• 余为自愿终止妊娠者。娩出婴儿102个。

    A total of 102 babies were delivered.


  • 他说:“安全以及修复设定适当投资额一项管理事宜而非技术事项。”

    "Setting the proper investment level for security, redundancy, and recovery is a management issue, not a techie one," he says.


  • 诗歌例,诗歌,音乐,乃民族精神生活至高表现形式;美国诗人作之所铭记未忘者,唯一首而已,此诗真正之诗

    Of poetry again, which, like music, is the highest expression of spiritual life in a nation, I also know only one poem written by an American poet which can be truly called a real poem.


  • 神农架旅游滑雪场初级中级滑雪者配备了不同的雪道,聘有20名教练游客服务

    There are ski tracks for primary and intermediate skiers and more than 20 coaches for tourists.


  • 例如如果3分区散列7,7除以321所以应该位于分区1。

    For example, if you have three partitions, and your key's hash code is 7, then 7 divided by 3 is 2, remainder 1, so the item goes in and comes from partition 1.


  • 就拿八月份来说,破产保险公司LandAmerica债权人们提出了二十诉讼反对这起案件工作四家法律公司费用要求

    In August, for instance, creditors of LandAmerica, a bust insurer, filed more than two dozen objections to the fee requests of the four law firms working on the case.


  • 据悉,18,满文军个朋友京城某歌舞厅内妻子举行生日派对次日凌晨警方突袭该歌舞厅,查获十尿检阳性的涉嫌吸毒人员。

    Man, his wife and more than 10 people attending her birthday party Monday night at a local bar tested positive for drugs through urine tests after a police raid early Tuesday morning.


  • 美国首都华盛顿面积全国的城市中第九位,人口70万。

    The nation's capital, Washington, is ninth in size, with a population of over 700,000.


  • 大牌明星慈善演出上济济一堂大地震中的受难的百万灾民筹集善款。

    More than 100 of the world's biggest stars took part in a charity event to raise money for the millions of people affected by the Haiti earthquake.


  • 拟音艺术家马科·科斯坦索(MarkoCostanzo)曾参与400影片后期制作,其中就包括《无间行者》卧虎藏龙》,长达28职业生涯里,无数打斗场景制作过声音

    Foley artist Marko Costanzo, whose more than 400 film credits include the Departed and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, has produced audio for countless duels in his 28 years on the job.


  • 他们已经GivingPledge(由盖茨巴菲特联合创办主要面向富豪的慈善组织)签约了三十慈善家包括甲骨文公司CEO拉里埃尔森微软创始人之一的保罗艾伦

    They've signed up more than 30 philanthropists, including Oracle Corp. Chief Executive Officer Larry Ellison and Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, to their Giving Pledge initiative.


  • 2007年,南方电网拉闸限电3292003年18万0.18%。

    In 2007, Southern Power Grid only recorded 320 times in switch-offs, only equaling 0.18% of 180, 000 switch-offs in 2003.


  • 2007年,南方电网拉闸限电3292003年18万0.18%。

    In 2007, Southern Power Grid only recorded 320 times in switch-offs, only equaling 0.18% of 180,000 switch-offs in 2003.


  • 这些速度范围用于每一个程序计算空域度。

    These speed ranges have been assumed for use in calculating airspace and obstacle clearance for each procedure.


  • 美国妇产科学会代表52,000名健康工作者女性提供健康指导国家级医学组织

    The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is the national medical organization representing over 52,000 members who provide health care for women.


  • 此外蜗杆的蜗杆深度压力增高减少排气结束,星轮齿脱离时,深度零,故不存在隙容积。

    In addition, the worm and worm groove depth of the pressure increased, in the end, reduce exhaust gate-rotor from the single slot, depth is zero, it does not exist.


  • 回忆说:抓住这千载难逢机会辞掉工作肖宇放弃学业

    To focus on the "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity, Yu recalled, he quit his job and Xiao quit his studies.


  • 星期六中国首位-10飞行员一次飞行想法中不稼不牺牲,中国民众其哀悼。

    China is mourning the death of Yu Xu, the country's first female J-10 jet pilot who was killed during an aerobatic training session on Saturday.


  • 笔下美人多半以花园花坛阁楼假山背景

    Yu's beauties play or rest in the background setting such as a garden, a flower terrace, a pavilion, a rockery, or a bamboo bed.


  • 高等代数教课书中,关于多项式除法运算确定是以定理依据利用带除法进行的,大家所熟悉的。

    In the textbook of higher algebra, it is familiar to us that the remainder in the division operation of polynomial is on the basis of residue theorem and operated through division algorithm.


  • 同步算法提高系统可靠性管理软件实现提供基础保障

    This arithmetic could improve the reliability of system and provide the basal guarantee for redundancy management software.


  • 实现高炉高精度控制,提出了高炉煤气透平装置(TRT)系统炉顶压力的动态数学模型

    To realize high precision control of top pressure, the dynamic mathematical model of top gas pressure recovery turbine (TRT) system was researched.


  • 本文以所收集70论文、专著材料通过分析总结来看看汉英习语对比研究所走过的道路

    The author collects more than 70 theses and works. By analysing and summarizing these materials , this paper shows us the comparative studying course of Chinese and English idioms.


  • 截止目前,已经培育开发出以烃类采油微生物菌种300株,投入矿场实验推广应用

    Up to now, over 300 kinds of microorganism oil bacteria were developed and put into field test and application.


  • 但是两个系统平衡状态的能量不同差值弹簧支撑边界吸收系统

    But the energies of the two systems are not equal, and the difference is the complementary energy adsorbed by the boundary of the spring.


  • 但是两个系统平衡状态的能量不同差值弹簧支撑边界吸收系统

    But the energies of the two systems are not equal, and the difference is the complementary energy adsorbed by the boundary of the spring.


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