• 怎么规划的?

    What are your plans for it?


  • 令人欣慰只要稍有点规划就可以避免场争吵,同时找到每个人都接受的方法。

    The good news is that, with a little planning, you can avoid a fight and find an answer that everyone agrees on.


  • 虚拟空间里,这个规则意味着不能规划庞大计算机网络攻击即使一个军事网络也不能够排除民用网络受到牵连。

    In the cyberworld, this rule means you couldn't plan a massive computer attack, even on a military network, without regard for the civilian computer networks that would be affected by that attack.


  • 希望篇博文了解什么基于概念目录以及如果我们规划图书馆未来它们为什么值得我们思考

    I hope what I've written so far gives you a good idea of what concept-oriented catalogs are, and why they're worth thinking about as we plan for the future of libraries.


  • 甚至可以博客规划另一个博客,下面如何做到这一点的方法。

    You could even use one a blog to plan a blog. Here's how.


  • 规划网站的时候,首先要思考的希望这个网站些什么。

    When planningyour site, think about what it is you want the site to do.


  • 基恩说到关于贝拉米未来规划,“职业的球员,以后,当然现在可能至少五以后,采访他的时候他可能就英格兰或者威尔士队的主教练了。”

    I like him, he is a fantastic professional. I think in the future - certainly not soon but in maybe five or so years - you could be interviewing him as a manager somewhere in England or Wales.


  • 然后还有一个第五个内容:销售规划“销售规划展览和展品衍生品。

    And maybe there is even a fifth: merchandising, but you can also say that merchandising is a derivative of exhibiting or collection.


  • 如果参加一个全天比赛项目田径比赛其他锦标赛,就必须计划——就比赛时间食物量需要能量进行规划

    Planning is essential if you are competing in an all-day event, such as track meets or other tournaments. Consider the time of your event, the amount of your meal and the energy required.


  • 目标不再理财规划头痛,不再为每天记录收支情况烦恼,每周理财规划时间减少15到20分钟左右

    The goal is to reduce headaches, eliminate the need for complicated tracking schemes, and reduce the time you spend on your budget and finances to about 15-20 minutes per week.


  • 肖恩波拉托作家职业撰稿人工作团队致力于生活方式规划的研究,让生活蓝图更加没有,更多信息可以登录他的微博。

    Sean Platt is an author and professional ghostwriter, and part of the crew at the lifestyle design site, Your Life's Blueprint. Life's better when you follow him on Twitter.


  • 做好日程表行动规划等对于开始的时候好的,它们只能允许这些规划好的条条框框内尽情

    Daily to-do lists, action plans for my goals, etc were great for a start, but they only allow you to live life to the fullest within those compartments.


  • E已经写了不少著作——最近作品尼尔·伯纳德医生的糖尿病食疗逆转规划

    E: You've written a ton of books - most recently Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Resversing Diabetes.


  • 久远时代先于海王星被发觉的1845年,木星规划

    In ancient days, prior to Neptune's discovery in 1845, Jupiter was your ruler.


  • 一般说来家人一起或者真正给自己做职业规划时间合格的、有意义的,在半夜11回的封邮件这个时间那么值得了。

    Generally speaking, the time you spend with family or on genuinely career-building projects will pass musterbut the extra three emails you can answer at 11 p.m. will fail.


  • 消息酒店必须营销客户沟通库存分销基础人力资源管理进行规划例如需要2011年增加市场营销费用。

    The bad news concerns the need for fresh investments in marketing and customer engagement, inventory distribution infrastructure and human capital i.e. the need to increase marketing budgets in 2011.


  • 任何职业规划都会告诉恰如其分地表达自己取得面试成功关键

    Any career coach will tell you that learning to express yourself properly during an interview is vital to career success.


  • 写下来到设计实施指导,每一步都可能产生极大变数因此,把经常不同类别工作进行一个规划很有帮助的。

    This will vary dramatically from writing to design to coaching, so having a map of the different types of work you do regularly is helpful.


  • 人生规划必要的,可确保针对性地作出优先选择,山望着高。

    Planning is essential to making sure you are spending time on your priorities, and not just the next thing that gets your attention.


  • 规划说道净值衡量财务健康状况最好指标为提供了一简便易行方法判断更长远问题发生。

    Your net worth is one of the best barometers for measuring financial health, and it provides an easy way to detect whether a longer-term problem may be emerging, several planners said.


  • 要记住公司未来注于策略规划上。

    Remember: You're betting your company's future on your strategic plan.


  • 职业规划一个多步骤过程,如果做出明智选择,就必须充分了解自己各种职业。

    Career planning is a multi-step process that involves learning enough about yourself and the occupations which you are considering in order to make an informed decision.


  • 猜想如果那些人生规划一样的话,那么答案很难说

    My guess would be that if you're anything like the people that come to me for life coaching the answers are hardly ever and always.


  • 重点因为1月1号,就得重新规划人生或者必须做点改变。

    The point: Just because it’s January 1doesn’t mean you’ve got to reinvent your life or even a small fractionof it.


  • 规划管理组织恰似为大洋行驶船只掌舵为了到达地方个计划——也就份地图——这能告诉往哪走

    Planning: Running an organization is kind of like steering a ship on the ocean; to get where you want to go, you've got to have a plan-a map-that tells you where you're headed.


  • 不论准备创业规划职业段旅程中起步的时候,计划往往如下图所示

    Whether you're starting a business or managing your career, when we set out on the journey the plan often look like this.


  • 假如规划的,有宅基地使用证房产那么,就可以政策了。

    If buy have a program have curtilage the house property of base use card so you can wait for policy.


  • 假如规划的,有宅基地使用证房产那么,就可以政策了。

    If buy have a program have curtilage the house property of base use card so you can wait for policy.


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