• 我们不是决定建立海洋保护区人,我们希望我们知识经验作出积极贡献

    We are not the ones to decide on the establishment of marine-protected areas, but we hope to contribute positively with our knowledge and experience.


  • 人类进步世界和平民族振兴作出积极贡献

    For humanity's progress, world peace, nationality's promotion makes the positive contribution.


  • 人类进步世界和平民族振兴作出积极贡献

    To the progress of mankind, world peace, the nation make a positive contribution to the revitalization.


  • 表现出一定阶级标明自己尝试作出积极贡献论坛

    Show some class, identify yourself and try to contribute positively to the forums.


  • 以上都可以证明说明一个不错人选坚信能够公司作出积极贡献

    All above prepare me a qualified candidate. I hold the belief that I will make positive contribution to your company.


  • 诚信经营一个负责任企业公民,为社会作出积极贡献质量生活地方

    To operate with integrity, be a responsible corporate citizen and contribute positively to the quality of life of the local community.


  • 学生如何参与到这一中合作项目之中,并从中了解世界自身角色,从而社会进步作出积极贡献

    How have young people involved in your partnership, gained an understanding of the world and their place in it from participation, thereby contributing to positive social change?


  • 我们不能决定海洋保护区设立我们希望我们知识经验作出积极贡献

    We are not the ones to decide on the establishment of marine protected areas, but we hope to contribute positively with our knowledge and experience.


  • 试探性开始提出一种更为积极愿景,比如世界可以如何运行中国可以如何作出贡献等方面。

    Tentatively, it has begun to articulate a more active vision of how the world might be run and how China might contribute.


  • 国议会之间交流合作,为增进中肯传统友谊作出积极贡献

    The exchanges and cooperation between the two legislative bodies have made positive contributions to the traditional friendship between China and Kenya.


  • 我们致力于创建有利于我们两人民积极合作全面关系一个更安全富饶世界作出贡献

    Our two nations are dedicated to building a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship that benefits the people of our countries and contributes to a safer and more productive world.


  • 广大公务员兢兢业业勤勉尽责增长民生、保稳定作出积极贡献

    Our civil servants are devoted, diligent and responsible, and they made positive contributions to sustaining economic growth and ensuring people's wellbeing and maintaining stability.


  • 广大公务员兢兢业业勤勉尽责增长民生、保稳定作出积极贡献

    Our civil servants are devoted, diligent and responsible, and they made positive contributions to sustaining economic growth and ensuring people's well-being and maintaining stability.


  • 确实土耳其已经世界上地区稳定进步作出积极贡献确信成为欧洲重要贡献

    Indeed, Turkey has already been making a positive contribution to stability and progress in this region of the world, and I know it will be a big contributor in Europe.


  • 这些交流互动促进中印防务领域互信合作作出积极贡献

    All these interactions made positive contributions to mutual trust and further cooperation in the military field.


  • 上海合作组织积极参与解决阿富汗问题加快阿富汗和平重建进程作出自己贡献

    The SCO has taken an active part in addressing the issue of Afghanistan, and made its own contribution to an accelerated process of peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan.


  • 希望各位友好人士各自的岗位上促进中阿友好而继续作出积极努力贡献

    He expressed the hope that the friends present would make further efforts and contributions in their own capacity to promote China-Argentina friendship.


  • 作为安理会常任理事国,中国一贯支持北南和平进程为此作出积极贡献

    As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China has consistently supported the peace process between the North and the South and made positive contributions to it.


  • 假如不能作出积极贡献起码应该印证一点什么

    If I can't make an active contribution, at least I should illustrate something.


  • 孩子有愿望能力他们的生活做出合适的选择并且社会作出积极贡献

    Children will also be equipped with the desire and ability to make appropriate choices for their lives and positive contributions to society.


  • 积极参加演出,作为成员后来担任总督IIT技术做作社会(英语)作出贡献

    I have also taken active part in dramatics and made my contribution to the Technology dramatics Society (English chapter) at IIT, as its member and later as the Governor.


  • 请描述能够体现领导力一个事例,此事他人积极的影响,或者协助解决了一些争端,或者长期集体作出贡献

    Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.


  • 一方面,正确使用天赋积极方式帮助人们实现他们价值于是整个社会作出贡献

    On the other hand, proper use of talent helps people to realize their value in a positive way, thus making contribution to the society as a whole.


  • 我们积极参与计划管理运作云南山区村落作出重大贡献

    We will be actively involved in the running and management of the project to create a significant contribution to the yunnan village community.


  • 中国一如既往地积极参与气候变化国际谈判应对气候变化作出应有贡献

    China will as always take an active part in international negotiations on climate change, and make its share of contributions to tackling climate change.


  • 地区安全架构建设事关地区国家共同利益需要各方积极参与作出力所能及的贡献

    The development of regional security architecture concerns the common interests of regional countries, and requires active participation and contribution of all parties.


  • 地区安全架构建设事关地区国家共同利益需要各方积极参与作出力所能及的贡献

    The development of regional security architecture concerns the common interests of regional countries, and requires active participation and contribution of all parties.


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