• 除非吸烟者或者考虑成为一个吸烟者,那么你可能需要担心了。

    Unless you're a smoker or you're thinking of becoming a smoker, and then maybe you should worry.


  • 如果高度近视,你可能需要一直戴着眼镜了

    Or, if you are very nearsighted, they may need to be worn all the time.


  • 如果有人快挂了可能就需要甚至是花上一个大招的冷却时间。

    If someone is about to die, you might need a very fast spell or even a cooldown.


  • 如果痛苦挚爱的人后很长段时间内都不能消除,这时可能就需要寻求帮助

    If your grief isn't letting up for a while after the death of your loved one, you may want to reach out for help.


  • 如果马上失去家庭吃饭成问题你可能就需要接受一切提供工作了。

    If you're about to lose your home or are having trouble putting food on the table, you may need to take whatever job is offered.


  • 如果工作复杂相对而言,是件职位,那么可能就需要进行亲身面试最佳应聘者

    If the job is complex or at a relatively high level in the organization, however, you may need several rounds of in-person interviews to determine the best candidate.


  • 如果很强的实力,丰富的工作经验但是简历没有任何优势的话可能就需要装饰装饰的简历了。

    If you have solid skills and work experience but your resume isn't getting any bites, you might need a resume makeover.


  • 如果开始一份工作,但是成功希望不大可能就需要一些更加创造新的方法让自己引起雇主的注意

    If you've been searching for a new position and haven't seen much success, you may be tempted to try more creative ways to get noticed.


  • 时尚改变了,简历风格也改变了。如果很强的实力,丰富的工作经验但是的简历没有任何优势的话可能就需要装饰装饰的简历了。

    Fashion changes, and resume styles change, too. If you have solid skills and work experience but your resume isn't getting any bites, you might need a resume makeover.


  • 如果自己广告相关性点击率达到最大化需要确保广告文案可能地与用户输入关键词紧密链接在一起

    If you want to maximize relevancy and click-through on your ads, you need to make sure they are as closely linked as possible to the keyword the user enters.


  • 现在如果可能支持更多浏览器需要内容多种不同格式编码。

    Now, if you want to support as many browsers as possible, you will need to encode your content in a couple different formats.


  • 一些雇主可能面试一开始需要的简历,如果他们没有这样要求可以考虑先留着的简历。

    Some employers may request your resumé at the beginning, but if they don't, consider holding off.


  • 要真是这样的话,要找出办法局面每个人都好过些——可能就需要早晨作那些需要专注工作鼓动更多讨论合作则的时间则要放到下午去了。

    If so, look for some way to make things easier for everyone -perhaps by spending the mornings on focused work, and encouraging more discussion and collaboration in the afternoons.


  • 但是如果团队35个人,每个人需要完成不同工作时,可能项工作都了然于胸了,这时就需要知道如何具体操作的来帮进行管理。

    However, if you have thirty-five people performing a variety of tasks, you will not know how to perform each task—but you will have someone out there who does know how it’s done.


  • 如果YouTubeDownloader都抓取视频站点的话,可以下载转换一步完成。但是在别的地方下载的可能需要了。

    If you're using the YouTube Downloader or one of the video ripping sites you can download and convert in one step, but if you downloaded from elsewhere you will probably want to convert them.


  • 如果做到这一点需要书籍运送联系图书连锁店储存了可能每个书店单独访问处理任何邮购自己

    If you do it, you'll need to have the books shipped to you, to contact book chains about stocking your book, potentially visit each bookstore individually, and handle any mail orders on your own.


  • 如果这月的重点不是房地产可能就需要关注一下父母需要

    If you are not focused on real estate, you may concentrate on a parent's needs instead.


  • 可能发现自己无法专心阅读超过小时甚至半小时),这时就需要一个计划。

    You may find that you can't concentrate on the material for more than an hour (or a half hour).


  • 要是今天9个约会可能需要停下来,好好审视这些事情。

    If you have 9 appointments today, maybe you need to pause and evaluate.


  • 可能发现自己无法专心阅读超过小时(甚至半小时),这时就需要一个计划。

    You may find that you can't concentr on the mrial for more than an hour (or a half hour).


  • 可能知道学校需要银行帐户。 银行保存安全的地方最好在大银行开了帐户。

    Well , as you probably know, you'll need to open a bank account while you're here — it's the safest place to keep your money and it's best to open an account with one of the major banks.


  • 需要学员脑中创造场景,即他们达成他们可能潜在目的时的模样感觉

    You need to create an image in the member's mind of what they will look and feel like when they accomplish and obtain whatever their underlying motivation may be.


  • 不过某些情况下,你可能需要查看这些隐藏文件因此需要这些文件的权限进行修改。

    The tricky thing is that because the php. ini file is only used by the php. cgi, we only needed to make sure the php. cgi process had access.


  • 不过某些情况下,你可能需要查看这些隐藏文件因此需要这些文件的权限进行修改。

    The tricky thing is that because the php. ini file is only used by the php. cgi, we only needed to make sure the php. cgi process had access.


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