What keeps you positive about fighting to save the oceans?


  • 交通高峰期,特别是大城市看到街道自行车海洋

    During the rush hours, particularly in big cities, you can often see a sea of bicycle riders in the streets.


  • 英里以东,那里有海洋向西小时将会到达南非葡萄酒产地。

    The ocean lies two miles east, and South Africa's storied wine country is half an hour west by car.


  • 一双目的海洋淹没完全没有得救的可能。

    May you drown into the ocean of two beautiful eyes with none to save you.


  • 贝壳耳边倾听过海洋呼啸吗?

    Have you ever held a seashell to your ear and heard the roar of the ocean?


  • 如果迫降海洋里,高温区域或者零度以下环境里,生存几率骤减至

    If you had crashed in an ocean, a high temperature zone, or a subzero environment, your chances of survival would be reduced to zero.


  • 如果迫降海洋里,高温区域或者零度以下环境里,生存几率骤减至

    If you had crashed in an ocean, a high temperature zone, or a subzero environment, your chances of survival would be reduced to zero.


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