• 选择正确作业工具

    Select the right tool for the job.


  • 所述脚踏开关第一位置时,所述作业工具控制器地面驱动控制器不受影响

    When the foot pedal is in a first position, the work tool control and ground drive control are not affected.


  • 论文介绍海水液压作业工具系统工作原理关键技术问题样机试验结果

    In this paper, the working principles, advantages, key technical problems, prototype and experimental results of underwater tools driven by seawater hydraulics are introduced.


  • 所述脚踏开关允许操作员选择地保持所述地面驱动控制器作业工具控制器之一两者位置

    The foot pedal allows an operator to selectively hold the position of one or both of the ground drive control and work tool control.


  • 实验表明,研究设计传感器具有体积功耗低、实时性特点适用水下各型作业工具

    The characteristics of small volume, low-power consumption and good real-time make this new proximate sensor suitable for different types of underwater tools.


  • 针对不同作业要求运载器接口研制水下安装探测、救捞专用作业工具或者提供相关服务

    For different operating requirements and vehicle interface, develop underwater installation, detection, rescue and salvage operations tools, or provide service.


  • 所述脚踏开关第二位置时,所述作业工具控制器的位置保持所述地面驱动控制器不受影响

    When the foot pedal is in a second position, the position of the work tool control is maintained, while the ground drive control is not affected.


  • 所述脚踏开关在所述第二位置或者第三位置时作业工具控制用来防止作业工具控制器启动。

    A work tool control lock is used to prevent the work tool control from engaging when the foot pedal is in the second position or the third position.


  • 介绍一种海水液压驱动水下作业工具分析了系统组成工作原理研制难点解决方案

    This paper introduces an underwater tool system driven by seawater hydraulics and analyses its makeup, work principle, the research difficulties and solutions.


  • 所述控制系统允许操作员选择地保持地面驱动器作业工具或者地面驱动器作业工具两者控制。

    The control system allows an operator to selectively maintain control of a ground drive, a work tool, or both the ground drive and the work tool.


  • 所述脚踏开关第三位置时,所述作业工具控制器的位置保持并且 所述地面驱动控制器的位置被保持。

    When the foot pedal is in a third position, the position of the work tool control is maintained and the position of the ground drive control is maintained.


  • 然后分别针对水下机械手研制思路水下作业工具研究状况难点进行了分析评述,给出相关建议

    For the ROV status and difficulties of subsea manipulators and underwater tools, key points are discussed and analysed, and trends and Suggestions are given for the future research work.


  • 研制压电陶瓷驱动双重杠杆放大刻字作业工具与微定位机器人结合实现了光盘表面刻字作业,验证系统的有效性。

    A carve tool is presented actuated by PZT with double lever magnify mechanism, and integrated with the bionic robot. Experiment of carving on CD disk surface shows the feasibility of the robot.


  • 他们作业工具是:挖土手工、浇筑混凝土井壁胶合板模板、还有手工制作摇杆摇杆一个送到井底,那个人就在井底一点点挖土然后再通过摇杆把沙子一桶桶送到地面。

    They worked with hand trowels, a plywood form for lining the shaft with concrete, inch by inch, and a sturdy hand-built crank for lowering a man to the bottom and sending up buckets of sand.


  • 采矿作业中,平行铁轨早已用来运送大件货物马匹仍然主要运输工具

    Parallel rails had long been used in mining operations to move bigger loads, but horses were still the primary source of power.


  • 应该有良好的光线,有一个放书的地方,和你的家庭作业工具箱”。

    It should have good light, a place for your books, and your homework "tool kit".


  • 强有力工具设置直观的操作界面代表了矢量作业发展趋势。

    Its robust and powerful set of tools coupled with its intuitive interface makes it the go-to app for vector work.


  • 他们保证不是一部仅仅用来游戏机器而是一个电脑编程指导作业重要工具

    To do this I had to convince them it was not merely a machine on which to play games but an important tool that would teach me computer programming and aid my schoolwork.


  • 假设一位金融专家具备开发工具(BI报告etl)方面的技能但是需要了解BI报告或ETL作业使用计算公式

    Assume that a financial expert has no appreciable skills in development tools (BI reporting or ETL), but he requires more transparency about the calculation formulas used in BI reports or ETL jobs.


  • 我们没有找到一种伸缩工具能够把用户作业计算机性能联系起来,从而有效直观分析作业

    We have not seen a scaleable tool that ties user jobs with machine performance to profile jobs in a way that is usable and visually appealing.


  • 1970年购买专用仪器几乎不可能的事,所以处理作业时,只能使用在手边的任何工具

    Buying special instruments in 1970 was practically impossible so he used whatever he had at his disposal.


  • 不要行业标准中,或者是从衡量性能的角度去挑选工具作业模式。

    Don't just pick tools and practices based on industry standards or performance metrics.


  • 前提简单:这里需要一个大型的社区空间可以从事手工作业,要木材金属车间,能提供各类工具,还要设有园艺区。

    The premise is simple: community spaces where men can do handywork, fitted out with wood and metal workshops, assorted tools and gardening areas.


  • 针对适当作业采用适当的工具

    Using the right tool for the right job.


  • 尽管对于经常关闭系统来说,Cron造成一些严重的问题,但是,对于经常运行作业比如远程邮件服务器每小时进行次的邮件检查,Cron仍然一个重要工具

    Although Cron has serious problems on a system that is shut down regularly, it is still the tool of choice for jobs that run frequently, such as hourly checks for new E-mail on a remote mail server.


  • InfoSphereDataStage功能强大的ETL工具,它能够图形方式创建执行ETL功能的作业无需编写任何代码

    InfoSphere DataStage is a powerful ETL tool that allows you to graphically construct a job to perform ETL functions without writing any codes.


  • WebSphereDataStage作业定序器一种图形工具,程序员可以通过它指定运行一系列作业以及循环控制异常处理

    WebSphere DataStage's job sequencer is a graphical tool that allows developers to specify a sequence of jobs to run, along with exception handling with looping and flow control.


  • 这些工具源代码作业控制语言(Job Control Language,JCL)、中间件配置元数据其他构件分析捕获数据库中。

    Their analysis of source code, Job Control Language (JCL), middleware configuration metadata, and other artifacts is captured in a database.


  • Hadoop能够处理数千节点pb量级数据可以自动地处理作业调度部分失败负载平衡,因此实现这个目标的完美工具

    Hadoop is a perfect tool to achieve this goal with its ability to work with thousands of nodes and petabytes of data and automatically handle job scheduling, partial failure, and load balancing.


  • 第1部分介绍WebSphereProcessServer系统管理基本任务正常作业环境操作包括各种方式工具

    Part 1 describes essential tasks for system administration and operation of a healthy WebSphere Process Server production environment. It covers various approaches and tools.


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