• 这种具有两个不同又相互作用位置蛋白质叫做变构蛋白质。

    Proteins which have two separate but interacting sites are called allosteric proteins.


  • 对于轴对称混凝土板影响其冲切破坏形态因素主要荷载作用位置

    Load position is main influence factor for non-axisymmetric slab's failure mode.


  • 结果表明车辆荷载作用位置以及桥梁结构形式桥面铺装内力影响十分有限

    The result indicated that, the influence of vehicles load position as well as the bridge structural style is extremely limited to the bridge paving endogen force.


  • 而体外不同荷载形式及其大小作用位置等因素影响应力增量成为一个重要研究课题

    Thus the stress increment of the external tendons under the action of various loads type and size and its location has become an important research project.


  • 能量喷雾网站建议使用者咖啡喷雾普通香水作用位置比如脖子手腕警告使用者天喷雾不要超过20次以上。

    Sprayable Energy's website recommends that users apply the spray in places where they normally spritz perfume, such as the neck or wrists, but warns users not to exceed 20 sprays a day.


  • 主要包括加载面积形状混凝土强度、混凝土的组成跨比及厚、荷载作用位置、抗弯钢筋的配、抗冲钢筋以及比例效应

    Such as: load area and shape, strength of concrete, composition of concrete, depth of slab, load position ratio of reinforcement, punching shear reinforcement and scale effect.


  • 信号纳米载体颗粒”(Signalling nanoparticles)和“通知蛋白”分子有着类似功能- - - - -标记药物作用位置

    "Signalling nanoparticles" would function like notification proteins, marking the spot where action was required.


  • 由于这种相对急剧作用地壳反弹回升先前位置略微隆起

    With this relatively rapid removal of weight, the crust rebounded and bulged slightly up from its previous position.


  • 作用设置为私有页面存储浏览器缓存中能达到对缓存的最佳内存利用,同时位置尽可能接近最终用户

    Storing privately scoped pages in a browser cache is optimal with regard to memory utilization in the cache, as well as in its location as close as possible to the end user.


  • 这种获得能量电子留在原来能级上对应的位置空穴相互作用叫做个激子激发过程,两个不同能级之间的部分被称作隙。

    The interaction between the energized electron and the hole it leaves behind is called an exciton, and the difference in energy levels between the hole and the electron is known as the bandgap.


  • DISC1作用有点交警,它引导新的神经细胞置于正确位置,并这些细胞与其它细胞建立合适连接

    DISC1 enables a guide to new nerve cells-sort of like a traffic cop-sending them to the right place to make the right connections to other cells.


  • 如果索尼能够创建出旗舰级移动设备的话,这势必最大限度发挥整合后内容平台作用,同时也会使索尼苹果竞争中占据一个有利的位置

    If Sony were to create a flagship mobile device that harnesses the power of a unified content platform, it would put Sony in a much better position to compete with Apple.


  • 一个业务词汇表(也就是说,“位置是什么意思?)、数据管理数据验证记录保险资产位置一定作用

    A business glossary (that is, what does "location" mean?), master data management, and data validation can all play a role in recording the location of insured assets perfectly.


  • 修改位置脚本仍旧可以使用直到位置设定值以后这个才能起作用

    Scripts that modify the old location can still be used; that value will be in effect until a value in the new location is set.


  • 它们作用分别WSDL服务数据界面定义,服务位置url以及访问协议信息交付规则

    These act as WSDL service and data interface definition, service location URL, and access protocol and message delivery rules, respectively.


  • 当然只能数值引用位置API 作用有限的。

    Of course, an API that only let you reference sites with numeric values would be pretty limited.


  • 就是MOM作用精确地按照希望次数,将消息可靠地提交准确位置

    This is where MOMs shine: reliably delivering messages exactly as many times as you want them delivered, to the place where you want them delivered.


  • 与此同时,斯莫林后卫位置上的异军突起,令无法正常发挥后防线中的作用

    Meanwhile, Chris Smalling is beginning to make the right-back spot look like a natural option for him when he can't play his normal role in the center of defense.


  • 其中,蛋白分子神经胶质素- 1 (neuroligin - 1)重要作用,因促进神经接触位置(神经元突触)必要发育成熟过程

    The protein molecule neuroligin-1 plays an important role in this as it stimulates the necessary maturation processes at the contact sites (synapses) of the nerves.


  • Profiling一个非常有用优化代码工具但是作用是判断问题位置;它不能真正指出潜在问题什么以及如何解决这些问题。

    Profiling is a useful tool for optimizing code, but all it does is identify the potential location of the problem; it doesn't actually point out what the potential issue is or how to resolve it.


  • 由于奥巴马气候变化问题放在其议事日程优先位置国际社会一直希望推动美国应对全球变暖努力主导作用

    The international community had been looking to Obama - who put climate change at the top of his agenda - to put America in the lead of efforts to deal with global warming.


  • 下一步制造个不在荧光蛋白基因位置断裂而是疟原虫传播起关键作用的基因。

    The next step, he says, is to make HEG break up not the fluorescent protein gene but one that is crucial for malaria transmission.


  • 每个步骤中我们计算每个原子受到作用然后根据牛顿第二法则更新速度位置

    At each time step, we calculate the forces on each atom, then we update the velocities and the positions according to Newton's second law.


  • 神经细胞纤维作用处理刺激物空间位置属性,只不过不是视觉而是通过听觉触觉

    The neural cells and fibers are still there and still functioning, processing spatial attributes of stimuli, driven not by sight but by hearing and touch.


  • 面部表情动作位置-决定或者一个讲台-这些都起到作用

    Facial expressions, gestures, and your position-whether you decide to stand, sit, or use a lectern-all come into play.


  • 此时最小组团就发挥作用了:正则引擎放弃所有回溯位置

    At this point, the atomic group will kick in. The engine will discard all backtracking positions.


  • 这一作用美军最好部署日本冲绳岛位置报告指出

    In that role, the U.S. military is best positioned on the Japanese island of Okinawa, the report indicated.


  • 薛定建立一个方程并宣称:“只要告诉作用电子,我就能告诉你它任意时空位置的波函数行为。”

    Schrodinger came up with an equation that said: "you tell me the forces acting on the electron, and I can tell you what its wave is doing at any point in space and time."


  • 天气某一地理位置或者地球表面广袤地区同时出现若干气象要素的综合作用决定的。

    Weather is determined by the simultaneous occurrence of several meteorological elements at a geographical locality or over broad areas of the earth.


  • 天气某一地理位置或者地球表面广袤地区同时出现若干气象要素的综合作用决定的。

    Weather is determined by the simultaneous occurrence of several meteorological elements at a geographical locality or over broad areas of the earth.


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