• 我们做体积理论实验

    Let's experiment with theory of volumetric light.


  • 他们希望新的X体积更小巧设计更简易,产生出图像精细

    In doing so they hope to create X-ray machines that are smaller, simpler and able to produce more detailed pictures.


  • 纳米管组成天线用来捕获聚焦能量这就意味着更加体积高效电池组件将在不久的将来诞生

    Such nanotubes could form antennas that capture and focus light energy, potentially allowing much smaller and more powerful solar arrays.


  • 方法的缺点在于集太阳能收集器往往体积比较庞大造价昂贵以及太阳泵浦激正常情况下功率太低。

    The trouble is that concentrated solar collectors tend to be huge and costly, and solar-pumped lasers are normally very low powered.


  • 霍金曾经说过:“黑洞不是真的漆黑一团它们一个发热体一样。它们的体积,发出的就会越亮。”

    Hawking has said that "black holes are not really black after all: they glow like a hot body, and the smaller they are, the more they glow."


  • 高出效、体积、非连续表面自由曲面透镜设计方法

    Using high light efficiency, small size, non-continuous surface free-form lens design method.


  • 这种磁开关具有结构紧凑、器件体积、偏振无关性、响应速度快驱动电压低等优点

    The switch is characterized by simple structure, polarization-independence, low optic insertion loss and interchannel crosstalk, fast response speed, small in size and low drive voltage, etc.


  • 板式冷器单位体积热量片管式空冷器1.5,是管式的15倍;

    The volumetric heat transfer capacity of plate cooler is 1.5 times as that of fin-tube cooler and 15 times as that of tube cooler.


  • 半导体放大器SOA由于体积小、成本其他器件集成未来的全通信系统中将发挥重要的作用。

    Semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is an important device in future all-optical communications due to its small volume, low cost and easy integration with other optoelectronic devices, etc.


  • 如果一个微小体积内充塞了巨大质量能量这种扭曲现象就会异常激烈,任何东西哪怕,都无法从中逃逸。

    If a large enough mass or energy is crammed into a small enough space, that warping becomes so severe that nothing, not even light, can escape.


  • 通过方法设计得到透镜体积高出效率准确可控得到满足道路照明需要矩形规则均匀

    The lens designed by this method has small size, high light efficient, accurate beam control, it can achieve the required uniform rectangular facula for the street lighting.


  • 嵌入式毛细管电泳芯片体积小、检测简单等诸多优点,正在引起人们关注

    CE microchip based on optical fiber embedded arouses people's attention for its small volume, simple detection optical route.


  • 对称梯度折射率微球透镜具有体积外形易加工使用调整螺旋线、像差小优越性能。

    The spherical gradient refractive index micro-lens with small volume and short optical path can be easily shaped and conveniently adjusted, and has no spiral rays and low spherical aberration.


  • 热释剂量测量方法新型辐射监测方法。它具有体积灵敏度,量程稳定性线性好等优点

    TLD dosimetry is one of the new radiative monitoring method, having many advantages like small volume, high sensitivity, wide range, good stability, linearity etc.


  • 起伏一种新的颗粒测量方法可用同时测量两相流颗粒的粒径分布体积浓度

    Transmission fluctuation spectrometry (TFS) is a new method for particle size measurements, in which the particle size distribution and particle concentration can be measured simultaneously.


  • 方法下应用体视学方法生前生后小鼠肾脏发育阶段的肾小体体积进行测量。

    Methods : Renal corpuscles of different developmental stage at different age were investigated with stereological method at light microscopic level.


  • 特点高,体积容易使用安全照明效果

    Characteristics: small size, high lighting efficiency, easy for use, safety, lighting is very good for far or close.


  • 利用时间分辨声量热测量了诱导人、牛,猪、马氧合血红蛋白反应焓变和结构体积变化

    In this paper, the enthalpy and the conformational volume changes induced by laser photo-dissociation reactions of oxyhemoglobins of mammals, such .


  • 治疗2出现一过性角膜混浊1发生玻璃血,1只眼黄斑1处。

    During the treatment, temporary corneal haze was found in 2 eyes, vitreous hemorrhage occurred in 1 eye, and inadvertent photocoagulation at macular area happened in 1 eye.


  • 恒定有限能量任凭电磁波物质体积质量物质,则速度就是的。

    With constant limited force and energy, and let in the electromagnetic wave of than light material volume, quality of material more small, the speed is faster than the speed.


  • 本文制作的ROADM,以开关核心模块,不仅保持ROADM原有优点而且结构紧凑,器件的体积更小系统集成更容易

    Based on FBG OSW, the designed ROADM not only maintains the original merits, but its structure becomes more compacter, smaller and easier for system integration.


  • 目的报告一种体积小,功能多的便携式口腔治疗机及口腔系列器械的研制

    Objective To develop a versatile and convenient carrying oral optical fiber multifunction dental unit.


  • 发明的体积型全息图记录用组合含有聚合性的体积膨胀性化合物聚合引发剂

    Specifically disclosed is a photosensitive composition for volume hologram recording characterized by containing a photopolymerizable, volume-expandable compound and a photopolymerization initiator.


  • 这种滤波器体积较小,且改变原传播方向一种适用于倍频的滤波器。

    The filter is compact, does not change the direction of optical beam, and can be applied to frequency-doubled laser.


  • 周期入射波长数量级体积布喇格衍射效率,与入射线偏振偏振方向有关

    Diffraction efficiency of volume Bragg grating, whose period is in the same order as the incident wavelength, is related to the polarization direction of the incident linear polarized beam.


  • 报道利用校正全息凹面衍射作为成象元件的平场多色仪,该多色仪具有谱面平直、使用波段宽、集本领强、体积小等优点。

    In this paper, the flat field polychromator (SPD - I) using an aberration - corrected flat fie1d holographic concave diffraction grating as both spectroscopic and oPtical imaging element is re-POrted.


  • 实验结果显示,本文的算法不但能够有效地去除噪声抑制体积收缩,并特征保持效果较为理想。

    The experimental results show that new smoothing algorithm can filter out the noise in the point data, preserve the feature well, prohibit the volume from…


  • 产品采用原装进口二极管体积线清晰张角大,直线

    The laser has original import laser diode, small body and clear beam. The fan Angle and line degree is high.


  • 产品采用原装进口二极管体积线清晰张角大,直线

    The laser has original import laser diode, small body and clear beam. The fan Angle and line degree is high.


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