• 波塞冬阿波罗仅仅要一根金丝作为他们工作报酬

    Poseidon and Apollo wanted only the vine of gold as payment for their work.


  • 县级财政预算一半多用教育领域作为他们报酬

    More than half of local financial budgets at county-levels and above are used in the field of education and for paying teachers.


  • 当然,不管有没有报酬很多人实习经历作为价值垫脚石,籍此可以将来职业生涯创造一个良好开端。

    Of course, many internships - paid or unpaid - serve as valuable steppingstones that help young people land future jobs.


  • 为何罗宾·威廉姆斯(robin Williams)作为电影明星得到的报酬如此之高?

    Why is Robin Williams paid so much to star in movies?


  • 伸出小小的舌头吧可以下来作为报酬可以得到强烈药剂了。

    Put out your little tongue that I may cut it off as my payment; then you shall have the powerful draught.


  • 所以一条并且作为感谢第一个表达,现在开始还给你你的自由直到还清我打算你的报酬

    I owe, therefore, my life to you; and, for the first token of my acknowledgment, give you your liberty from this moment, till I can complete your recompense as I intend.


  • 取而代之可以答应公司成立一个报酬委员会并且工资作为总预算一部分。

    What you might do instead is to agree to set up a compensation committee for your new business and review salaries as part of a total budget.


  • 例如业务策略规定报酬低于5,000USD作为舞弊检查对象

    For example, a business policy states that payments under 5,000 USD are not subject to fraud check.


  • 现在商业界建议,先做前景不引人注目报酬工作低收入的工作,作为一种获取今后宝贵经验方法

    For now, advice from the business community is to embrace the unappealing prospect of unpaid or low-paid work, as a means of gaining experience that will be valuable later.


  • 一名公司董事向买手提供非法回佣,作为获取购货订单报酬判入狱个月

    A company director was jailed for four months for offering illegal rebates to a merchandiser for purchase orders.


  • 换言之如果程序被选中亚马逊当天免费程序,每份程序得到你之前定价的20%作为报酬

    In other words, if your app gets picked for Amazon's deal of the day, you're entitled to 20% of the list price that you previously set.


  • 事前就要说明白接受股票未来的一部分作为报酬除非什么特殊原因,你愿意接受)。

    Make it clear that you’re not willing to work for stock options or a percentage of future revenue (unless for some reason, you are willing).


  • 比如他们可以获得健康保险作为报酬一部分——这笔费用可能便宜一点因为术后能获得严格体检的捐赠人们似乎那些拥有的人还要寿命更长一些

    They could, for instance, receive health insurance as part of their payment—which would be cheap because properly screened donors appear to live longer than the average Joe with two kidneys.


  • 作为个体我们对于通胀太多憎恨令人踌躇的,我们得到工作和好报酬机会资本藏匿面前妥协

    As individuals we don't so much hate inflation for the rising prices as much as we balk at it because our chances to capture good jobs and good wages are compromised for capital essentially hiding.


  • 重要的是,如果将业绩平庸甚至糟糕银行考虑进去的话,全体投行业支付一半营业收入作为职员报酬做法显然远远不能令股东们舒坦。

    More importantly, the industry-wide practice of paying out about half of net revenues to employees looks a lot less palatable for shareholders once mediocre or bad banks are taken into account.


  • 尽了忠实仆人本分告诉,我现在得到作为一个忠实仆人报酬啦,好,这可教训我下次要小心点。

    I performed the duty of a faithful servant in telling you, and I have got a faithful servant's wages!


  • 过去这种组织他们会员提供一些可供参考的经销商,作为报酬,经销商向组织提供现金回报承诺价格出售车给会员。

    In the past, such groups would refer their members to certain dealers, in return for cash and the promise of a lower price.


  • 杰米交待盖恩斯给了30万美元作为提供信息报酬声称由于自己单身母亲反恐组低微的工资不够养活她的儿子

    Jamey divulges that she accepted three hundred thousand dollars to provide Gaines information, claiming that her low pay at CTU was not enough to raise her son as a single parent.


  • Fillon先生现在作为更好报酬的回报,工作时间本身应该讨论而且应该一个公司一个公司地协商。

    Mr Fillon now says that working time itself should be discussed, in return for better pay, and that it should be negotiated company by company.


  • 奖励规划有两个主要组成形式(图13-1)。金钱作为直接报酬雇主提供的。

    With the direct type of compensation, monetary rewards are provided by the employer.


  • 不过作为报酬兔子尾巴

    Tiger: But as for payback, I want rabbit's tail.


  • 在线成员基于至少有一个销售作为报酬

    Your online may be a member of this is based on at least one of your sales as a reward.


  • 付给五十美元作为干活的报酬

    He paid me fifty dollars for what I had done for him.


  • 报道称武汉市区一个酒店现金周转不灵,装修工人支付了月饼代金作为其部分报酬,可见月饼代金卷流通能力之强。

    Such is liquidity in this market that a cash-strapped hotel in the central city of Wuhan reportedly decided to use the coupons as part-payment for a decorating job.


  • 报道称武汉市区一个酒店现金周转不灵,装修工人支付了月饼代金作为其部分报酬,可见月饼代金卷流通能力之强。

    Such is liquidity in this market that a cash-strapped hotel in the central city of Wuhan reportedly decided to use the coupons as part-payment for a decorating job.


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