• 恋爱吗?

    Are you in a relationship ?


  • 广告传单恋爱吗?’

    The fliers asked 'Are you in love?


  • 觉得恋爱成熟吗?

    Do you think you are mature in relationships?


  • 周二周四,星座力量会使你在恋爱更加积极主动。

    The stars favor being more proactive in the love department from sometime Tuesday through Thursday.


  • 如果恋爱中,月中一个浪漫的伴侣成为中心

    If you are attached, a romantic partner will be the center of your attention mid-month.


  • 那么恋爱婚姻中),女友(或妻子开始不断唠叨

    So you're in a relationship and your partner starts nagging.


  • 不要以为因为恋爱中(或是举止有礼),就不能忍受肮脏。

    Don't assume that just because you're in love (or on good behavior), you can't have it dirty.


  • 如果恋爱一切平等振荡甚至一块岩石一样平等。

    If you are in love, you will feel a vibration that everything is equal, even a rock is as equal as you.


  • 还有谚语爱情盲目的。”这是恋爱时,也许拒绝看到那个人的缺点

    Another proverb says "love is blind." in other words, when you are in love with someone, you may refuse to see anything bad about that person.


  • 虽然可能不一定能用语言表达出来段关系总是是非分明你在恋爱中的原则也是合理有效并且可靠的。

    Although you cannot always put it into words, you always know right from wrong in a relationship, and the principles you apply to your personal affairs are sound, effective and reliable.


  • 分离时候发现自己朝着方向仰望天空知道同一天空下,内心感到平静,这时,知道恋爱

    You know you are in love when at those times you are apart, you find yourself gazing at the sky in the direction she lives and feeling some peace in knowing that you live under the same sky.


  • 丹谈恋爱开玩笑吧!

    She's going out with Dan? You're joking!


  • 相同一段恋爱是真实的,每一段不被理解的关系中都领悟事实这些能够帮助继续靠近内心的真是想法

    The same is true of relationships, in every relationship that doesn’t work out there is insight and truth that can help you continue toward your true heart’s desire.


  • 今年新片《知道希·威瑟斯彭身陷三角恋爱焦头烂额,但是荧屏之外这位奥斯卡奖得主目光仅仅锁定了一个男人

    Reese Witherspoon finds herself in the middle of a love triangle in her latest film, "How Do You Know," but beyond the big screen, the Oscar-winning actress has her eye set on just one man.


  • 正确做法面对恋爱关系甚至所有恋爱关系时,应该确保是一个完整完全

    The truth is that you come to a relationship, all relationships, as a full and complete person.


  • 现实的眼光看待的长相的工作。一场严肃的恋爱不会永远不会建立慌言和欺骗上的。如果欺骗迟早被人发现那时一切就回到原点了。

    A serious relationship has never been, and will never be, rested on lies and deceit. Sooner or later she will discover the truth anyway and there you are back at square one.


  • 如果处于恋爱阶段怎样利用一研究结果避免爱的路上心碎成片?

    If you're currently playing the dating game, how can you use this new information to avoid heartbreak down the road?


  • 见过男孩一个女孩恋爱但是他们看起来没有交谈或者一起时候仅仅没有时间

    Have you ever seen a young man and a young woman that were in love, but they cannot ever seem to find any time to talk to each other or be with each otherthey just do not have time?


  • 的她很可能只是因为喜欢恋爱们可能大夏天一起公交动物园臭气烘烘的车厢里晃来晃去都一种甜蜜一种幸福;工作以后就别指望了!

    You may go to zoo together by a crowded bus in the summer sun, shaking and trembling in the smelling niche. That is a kind of happiness.


  • 觉得恋爱关系中,一个告诉自己另一半这个

    But I think that in a love relationship, when the partner tells the other partner, "You should do this."


  • 事实上恋爱关系中,男人往往他们自己问题解决者所以他看起来傲慢表现实际上男人试图帮助方式

    The truth is, men tend to see themselves as problem solvers in romantic relationships, and so what comes across as condescending1 can actually be your guy's way of trying to help.


  • 如果去问任何恋爱中的男人肯定的告诉,真正维系关系的是一些小手势细节,不是那些花费昂贵约会礼物

    Ask any man who has been in a relationship and he is sure to tell you that more than the expensive dates and costly gifts, the small gestures and little things made all the difference.


  • 而且还是已经使用从没恋爱扯上过关系社交网站

    What if it was a social Network you're already using but had never considered in the love stakes?


  • 恋爱感到一种整个沟通一切都变得平等具有同等的价值

    In love you feel a communion with the whole existence, everything becomes equal, equally valuable.


  • 咖啡馆墙上看到一张纸条:恋爱了,可是没有

    On the wall of the coffee shop, I saw a note: I was in love, but you did not.


  • 咖啡馆墙上看到一张纸条:恋爱了,可是没有

    On the wall of the coffee shop, I saw a note: I was in love, but you did not.


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