• 作为粉丝榜样名人偶像应该引导年轻人更多好事

    Being role models for their fans, celebrities and idols should guide youngsters to do more good things.


  • 作为粉丝人们应该保持理智不然毁了自己

    Be a fan, people should keep wise mind, or they will destroy themselves.


  • 人们喜欢名人他们甚至名人看成了自己偶像作为粉丝,他们想要了解偶像的一切

    People like to chase after the famous person, they even treat them as their idols, as fans, they want to know everything about their idols.


  • 我们需要作为高端设备粉丝,我可以告诉这种后台的力量不能代表使用它会强大的体验

    We absolutely need it to be there, but as any Top Gear fan can tell you - power under the hood doesn't always equal a powerful experience.


  • 韩寒:这些与无关,我希望女人孩子我的“粉丝”,其余,随他去吧,我并不他人的期望而生活,而他人的思想作为自己的指引的总是懦弱的。

    HanHan:I don't care, and I hope my wife and child will be my fans. I never live for others and I look at the person living in the guidence of others' thoughts as weak.


  • 作为苹果新店开张传统几百粉丝外排队希望成为第一店参观人。

    As is tradition for Apple opening a new store, hundreds of people lined up to be the first to plow through the doors.


  • 作为参与制作TV神剧《迷失》的粉丝,观众追该剧只为一睹谜底揭开面纱。

    Fans of Lost, the TV series he co-created, had to stick around six years for its mysteries to be revealed.


  • 作为长期以来苹果公司苹果产品粉丝越来越担心苹果处于无懈可击的市场统治地位能力

    A long time fan of the company and its products, I've become increasingly worried about what this company would be capable of once in a position of unassailable market dominance.


  • 作为个对每一都迫切期待粉丝角色离去伤感

    As someone who eagerly anticipated each new installment's release, I'll be quite sad about letting these characters go.


  • 作为一个主角孙红雷粉丝,我电影里面始终厚重的头盔包裹着,同时不到句台词感到不悦。

    As for fans of Sun, the leading man, for most of the film, his handsome head is covered with a helmet and he had no more than five lines and couple of grunting sounds in the entire film.


  • 作为一名Web粉丝希望看到Web上(组织web还是web不重要)应用超媒体传输业务协议

    As a Web fan, I like to see that hypermedia is used to convey business protocols over the Web (whether that's the big Web, or the little Web inside your organization).


  • 作为一个公众人物被告应该意识粉丝可能效仿你的行为,”Judge SinggihBudiPrakoso说到。

    "As a public figure, the defendant should be aware that fans might imitate his behaviour," said Judge Singgih Budi Prakoso.


  • 我们附近小贩购买辣味蔬菜绿豆粉丝gaeng,从另外一个小贩那买的芭蕉叶包裹的烧烤酱汁的作为我们早餐

    We pad our breakfast with a spicy chicken, vegetable, and mung bean vermicelli gaeng purchased from a nearby vendor, and grilled, banana leaf-wrapped fish sourced from another.


  • 《珍珠猪》粉丝,同时作为《呆伯特》的作者的斯科特·亚当斯自己粉丝推荐之后,《珍珠猪》的人气迅速上升

    Its popularity rose after Dilbert creator Scott Adams, a fan of the strip, spread the word to his own fans.[1]


  • 对于狂热粉丝来说,这样的经历确实,而且,作为年轻人一定参观下

    It is a cool experience for adrenaline fans and it can really be something you would like to visit as a young person.


  • 他们伦·贝克粉丝作为权威人士的格伦·贝克大力宣扬厄运进而督促听众购买黄金

    Nor are they all fans of Glenn Beck, an American pundit who preaches doom and urges his listeners to buy gold.


  • 名人大量媒介精英人士,作为最有影响力的用户,频繁直接上传内容微博上和粉丝交流。

    Celebrities and members of the media elite-who have a huge presence on this site-frequently upload content straight to Weibo for their follower-fans to engage with.


  • 以下观察结果来自对于牌子相机主人近距离接触以及曾经作为某个牌子相机粉丝的体验。

    The following observations are based on close association with the various groups of camera owners and from having belonged to each group at one time or another.


  • 母亲写道羽扇豆花作为自己博客背景,因为她而言大过了乳腺癌粉丝主题所包含的意义。

    Mom wrote about choosing lupine flowers for her blog's background over the pink breast cancer ribbon theme expected of her.


  • 艾玛这些年来听说一些粉丝因为古墓丽影激发了他们内在兴趣而把考古作为追求事业

    Emma: : Over the years I have heard that some fans pursue archaeology as a career because of the interest Tomb Raider generated in them.


  • 阿连德1billionhungry项目网站中设有个人网页”,读者粉丝可以请愿书上添加他们名字作为名下签署请愿书团体员。

    Allende has her own "page" within the "the 1billionhungry project" website, where readers and fans can add their names to the petition and be counted as one of her group of fellow signers.


  • 作为一名平面设计教授儿子一般消费者有着更多的设计认知,他任何JonathanIve设计的东西”的粉丝

    As the son of a professor of Graphic design, he has a bit more design awareness than the average consumer, citing he's a fan of "anything designed by Jonathan Ive."


  • 作为一个粉丝激怒了,因为发生这件姚太公平了。

    I'm pissed off as a fan, because it's not fair to Yao that this happened.


  • 凯奇作为漫画粉丝曾经超人”挂钩(?)并且将自己的儿子取名Kal- El这位坚不可摧英雄的本名。

    Comic book fan Cage was once linked to a film version of Superman and has a son called Kal-El - the birth name given to the indestructible hero.


  • 回家之余,Patterson拜访了这一家子,花了10分钟作为野猫队忠实粉丝老公以及两个儿子聊天

    As if offering to give her a lift wasn't enough, Patterson followed her into her home and spent 10 minutes talking with her husband -an avid Wildcats fan -and their two young sons.


  • 作为名摄影师经常在急躁的模特他们狂热粉丝陷入两难的境地。当然,我的是孩子和他们的祖父母。

    As a photographer, I often find myself caught between impetuous models and their ravenous fans. I am of course talking about my children and their grandparents.


  • 作为名摄影师经常在急躁的模特他们狂热粉丝陷入两难的境地。当然,我的是孩子和他们的祖父母。

    As a photographer, I often find myself caught between impetuous models and their ravenous fans. I am of course talking about my children and their grandparents.


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