• 四围认识的,你们要为她悲伤,结实的美好折断了呢。

    All ye that are about him, bemoan him; and all ye that know his name, say, How is the strong staff broken, and the beautiful rod!


  • 电台节目的访谈记者马拉多纳如果阿根廷队捧第三世界杯冠军凯旋,表示。老马便给出了以上回答

    Maradona's response came after a reporter asked him in the interview what he would do if his team returned to Argentina with its third World Cup title.


  • 耶和华应允以色列人,把交付他们,他们就把迦南人和迦南人城邑尽行毁灭地方便玛(珥玛就是毁灭的意思)。

    And the LORD hearkened to the voice of Israel, and delivered up the Canaanites; and they utterly destroyed them and their cities: and he called the name of the place Hormah.


  • 研究者一夜进食13女性10男性进行了脑部扫描确定他们看到自己喜欢的食物时大脑会有反应

    Researchers performed brain scans on 13 women and 10 men, who had fasted overnight, to determine how their brains responded to the sight of their favorite foods.


  • 还好,到现在为止,只有妇女太空垃圾击中克拉洛蒂·威廉姆斯肩膀烧焦太空火箭碎片擦着了。

    But only one woman has ever been hit by space junk: Lottie Williams from Oklahoma was smacked in the shoulder by a charred piece of space-rocket.


  • :据报道,日本海上保安厅职员承认泄露撞船事件”录像,中方对此有评论?

    Q: a Japan Coast Guard member has reportedly admitted guilty of the "collision incident" video leakage. How do you comment?


  • 是耶儿子比拿所行的事,就三个勇士里得了

    These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and had the name among the three mighties.


  • 是耶儿子比拿所行的事,就三个勇士里得了

    These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and had the name among the three mighties.


  • 《吉尼斯世界纪录》发言人日前宣布,世界男子平平近日去世,终年21

    The world's shortest man, he Pingping, has died at the age of 21, a Guinness world Records spokesman said.


  • 犹大哥哥西缅同杀了住洗法南人,将尽行毁灭,那城便珥玛。

    And Judah went with Simeon his brother, and they slew the Canaanites that inhabited Zephath, and utterly destroyed it. And the name of the city was called Hormah.


  • 犹大哥哥西缅同,击杀洗法的南人,将尽行毁灭,那城的便玛。

    Then the men of Judah went with the Simeonites their brothers and attacked the Canaanites living in Zephath, and they totally destroyed the city. Therefore it was called Hormah.


  • 娃娃脸瘦瘦的身材,使大一看起来更像是个青少年不像一位44岁,育有3子女的父亲,更不像是世界科学家

    With his boyish face and slender build, he (David Ho) could more easily pass for a teenager than for a 44-year-old father of three — or, for that matter, for a world-renowned scientist.


  • 今年成员是俄亥俄凯南Diab,特拉华Rui来自加利福尼亚詹妮·Kwan佛罗里达贾森·LaRue来自俄克拉的Haofei·魏。

    The five this year were Kenan Diab of OhioRui Hu of DelawareJenny Kwan from CaliforniaJason LaRue of Florida and Haofei Wei from Oklahoma.


  • 今天即星期三塞·穆里尼奥新泽西告诉媒体点了肖恩·赖特·菲利普斯,这位球员警告了队友们成功者已经加盟了球队

    Jose Mourinho told a press conference in New Jersey today, Wednesday, why he signed Shaun Wright-Phillips, and the player warned his colleagues that a winner had arrived - in computer football!


  • 耶大儿子比拿所行的,就三个勇士里得了

    These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and won a name beside the three mighty men.


  • 事实上当试训教练正是·里尼奥,观察了训练之后告诉优秀球员,他对我很满意

    Jose Mourinho was actually the coach when I went there for my trial. He watched me train and then afterwards told me that I was a very good footballer and that he was very pleased with me.


  • 来此克拉马州的十几岁的小女孩对于能回到陆地表示感激

    Two teenage girls in Oklahoma City are thankful to be on dry ground.


  • 说:“目前为止尚未发现有异常”,数百技术工作人员之一,参与华东省会沿海地区24小时核辐射监测

    "By far, no abnormality has been detected," said Zheng, who is among hundreds of technical workers engaged in 24-hour radiation monitoring in coastal areas of eastern China and provincial capitals.


  • 说:“目前为止尚未发现有异常”,数百技术工作人员之一,参与华东省会沿海地区24小时核辐射监测

    "By far, no abnormality has been detected," said Zheng, who is among hundreds of technical workers engaged in 24-hour radiation monitoring in coastal areas of eastern China and provincial capitals.


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