• 转过还有身边

    Once turned round to still have you at me nearby.


  • 重要的身边

    It's important that you are with me.


  • 但是乎这些因为今晚我的身边

    Have I lost my mind? Well I don't care... You're here, tonight.


  • 只要有身边什么事情可以承受

    Never say, I can't bear to watch it or Let it happen in my absence.


  • 回答道:“的身边亲爱的妻子!” 他又发生一切复活的经过讲给她听。

    She drew breath, opened her eyes and said:" Alas, where am I?" "You are with me, my dear wife, " he answered and told her all that had happened and how he had revived her.


  • 身边将无所不能激励勇往直前

    With you by my side I can do anything and it is your love that keeps me going when I think I can't.


  • 意味着可以一个痛苦沮丧星期天下午打电话即使那最后期限前夜也知道过来身边只要身旁打字就好。

    It means I can phone you on what for me is a dreary, wretched Sunday afternoon and for you is the eve of a deadline, knowing you will tell me to come right over, if only to watch you type.


  • 还要,值得冒险的事无时无刻不发生——身边们的家庭们的社区教堂

    And that adventure is happening all around you, in your family and your community and in your church.


  • 尤其是身边踌躇不决时候很明显他们符合篇文章中列出的特征,意味着面临竞争者少。

    There's no better time, especially if people around you are hesitating due to an apparent fit to my other list. It means you'll be facing a lot less competition.


  • 所以,亲爱的摇滚爱歌手,正如所见成为真正乐队专家还很远,,所以建议问问身边是否有谁愿意成立乐队,一旦聚集到了,试着努力带着一颗宽容的心团队工作

    I’d say just ask everyone you know if they’d like to be in a band. Once you get people together, try really hard to be open – minded and work as a group.


  • 没有在我身边即使月亮也是的。

    Without you, the moon is round though my heart is empty.


  • 希望满脸褶子的时候、身边依旧

    I want to my face wrinkled, accompany in my side is still you.


  • 困难的时候这么多年流泪的时候,身边:无价。

    For all the trying times, and all the tears that you've caused through the years.


  • 因为没有身边所以即使代表着幸运四叶草折断了

    Because without you by my side, so even the clovers represents luck has been broken.


  • 因为身边显然不是放松。可是——或者至少以为是——男朋友

    Because you're obviously not very relaxed around me, and I am-or thought I was-your boyfriend, and that means-or should mean-that I'm the person you're most relaxed around.


  • 如果身边掠过一丝清风或是细雨问候传播

    If you are passing around a trace of wind or rain, that was my greetings in the spread.


  • 国王纳斯·雷丁身边:“要是穿一件衬衣院子度过一夜送给一百枚金币!”

    One cold night the king called Nasreddin to him and said, "If you're able to spend this night in the courtyard with only your shirt on, I will give you one hundred gold COINS!"


  • 但是如果看到看到感觉我的感觉,如果追求所追求的身边年后今天议会大门

    But if you see what I see if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek then I ask you to stand beside me, one year from tonight outside the gates of Parliament.


  • 希望满脸褶子的时候身边依旧

    I hope that when I wrinkled by my side is still you.


  • 曾经说过看不见我的时候,一切都那么熟悉陌生的没有身影所以习惯身边默默的守侯,习惯了轻易让尝试疼惜的感觉

    You once said to me, see me, everything is so familiar, strange is not my figure, so I used to you by my side silently waiting, also let I used to let you try to be I cherish feeling.


  • 情感将没有了根基;将是一张没有表情脸;颗停止跳动的心;没有身边只是一束没有热量火焰

    Without you by my side, I'm just a flame without the heat. — Elle Kimberly schmick.


  • 特别兔子辈子都会记得痛苦时候一直身边

    In particular, the rabbit said: you are good to me, I will remember this life, in my most painful time, you have been with me.


  • 孤独的树,千百年来矗立路旁寂寞等待只为身边走过时,倾倒就算白活了。

    I am a lonely tree, stood one thousand years on the road, lonely waiting, just for one day when you past me, is you dump, hit not flat you even miss life.


  • 孤独的树,千百年来矗立路旁寂寞等待只为身边走过时,倾倒就算白活了。

    I am a lonely tree, stood one thousand years on the road, lonely waiting, just for one day when you past me, is you dump, hit not flat you even miss life.


- 来自原声例句

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