• 现在告诉认为兔发生了哪种进化,从而能够缅因州冬天生存下来

    Now, the snowshoe hare, tell me, what sort of adaptations do you think it has developed that help it survive the Maine winters?


  • 认为不管巴西现在面临什么问题——任何国家来说如此——必须权衡利弊

    I think that whatever problems Brazil's facing nowthe same will be true for any countryyou have to weigh up the pros and cons.


  • 认为很多人们所说运气取决于如何应对面前机遇

    I think a lot of what people consider luck is attributed to how you respond to the opportunities that come your way.


  • 认为电视收音机现在播客电影,资源多到让困惑

    I mean, television, radio, these days podcast and film, there's just an embarrassment of richness.


  • 现在告诉为什么认为这些科目这个工作帮助吗?

    Now can you tell me why you think these subjects will help you in this job?


  • 还有那些否认存在这一真实问题人们来说:认为现在责任是义务拿出足够的证据来维护利益

    And for the people who have denied there is a real problem here: I think the onus is now on you to produce evidence justifying your dismissiveness.


  • 年前探索杂志认为这种寄生虫将统治世界现在告诉的是,至少这种寄生虫决定世界杯

    Would you believe me? A decade ago, Discover Magazine concluded that parasites ruled the world, and now I'm going to try to tell you that, at the very least, parasites rule the World Cup.


  • 认为现在享用健康美味方便意味着可以在轻松享受食物同时不用做饭时间烦恼,这真是一个额外的好处

    'I think it's such a bonus that healthy, tasty convenience meals now mean you can relax about eating good food without having to worry about preparation time.'


  • 认为现在享用健康美味方便意味着可以轻松享受好食物的同时不用为做饭时间烦恼,这真是一个额外的好处。

    'I think it's such a bonus that healthy, tasty convenience meals now mean you can relax about.


  • 现在听听这个新家怎样接待的吧,因为不得不认为这个山庄的新家了。

    Now, you shall hear how I have been received in my new home, as I am led to imagine the Heights will be.


  • 认为应该经常语言留给所喜欢的人们或许现在就是见到他们最后时间

    I believe that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.


  • 认为现在在人世里,极少知道窗户秘密的,其中一个马上就知道了。

    I fancy there are few persons living today who ever knew the secret of that window, but I am one, as you shall see.


  • 至于原因,认为写日记非常多益处- - -不但现在如此,未来更是这样。

    Why? Because journals have a bunch of awesome benefits - not just now, but in the future.


  • 年前探索杂志认为这种寄生虫将统治世界现在告诉的是,至少这种寄生虫决定世界杯

    A decade ago, Discover Magazine concluded that parasites ruled the world, and now I'm going to try to tell you that, at the very least, parasites rule the world Cup.


  • 他们只是跑来说,“认为这么不好或者喜欢现在这么”,没有任何实质理由

    He/she might just be sayingI don’t think this is done wellor ‘I don’t like how you are doing this’, without supporting reasons.


  • 别人认为一直以来勇敢捍卫诚实的人,现在却不能面对自己实际情况觉得很有趣

    You have always been an intrepid crusader for honesty, as far as others are concerned, and I now find it intriguing that you can't face up to your own reality.


  • 现在一看来,事实上认为一眼证明正确的,也许认为这个答案这个问题会要取决于两个基本论点

    Now at first glance--and in fact, I think, at second glance it's going to turn out to be true--you might think that the answer to this question would depend on two basic issues.


  • 现在可能在琢磨为什么认为高盛业务模式不足取,可能认为这种情况不是早就有吗?

    Now, maybe you think that what I'll call the Goldman Sachs model of banking is no big thing. Maybe you think it's been around forever.


  • 不过,现在要按照誓言,把血喝个够。”关于居鲁士最终结局还有许多故事上面讲的认为可信的说法

    Now as regards the end of the life of Cyrus there are many tales told, but this which I have related is to my mind the most worthy of belief.


  • 肯定听看过跟题目完全相反的说法无数次了:两性相处,以前认为两性相处难,但现在改变看法了。

    You may have read or heard the opposite, that relationships are hard work. I used to believe that was true. Not anymore.


  • 当然名字一起,认为一个赞扬

    Of course my name is going to come up with his name. You look at that as a compliment.


  • 现在认为任何结过婚男人都可以告诉如果想试一试的话发生什么样悲惨后果。

    Now, I think any married man can tell you what will happen if you try that.


  • 现在知道可以兼职这些认为将来一个利基网站时会犹豫吗?

    Now, knowing I can do this in one niche, do you think I’m really going to procrastinate about building websites in other niches in the future?


  • 而且知道即使泳池人们展示认为理想卫生习惯一些这样化合物将要出泳池里。

    And, you know, even if people displayed what I would consider to be ideal hygiene practices in swimming pools, there's still going to be some of these compounds that are going to end up in pools.


  • 现在如果临床表现上抑郁的,从而导致卧床不起认为书上章节帮到

    Now if you are so clinically depressed right now that you can't get out of bed, I don't think many of the chapters will help you.


  • 现在为止可能认为消极了。

    By now you're probably thinking that I'm being way too negative.


  • 首先,只笔或者文字处理软件(喜欢后者因为快捷)记录整个句子, 那些认为所有可能考试中的.

    First, use a pencil or word processor (I prefer the latter because it’s faster) to type, in complete sentences, any fact you think might appear on the test.


  • 认为现在了吗

    Do you think I should do it now?


  • 认为现在了吗

    Do you think I should do it now?


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