• 作为日本神风敢死队袭击回应,格鲁门公司研发了 F8F熊猫,它是一种轻型战斗机能够迅速爬升迎接来袭的敌机

    As a response to Japanese kamikaze attacks, Grumman developed the F8F Bearcat as a lightweight fighter able to climb quickly to meet incoming enemy aircraft.


  • 作为回应那些危言耸听者指责批评家新闻记者受到了娱乐产业欺骗

    In response, the alarmists accuse critics and news reporters of being deceived by the entertainment industry.


  • 党的忠诚支持者们一如既往地以挥舞旗帜高举海报作为回应

    Party loyalists responded as they always do, waving flags and carrying placards.


  • 作为不会完成赛程推测回应,她大胆地宣布了获胜意图

    In answer to speculation that she wouldn't finish the race, she boldly declared her intention of winning it.


  • 作为对此消费者需求回应这种营销策略不只局限于说明产品什么还标明食品中“没有”什么。

    The marketing strategy in response to this consumer demand has gone beyond articulating what is in a product, to labeling what is NOT in the food.


  • 作为回应方案不仅帮助人们了解他们足迹而且注意到心理学情感人们行为改变起到关键性作用

    In response, her approach helps people understand their carbon footprints and recognizes the key role that psychology and emotion play in behavior change.


  • 人们指望医院卫生机构作为生存命脉提供支持栋梁,迅速有效作出回应

    People count on hospitals and health facilities to respond, swiftly and efficiently, as the lifeline for survival and the backbone of support.


  • 作为回应弗吉尼亚州民主党人也开始女性发出类似的呼吁

    Virginia Democrats, in response, began to make similar appeals to women as well.


  • 汤姆了一把亮闪闪硬币作为回应,让大家抢。

    Tom responded by scattering a handful of bright new coins abroad for the multitude to scramble for.


  • 提出大部分问题得到了友好的一笑作为回应还是设法知道了我的手臂哪里

    Most of my questions to him were greeted with a friendly laugh, but I managed to let him know where my arm hurt.


  • 回应,全世界的人类共同努力,建立一个巨大的引擎系统,将地球推离垂死的太阳。

    In reply, humans around the world work together to build a huge engine system that will push Earth away from the dying sun.


  • 作为反压裂抗议活动回应法国直接禁止页岩气开采;英国,反压裂激进人士——压力集团已经关闭钻井

    In response to anti-fracking protests, France has slapped a moratorium on the practice; in Britain, activists for Frack Off, a pressure group, have shut down drill sites.


  • 作为工人不满回应本田富士康公司已决定大幅度提高工人工资

    Responding to workers' discontent, Honda and Foxconn have both agreed to raise wages by large margins.


  • 冲突一触即发。巴基斯坦已经西部部落地区调派军力到达东部作为印度军事响动回应

    The conflicts are linked; Pakistan has moved troops from its western tribal regions to the east in response to Indian sabre-rattling.


  • 还有作为这些事情回应承诺变成许可基础一部分。

    And all the commitments you make in response to these things become part of your licensing basis.


  • 作为此事的回应保险业他们那些让他们能承受得起方便使用议员一起对抗这个方案

    In response, the insurance industry says they'll fight the plan with congressmen who are both affordable and easy to use.


  • 作为美国肥胖流行病回应疾病控制中心要求反对饮用为了水解而含多余糖分的饮料。

    Responding to America's obesity epidemic, the Center for Disease Control recommends against using drinks with added sugar for purposes of hydration.


  • 他们认为作为卡夫卡的故事回应人们不自觉地重申着动机,他们做事情,他们相信

    They thought that in response to Kafka’s story people would be unconsciously motivated to reaffirm the things in which they do believe.


  • 不是微软第一建议用户自愿升级但是第一次作为对某个事件或者漏洞回应而建议用户升级。

    This isn't the first time Microsoft has asked people to voluntarily upgrade, but it is the first time that it's been in response to an exploit or vulnerability.


  • 他们认为作为卡夫卡故事回应人们不自觉地重申着动机,他们做事情,他们相信

    They thought that in response to Kafka's story people would be unconsciously motivated to reaffirm the things in which they do believe.


  • 作为家庭社区安全担忧回应一些学校还是重新评估了他们安全需求

    Still, some schools have re-evaluated their safety needs in response to the concerns of families and communities.


  • 孩子可能以冷漠和撇过去不看他们作为老师要求回应低头桌子,直接无视老师的存在。

    The child may respond to a teacher's request for quiet or control by looking away, putting his or her head down on the desk, orsimply ignoring the teacher.


  • 伊朗巴西愿意担任伊朗储备浓缩燃料中立存储库回应还是模糊不清的,虽然作为种有争议的尝试可以重启陷入僵局谈判。

    But Iran's response to Brazil's offer to serve as a neutral repository for Iran's stocks of enriched fuel as part of an attempt to revive a mooted solution to the nuclear stalemate has been vague.


  • 作为儿童津贴争论的回应卡梅伦暗示之前计划结婚纳入税收系统的提议可能重新进行而且税率可能会更高。

    Responding to the child-benefit row, Mr Cameron suggested that his old plan to recognise marriage in the tax system may be revived, and perhaps even made more generous.


  • 房价上涨使人民繁荣富裕,而作为富足回应人们开始渐渐增加消费支出。

    When house prices rise, so does people's prosperity. In response to this greater affluence, they gradually increase their spending.


  • 反复数次,作为回应细菌菌落总是会产生渗出粘液

    Again and again, the bacterial colonies oozed slime in response to ammonia.


  • 作为和解姿态回应莫斯科发出消除威胁信号,取消部署欧盟范围加里宁格勒飞地的短程导弹

    Moscow responded to the conciliatory moves by signalling the cancellation of threats to deploy short-range missiles in its Kaliningrad exclave, which sits within the EU.


  • 作为和解姿态回应莫斯科发出消除威胁信号,取消部署欧盟范围加里宁格勒飞地的短程导弹

    Moscow responded to the conciliatory moves by signalling the cancellation of threats to deploy short-range missiles in its Kaliningrad exclave, which sits within the EU.


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