• 作为一个知名娱乐体育城市似乎正是它恰当肖像

    As a city known for entertainment and sports, these seemed to be just the right ICONS.


  • 本意义重大书籍出版促成作为一个知名学者声望

    The publication of several significant books contributed to his prestige as a distinguished scholar.


  • 幸运的是,作为一个知名博客可以搜狐的编辑帮忙恢复搜狐的博客,然而编辑不会向他解释这其中到底发生了怎么一回事。

    Fortunately, being a famous blogger, he was able to call an editor at Sohu and get it restored, although the editor wouldn't explain what had happened.


  • 作为一个具有知名影响力女人羽西相当谦恭我等小时就开始访谈。

    A woman of fame and influence, Kan had nevertheless been courteous enough to keep me waiting only half an hour to speak to her.


  • 作为知名收藏家蔡铭超福建省一个自己的拍卖行

    Cai, a well-known collector, owns an auction house in Fujian province.


  • 作为一个简单示例使用知名测试生成工具保龄球游戏程序生成测试代码。

    As a simple example of this, I have tried to generate tests for the bowling game program using two of the better known test generation tools. The interface to the bowling game looks like this.


  • 米勒发现自己不是作为纯粹研究成果集大成者而知名,而是被确定某种圣人——关于人类本性深刻道理发现者

    Instead of being known as a mere aggregator of research results, Miller found himself identified as a kind of sage - a discoverer of a profound truth about human nature.


  • 2009年,刘榛作为一个知名大一新生击败业已成名的江映蓉,代表学校参赛

    In 2009, Liu Zhen, as an unknown freshman, beat the already famous Jiang and became school spokesperson.


  • 作为一个世界知名人物圣诞老人有着很多不同名字有着不同的打扮。

    Santa Claus is a well-known figure in many countries, but he has many different names, and dresses in many different colours.


  • 作为正在替换一个组织知名领导的领导会面对什么挑战?特里萨·恩哈德勒是如何处理这些挑战的?。

    What challenges does a leader who's replacing a well-known leader of any organization face? How did Teresa Earnhardt deal with these challenges?


  • 五羊广州市最为知名一个标志只羊作为吉祥物充分体现东道国、主办城市历史底蕴、精神风貌文化魅力

    "Wuyang" the city of Canton are the most famous a sign to five sheep as a mascot fully reflects the host country host city of the historical background spiritual outlook and cultural charm.


  • 作为一个后来者刚刚进入市场的时候,首先面对就是知名问题,你需要大声地告诉别人,你是什么的

    When you, as a latecomer , just enter new markets, the first face is that well-known problem, you need to loudly tell others who you are, you are what to do.


  • 如今作为一个少年偶像开始知名传扬一己种族融和信仰

    Now a teen hero, she starts using her fame to speak out for the causes she believes in, most of all integration.


  • 作为一个公司我们经营着三个知名品牌阿迪达斯锐步泰勒梅-阿迪达斯高尔夫

    As a company, we are organized around our biggest businesses and best-known brands: adidas, Reebok and TaylorMade-adidas Golf.


  • 知名运动员作为一个特殊群体,其肖像权归属尽管实践不同作法,理应归属运动员本人

    As a special group, there are different practices on the portrait right's ownership of famous athletes, but the portrait right should be owned by the athletes themselves.


  • 1979年,Kenner发售了他们Y翼战斗机作为他们知名印模压铸系列载具第二中的一个

    Back in 1979, Kenner released their Y-wing fighter as part of the second wave of vehicles in their popular die-cast line.


  • 作为我国著名导演张艺谋先生,似乎应该明白道理适合自己的东西,不要噱头文化,不是一个知名导演应该做的事,这些小事留给3级片导演去吧!

    Zhang, seems a truth: should understand what suit oneself clap, don't make stunt, but this is not a cultural well-known director should do, take these things for 3 pieces director to shoot!


  • 作为速度知名大量菜品的连锁,失误容易成为漏网之鱼订单忘记一个物品仅仅是添加牛奶品类

    At a chain known for speed with a wide range of menu options, it's easy for mistakes to slip through the cracks, from forgetting an item in a large order to simply adding the wrong kind of milk.


  • 作为速度知名大量菜品的连锁,失误容易成为漏网之鱼订单忘记一个物品仅仅是添加牛奶品类

    At a chain known for speed with a wide range of menu options, it's easy for mistakes to slip through the cracks, from forgetting an item in a large order to simply adding the wrong kind of milk.


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