• 如果一个目标实现目标

    If you have a goal, you can reach it.


  • 不管梦想什么,一个目标并且之倾注心力。

    Whatever your dreams are, you have a goal there and then focus all your attention on it.


  • 无论梦想一个目标然后被集中注意力

    Whatever your dreams are, you have a goal there and then focus all your attention on it.


  • 如果目标并且感觉良好永远不必需要听从任何人的任何

    If you had one goal, and that was to feel good, you would never again need to hear another word from anyone.


  • 仅仅一些事达成一个目标问题通常你有更多目标需要完成

    The problem with only doing something to reach a goal is that there will always be more goals to reach.


  • 遇到一个自己共同目标团队权力就扩大了,而不是被削弱。

    When you've got a team of employees working toward your common goals, your authority is extended-not diminished.


  • 不论什么时候一个目标也把写进手册里

    Whenever you have a new goal, include it inside.


  • 使全身心投入的兴趣目标吗?

    Do you have a single interest or goal that your entire life is devoted to?


  • 选择什么方式取决于发现设定目标潜意识一个方向瞄准

    It is up to you to find your own process, but I've found that setting goals gives my subconscious mind a target to aim at.


  • 仔细查看几种定义可能意识我们谈到实现目标时,它们一个共同点

    Look carefully at those definitions and you'll probably realize they have one thing in common when it comes to goal achievement.


  • 很多像这样建议保持每天8杯水的规则不要把它当作不屈不挠目标只是把它当作一个提醒足够的弥补食物中的不足之量的工具

    So my advice is this: Keep the eight-glasses-a-day rulenot as a do-or-die goal, but simply as a tool to remind you to drink enough water to make up for any shortfall from your food.


  • 比赛知道至少一个我认识的,现在许多目标,这些目标也会

    During RACES, I always know at least one person in it. I also have many goals now as you may have gathered.


  • 可以帮助长期目标方向一个想法这样可以预算工作而不是控制

    It helps to have an idea of what your long term goals or directions are so you can make your budget work for you, not control you.


  • 清楚确定一个清楚确定结果目标应该能够看到是什么样子已经完成了结果部分。

    Have a clearly defined goal with a clearly defined outcome - you should be able to visualize what it looks like when you've accomplished the outcome.


  • 的脑海一个初步轮廓或者期望达到目标这样才能真正帮助发挥创意灵感

    Have an outline of where you are or what you hope to accomplish as that can really help get the creative juices flowing.


  • 一个新的预算财政目标一些津贴应该已经感觉到了关系改善

    With a new budget, financial goals and an "allowance" 'for each of you, you should already feel the improvement in your relationship.


  • 如果一个减肥目标写下目标贴在冰箱旁边

    If you have a weight loss goal, place your written goal beside the refrigerator.


  • 瓦茨说:“如果一个物种它们心理上倾向他人共事,让他人参与开辟各种可能性,那么它们能完成更多的目标。”

    "If you have a species that is psychologically predisposed to work with others, and get them involved, that opens up possibilities," Watts said.


  • 要做是引导他们制定长远目标比如毕业之后的人生之路,假如他们一个十来岁的孩子,买了一辆预付定金或是其他小事

    You’ll need them to make a longer-term goal, such as a trip once they graduate, if you have a teen-ager, or a down payment on a car, or even something a little smaller.


  • 这个奖励不要完成任务买回来一个吸引力的奖品不断激励完成任务达到目标

    Pick something just for you and do not buy it until you finish your assignment. The fun reward will carry you through to the finish line.


  • 如果知道周围的形势,不知道怎么保护钱包被扒手光临,傻地想当然,认为自己多么安全,那就是一个非常容易被盯上的目标

    If you don't know your way around, don't know how to protect yourself from pickpockets, or make silly assumptions about how safe your money is, you can become an easy target.


  • 如果很重要目标或是一个任务而且不是确定自己是否能力,那么把它想象出来

    If you've got an important goal or task coming up and you're feeling unsure about your ability to do it, visualize it first!


  • 机会一个点子目标迈进的时候,马上采取行动

    When you get an opportunity or an idea that will move you towards your goals, you need to take action at once.


  • 一生中也许一个目标一些既让兴奋又害怕的事情。

    Maybe you've got a big goal in your life - something that excites you but also scares you.


  • 首先对于属于个人成功一个清晰的定义,然后依据它设立相应目标这样才能真正成就变得意义

    Having a personal definition of what being successful means to you, and then setting goals accordingly, is the only way to make your achievements truly meaningful.


  • 正如专注项任务效率专注于培训习惯会更效果,一次专注于一个目标也会你有更大的收获。

    Just as focusing on one task at a time is more effective, and focusing on one habit at a time is more effect, so is focusing on one goal at a time.


  • 一个完美家庭完美身材,从事自己理想事业达到了自己的理财目标——这多么完美的生活

    Imagine your life as perfect, as if you already had the perfect family situation, were in perfect shape, had your dream career and had accomplished your financial goals.


  • 如果一个储蓄目标减少开销尽快达到可以更多

    If you have a savings goal, you can reduce your expenses to get there faster... and you can also earn more money.


  • 如果一个储蓄目标减少开销尽快达到可以更多

    If you have a savings goal, you can reduce your expenses to get there faster... and you can also earn more money.


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