• 可能使用零件形状其他年份我会尝试这些作为好。

    I may have to use parts form other years but I'll try and keep those as old as possible.


  • 方法设计机构可以作为改造新机设计的良好方案,实现扩增速的目的。

    The mechanism designed with this method can be used in old loom reform and new loom design to increase its reed width and running speed.


  • 这工作注入作为记者合理质疑态度作为印度印度次大陆人民的无尽热情。

    He brings to his subject a reporter's healthy skepticism and an old India hand's stubborn fascination with the subcontinent and its people.


  • 钻井技术作为油田挖潜增产重要技术手段,辽河油田大面积推广应用。

    As one of the key technologies for developing the old oilfield, sidetracking has been widely used in Liaohe oilfield.


  • 他们现在要付1万美元作为那些剧目改编费用。

    They're paying you ten grand now for those adaptations of old plays.


  • 使用分区一个优点可以轻松中添加数据(作为新的数据分区),同时可以轻松地删除存档数据。

    Another advantage of using partitioned tables is that new data can be easily added to a table (as another data partition) while old or obsolete data can be easily removed and archived.


  • 作为新人,公司可能安排夜间周末上班对于员工不乐意接受的排班,要主动请缨

    As the newest person, you'll probably be asked to work nights and weekends anyway, so put your hand up for those unpopular shifts.


  • 宇宙里资格居民称作UDFy-38135539,不过科学家怀疑作为纪录保持者头衔——之前是被一个伽马射线暴持有的——不会持续很长时间。

    The universe's most senior citizen is called UDFy-38135539, but scientists suspect its title as record-holder -- previously held by a gamma-ray burst -- will not last.


  • 基本上我们基于XMLAPI定义新的注解作为facade

    Basically, we are defining new annotations as a facade over our old XML-based API.


  • 自己iPhone上看到整个对话,不过伊桑使用的是款翻盖手机所以信息作为信息弹出,没有显示历史信息。

    I could do exactly that on my iPhone, but Ethan USES an old flip phone, so each message was coming through as a new text, with no history shown.


  • 俄语普遍30到70爱沙尼亚族人(苏联统治时期学校学习俄语作为第二语言强制的)听懂,虽然他们不说俄语。

    Russian is also much more widely understood than spoken by 30-70 year old ethnic Estonians (learning Russian as the second language in school was compulsory for them during the Soviet era).


  • 作为一代人我们两个选择——如果我们想追求质量,要么生产更好汽车,要么去车。

    We have two choices as a generation - produce better cars, or be consigned to buying old ones if we want quality.


  • 公司带了2009现在但是是以损失大量代价的。

    He brought the company backs from 2009 to the present, but was at the cost of many jobs.


  • 而冰岛作为债权人银行重组或者倒闭时会拥有这些”银行的的大部分资产

    As a creditor, the state also has a big claim on the assets of the "old" Banks as they are restructured or wound down.


  • 次年作为名优秀水手的鲍嘉,在各方面条件都符合的条件下,曾有意愿出演电影沧桑憔悴古巴渔夫

    The following year Bogart, an expert sailor, wanted and was well suited to play the gaunt Cuban fisherman in the film version of The Old Man and the Sea.


  • 食物作为核心武器保证存在但是必须一个规律变化特殊菜单可以让它的顾客经常回来

    It has a core Arsenal of dishes that justify its existence, but it also must have a regularly changing specials menu that keeps its regular customers coming back for more.


  • 不同细胞核维持DNA数量不是作为一个基因重复副本而是作为新的进化的原始材料

    The difference is the amount of DNA that could be supported in the nucleus, not as repetitive copies of the same old genes, but as the raw material for new evolution.


  • 一个食物作为核心武器保证存在但是必须一个规律变化特殊菜单可以让它的顾客经常回来

    It has acore arsenal of dishes that justify its existence, but it also must have aregularly changing specials menu that keeps its regular customers coming back formore.


  • 正是著名论点核心所有美德一种知识形式,所有美德需要,知识反思作为基础

    And that is of course at the core of the famous Socratic thesis, that all virtue is a form of knowledge, all the virtues require knowledge and reflection at their basis.


  • 作为职场“明显优势过的项目具体例子

    One definite advantage of being an older worker is that you have concrete examples of projects you're worked on.


  • 张照片放大作为葬礼遗照但是知道什么时候能够举行葬礼。

    The photo has been enlarged to be the centerpiece of her funeral, but Chen doesn't know when that will be allowed to happen.


  • 还有美国作为世界最大军事机构,也承认新的技术

    And the United States. For the biggest military establishment in the world, too, recognises the value of this new old technology.


  • 还有就是作为GTX公司12年员工,被解雇的原因不是由于他没能力,而是因为公司需要为可能即将到来合并前夕节约成本

    A 12-year veteran of GTX, Bobby is suddenly fired, not for incompetence but to cut costs on the eve of a probable merger.


  • 许多债权人被那些破产银行套牢然而,一旦新银行剩余价值超过公共资本的剩余价值,债仅人获得这些银行的债券股份作为补偿

    Most creditors are stuck in the bankrupt "old" Banks, but if any surplus value emerges in the new Banks beyond that of the public capital, they will get bonds or shares in them as compensation.


  • 作为领导人,卡斯特罗设法亲自管理一切,而劳尔却是位严谨的管理者全权代表。

    Whereas Fidel tried to manage everything himself, Raúl is a tidy administrator and a delegator.


  • “(作为摔跤手),污泥里跳。”27岁的NarendarDalal说道,训练营的队员。

    "You have to get into the mud," said Narendar Dalal, who at 27 is the oldest wrestler at this camp.


  • 作为回报,制片方允许Netfilx提供更多电影电视节目供点播。

    In return, the studios allow Netflix to stream more old films and television shows.


  • 作为回报,制片方允许Netfilx提供更多电影电视节目供点播。

    In return, the studios allow Netflix to stream more old films and television shows.


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