• 白山青余里,愁长安

    White cloud mountain million, I look straight north of Changan.


  • 云纵马过桥,行二十玄德与众人憩于

    Zilong rode across the bridge and went on another 20 li, where he saw Xuande and other officials were resting under trees.


  • 二十余里面积三百处处时间钟乳石卓越杰作

    Cave length of twenty years, an area of three hundred acres, everywhere is time and stalactites outstanding masterpiece.


  • 不到一盏茶时分,便之遥黑夜凉风习习草木气扑面而来

    In less than ten minutes, he was already more than four miles out. The nightly cold air rushed over his face, bringing to him the fresh smells of grass and trees.


  • 某些日子就是我们之间实质性联系因为孩子们有着不寻常本领,能将我们之间的交谈统统打断

    On some days, it is the only substantial communication between us, because our kids have an uncanny knack of interrupting all of our conversations.


  • 乐迷们都知道的,这些混搭位乐手确定表演曲目,小组即开演——合奏旋律独奏,一个一个地沿着前面留下曲跟进;别人出了点子另一个来完成

    As fans know, in these jams, a player shouts a tune and the group is off—melody in unison, then solos, each picking up on a phrase left by another; one starting an idea, another finishing it.


  • 三月明亮寒冷一天晚上壁炉尽的散发出让人吃惊却昏昏沉沉的热气喜欢的热。

    It was March, a bright cold day, and the ashy remains of her night's fire gave off a surprising sullen heat, for which she was not ungrateful.


  • 本贴我们将展示60幅慑人心魄红外摄影范例,相信灵感泉涌,啧啧称奇。

    In this post, we present over 60 breathtaking examples of infrared photography to inspire and amaze you.


  • 吓了一跳,赶紧把马桶冲掉,强装镇定若无其事了出来晚上惊未定地跟老公说了这件事

    I freaked out, flushed my cigarette down the toilet, gathered my composure, and nonchalantly walked out. That evening, still freaking out, I explained to my husband what had happened.


  • 每年四月企鹅历尽艰险跋涉南极冰面,行程70(110),返回出生之地。

    The penguins make the grueling journey across some 70 miles (110 kilometers) of Antarctic ice each April to return to the breeding grounds where they were born.


  • 至于蚊子分钟就被叮了次,有的是裤管飞进来的。

    As for the mosquitoes, I was getting about 10 bites a minute -some through my trousers.


  • 回到2007年3月英格兰冠军联赛虽然0 - 1落后安-格雷出场,只10应战,斯蒂夫·布鲁斯伯明翰最终仍然1 - 1逼平西布罗姆维奇队。

    Back in March 2007 Steve Bruce's Birmingham City side drew 1-1 at West Bromwich Albion in the Championship despite having trailed 1-0 and reduced to 10 men following Julian Gray's sending-off.


  • 我们搜集40幅美轮美奂晨露照片,希望能点燃的灵感火花。

    In this post we have gathered over forty stunning morning dew photos for your inspiration.


  • 6000粉丝齐聚孟菲斯以南索托市中心观看鲁迪盖慈善会为Flight22基金募资而举行群星篮球表演赛,并亲自见见他们最喜欢的明星们。

    Around 6,000 fans came to the DeSoto Civic Center, located about 10 miles south of Memphis, to see some of their favorite stars in Gay's charity game benefiting his Flight 22 Foundation.


  • ·(Larry Yu),Facebook一位发言人他说自己公司预计会大大小小的竞争对手的出现他们关注于建设价值的服务

    Larry Yu, a Facebook spokesman, said his company expected competitors large and small to emerge but was focused on building a valuable service.


  • 拟音艺术家马科·科斯坦索(MarkoCostanzo)曾参与400影片后期制作,其中就包括《无间行者》卧虎藏龙》,长达28职业生涯无数打斗场景制作过声音

    Foley artist Marko Costanzo, whose more than 400 film credits include the Departed and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, has produced audio for countless duels in his 28 years on the job.


  • 当“飞之队”获得来自飞机更多数据后,他们发现事实上所燃料可以支持飞机完成2.5万航行

    When more data arrived from the aircraft, projections showed the fuel would propel the aircraft throughout its entire 25, 000-mile trip.


  • 私营部门过去3个平均每月增加250000就业机会。

    Over the past three months private-sector employment has risen by an average of over 250, 000 jobs per month.


  • 私营部门过去3个平均每月增加250000就业机会

    Over the past three months private-sector employment has risen by an average of over 250,000 jobs per month.


  • 他们已经GivingPledge(由盖茨巴菲特联合创办主要面向富豪的慈善组织)签约了三十慈善家包括甲骨文公司CEO埃尔森微软创始人之一的保罗艾伦

    They've signed up more than 30 philanthropists, including Oracle Corp. Chief Executive Officer Larry Ellison and Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, to their Giving Pledge initiative.


  • 地震发生这座距离震中大约15煤矿迅速将200井下作业矿工全部撤离人员伤亡

    After the earthquake, the epicenter about 15 kilometers away from the mine, quickly operating more than 200 miners were underground to evacuate all without casualties.


  • 原来思慧所在车站位于汉阳社区社区老人平时没事就喜欢来车站遛弯。

    Originally, Yu Sihui in the seven temple station is located in the old Hanyang neighborhood, community elderly usually nothing to love the station group.


  • 过去通过专门针对测试无人驾驶车辆法律

    In the last three years, about a dozen states have passed laws that specifically address testing of driverless vehicles.


  • 孙小姐手电雪亮地光射黑暗心脏挖出条隧道。

    Miss Sun's large flashlight shone with snowy brightness for more than a foot, digging a tunnel through the heart of the darkness.


  • 海啸形成成千上万同时能激起有百英尺浪花到海港海岸城市

    Tsunamis can travel thousands of miles, and still send water crashing a hundred feet high into a harbor or coastal town.


  • 幸福法国细微主义文学代表人物菲利普·德莱姆30小说和短文集恒久主题

    Happiness is the recurring theme in over 30 novels of Philippe Delerm, a representative of the French minimalist literature.


  • 院子犯人

    Over a hundred CONS are in the yard.


  • 本文讨论黎曼流形一般的常数平均曲率的子流形为全子流形的充要条件

    In this paper, we get a necessary and sufficient condition for a generalcodimensional submanifold with constant mean curvature in a Riemannian mani-fold to be a totally umbilical submanifold.


  • 本文讨论黎曼流形一般的常数平均曲率的子流形为全子流形的充要条件

    In this paper, we get a necessary and sufficient condition for a generalcodimensional submanifold with constant mean curvature in a Riemannian mani-fold to be a totally umbilical submanifold.


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