• 家庭孩子适应社会重要作用

    The family has the important function of socializing children.


  • 这些适应机制在它们的后代进化成陆生生物时起了很好的协助作用

    These adaptations served their descendant well as they invaded land.


  • 但是一旦涉及适应建立气候变化应对能力挑战更为错综复杂知识作用关键

    But when it comes to adaptation and building climate resilience, the challenge is more complex and the role of knowledge will be key.


  • 基因常常组合起来才起作用。有望基因会其他基因关联在一起,使产生适应环境变化所需的新性状

    Hale said genes often work in combination, and new genes may one day become involved with other genes to help the lake sturgeon create new traits needed to adapt to changes in its environment.


  • 卫生系统复杂适应系统,各个环节意想不到的方式相互作用

    Health systems are complex adaptive systems and their different components can interact in unexpected ways.


  • 现在通行观点利他主义起到连结家庭小社区作用,是进化过程的一种适应表现。

    The currentview is that altruism, to the extent it exists in any pure form inhumans, is an evolutionary adaptation to bind families and smallcommunities.


  • 斯坦证明树突状细胞可激活T细胞——适应免疫反应中发挥重要作用一类白细胞

    Steinman proved that dendritic cells activate t cells, a class of white blood cells that are important in adaptive immunity.


  • 预测适应干旱传统方法不再起作用

    Nor are traditional ways of predicting and adapting to drought much use.


  • 依赖光合作用生物则利用可用光波适应环境。

    Any photosynthetic life would be adapted to take advantage of the available light waves.


  • 最后只有各国认真地尝试缓解全球变暖的情况下,把宝贵的资源注入适应气候变化的行动中才能起到作用

    And finally, pouring valuable resources into adapting to climate change is only worthwhile if countries also make serious attempts to mitigate global warming.


  • 阿斯泰尔几乎所有令人难忘作品中,舞伴自始至终琴吉•罗杰斯—她是处于次要地位艺术家,但无论性情适应能力上都能与前者相配合并发挥衬托作用

    In almost all of his most memorable works Astaire was partnered by Ginger Rogers, a lesser artist who by temperament and adaptive talent somehow managed to be both match and foil.


  • 知道适应如此还是我们起到作用接受丽丽她并没有很多困难

    I don't know if she was just extremely adaptable or if what we did worked but she didn't have a lot of trouble accepting Lily into the family.


  • 减轻适应主要发挥作用并不相同而且可能需要牺牲减轻措施情况下优先照顾受到损害的人们。

    The fact that main actors in mitigation and adaptation are not the same, and that those most vulnerable may need to prioritize at the expense of mitigation measures.


  • 为了支持表达式语言之间双向迁移,受限制语法模型可以对ESQL语法产生一定的限制作用适应XPath

    In order to support expression migration in both directions between languages, restricted grammar mode also subtly restricts the ESQL grammar to fit XPath.


  • 临界点二氧化碳肥沃作用确定性必须成为农民适应气候变化提高产量能力需要考虑的事情。

    Against the uncertainty over thresholds and CO2 fertilisation must be weighed farmers’ ability to adapt to change and improve yields.


  • 逐渐适应原则基于人类心理学自从15万年前旧石器时代开始东非潜伏跟踪野生动物开始,条原则已在大约一百万跑步者身上发生作用

    The gradual-adaptation principle is deeply rooted in human physiology, and has worked for about a billion runners since Paleolithic man started stalking wild animals in East Africa 150,000 years ago.


  • 逐渐适应原则基于人类心理学自从15万年前旧石器时代开始东非潜伏跟踪野生动物开始,条原则已在大约一百万跑步者身上发生作用

    The gradual-adaptation principle is deeply rooted in human physiology, and has worked for about a billion runners since Paleolithic man started stalking wild animals in East Africa 150, 000 years ago.


  • 为了对这种将提离地面作用力作出反应骨头会拉伸各种细胞强迫它们适应通常透过增加细胞,导致了骨头密度变得更高

    It bowed in response to the forces moving up the leg from the ground, stretching the various bone cells and forcing them to adapt, usually by adding cells, which made the bone denser.


  • 肿瘤细胞似乎适应酵解作用因此即使某个肿瘤内形成了血管获得氧气肿瘤细胞仍继续利用糖酵解供能。

    Cancer cells seem to adjust so well to glycolysis that even if blood vessels do grow into a tumour and the oxygen thus returns, they stick with it.


  • 比如,矮人短小身材可能是受死亡率地区群体生早育影响产生作用,而不是自身适应

    For instance, the short stature of pygmies could be a side effect of selection for early childbearing in populations where mortality is high, rather than an adaptation in itself.


  • 殖民时代叹惋内疚起到一定作用,尽管这个国家未完全适应失去四分之一世界的现实。

    Post-colonial regret, or guilt may play its part in a nation still coming to terms with having lost one quarter of the world.


  • 正是黑激素作用才能使动物适应冬季许多变化——而且睡眠重要作用

    It is melatonin that triggers many of the changes needed for animals to adapt to winter - and it also plays an important part in sleep.


  • 我们总结哪些措施起作用,哪些没有以及怎样改进使我们供应链适应更强,”

    "We'll do a retrospective on what worked best and what didn't, and how to change things to make our supply chain more resilient," he says.


  • 全世界有许多儿童药物使用标签外使用”(在药品许可证所列适应症范围内),这些药物儿童的作用尚无定论并且没有获得许可对儿童使用

    Worldwide many medicines for children are used "off-label", that is their effects on children have not been studied and they are not licensed for use in children.


  • 系统适应某些领域,比如一小岛的交往社区分散于全球人们之间的交往则作用不大。

    In some areas the result is closer to a small Island community than a dispersed global population.


  • 系统适应某些领域,比如一小岛的交往社区分散于全球人们之间的交往则作用不大。

    In some areas the result is closer to a small Island community than a dispersed global population.


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