• 上海杰出机电有限公司研发生产销售于一金刚石钻孔机、墙锯机以及金刚石系列工具专业制造商

    Shanghai Jeichu Machinery &Electric Co. , Ltd. is manufacturer specialized in research, production and sales of Diamond Core Drill, Will Saw and Diamond Series Tools.


  • 通常情况下可能得出包裹金刚石寄主古老结论,几乎没有说明所涉及时间间隔

    Usually, it is possible to conclude that the inclusions are older than their diamond hosts, but with little indication of the time interval involved.


  • 然而有时观察硅酸盐包裹形态其他硅酸盐矿物接近金刚石内部结构

    Sometimes, however, the crystal form of the silicate inclusions is observed to resemble more closely the internal structure of diamond than that of other silicate minerals.


  • 卡罗琳的国际技术中心位纳米金刚石专家OlgaShenderova称,钻石绝缘,而电容器需要一种导电物质

    "You need an electrically conductive material for a capacitor, and diamonds are insulators," said Olga Shenderova, a nanodiamond expert at the International Technology Center in North Carolina.


  • 提出了一种新颖多孔表面钝化技术采用微波等离子辅助化学气相沉积MPCVD方法多孔硅上沉积金刚石薄膜

    A novel passivation technology of porous silicon (PS) surface, i. e. , depositing diamond film on the PS surface by microwave plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) method, was developed.


  • 研究了直流等离子化学汽相沉积CVD)法合成金刚石内应力甲烷浓度、沉积温度的变化关系。

    The internal stress in diamond thin films deposited by DC plasma CVD was studied as a function of methane concentration and deposited temperature.


  • 微波等离子化学气相沉积装置中,研究了负偏压形核对金刚石薄膜WC 6 %硬质合金刀具附着力影响

    The influence of bias enhanced nucleation(BEN) to the adhesion between diamond coating and WC-6%Co carbide cutting tool is researched with the microwave plasma (CVD) instrument.


  • 展望了纳米硬质合金纳米级胎金刚石复合材料钻探中的应用前景

    The application of nano-crystalline WC-Co powder and nano-crystalline diamond composite material to the drilling is forecasted.


  • 直流阴极辉光放电等离子化学气相沉积我们建立的快速沉积品质金刚石方法

    Direct current hot cathode plasma glow discharge chemical vapor deposition (DC-HCPCVD) is a new method to deposit high quality diamond films with high growth rate.


  • 金刚石生长通过初生体的消耗得以进行

    So the diamond growth up depends on the consumption of original cementite.


  • 本文系统研究了石英钟罩式微波等离子辅助化学气相沉积装置对沉积金刚石薄膜的影响。

    In this paper diamond films were deposited using bell-jar type microwave plasma assisted CVD system.


  • 等离子中离子原子分子具有高的反应活性,等离子技术金刚石薄膜制备中有着广泛应用

    Plasma includes many reactive species such as ions, atoms and molecules, and as result it has wide applications in the preparation of diamond films.


  • 介绍采用纳米-钴镀层作为新型材料制备电镀金刚石工具方法及其特点

    The process for preparing electrodeposited diamond tools by using nanocrystalline Ni-Co alloy deposit as a new matrix material and the features are presented.


  • 高钾高氯包及其共生组合代表金刚石生长初期阶段地幔液相物质。

    The high-potassium and high-chlorine inclusions and their paragenetic inclusions can represent the liquid phase trapped during the primary stage of diamond growth from the upper mantle.


  • 研究了在阴极辉光放电等离子化学气相沉积金刚石过程,热阴极辉光放电特性金刚石膜沉积工艺关系

    The relation between characteristics of hot cathode glow discharge and diamond film deposition techniques in hot cathode glow discharge plasma chemical vapor deposition process was discussed.


  • 金刚石工具胎性能影响金刚石工具切割性能的关键因素

    The performance of the diamond saw-blade matrix is the key factor that affects cutting capability.


  • 利用微波等离子化学气相沉积(CVD)设备基片上进行了金刚石薄膜沉积实验

    The experiment of the deposition of diamond thin films is made on silicon substrate by using microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system.


  • 另外发现含添加剂硫触媒合成金刚石中的包裹明显少于用铁镍触媒合成的金刚石中的包裹

    In addition, we noticed that the content of inclusion in the diamond crystals synthesized with sulfur - added Fe - Ni is obviously lower than that in the diamond synthesized without additive.


  • 力学性能测试结果表明添加稀土及其金刚石复合材料抗弯强度冲击韧性孔隙度均明显的改善

    The results of mechanical test show that is bending strength, toughness against impact and void ratios can be improved after the rich iron matris is added with rare earth.


  • 电镀金刚石钻头和镍钻头使用情况进行对比

    The experiments have been carried out to compare the application of Ni Co matrix diamond core bits to Ni Mn matrix diamond core bits.


  • 主要从事机电金刚石工具设备研究生产开发

    Mainly engaged in mechanical and electrical integration and diamond tools and equipment for the research, production and development.


  • 分析比较熔射金属包镶金刚石热压烧结的金属粉末包镶金刚石以及与其包镶之间的结合强度差异

    And also, the difference of combination intensity of diamond and its binding body made by hot-pressing sintering or by plasma-spray forming was analyzed and compared in the same way.


  • 应用中的关键问题对纳米金刚石团聚进行表面改性实现纳米金刚石系中的解团聚稳定分散

    The key problem is the surface modification of nanodiamond aggregates to achieve the deaggregation and stable dispersion of nanodiamond in the oil.


  • 本文研究铁基金刚石材料不同温度热压表面反应

    This paper has studied the surface reaction of iron-based matrix materials during different temperature hot pressed.


  • 采用功率直流电弧等离子cvd工艺制备了不同厚度的无裂纹自支撑金刚石

    Diamond film wafers with different thickness were prepared by high power DC arc plasma jet CVD method.


  • 讨论了合金粉末优点研究了预合金胎粉末的制备技术,列举了预合金胎金刚石钻头的应用效果

    This paper discussed the advantages about pre alloy power, and studied the technology for making pre alloy power. The performances of pre alloy power diamond bits were given.


  • 利用热灯丝dc等离子沉积使金刚石生长方法设备

    A method and apparatus for nucleation and growth of diamond by hot-filament DC plasma deposition.


  • 覆层后金刚石强度金属结合力(烧结钻头时的温度)性能,以及导电性等明显的提高。

    The strength of the coated diamond, the bonding force with the metallic matrix, heat resistance (sintering temperature of diamond bits) and conductance are all improved.


  • 除常见立方金刚石结构外,还存在罕见的六方金刚石结构。它们通常共存在一个金刚石中,形成共生

    They are made up from both of cubic and hexagonal diamond crystal structures, which are called a sort of intergrowth crystals.


  • 本文采用微波等离子cvd法制备定向生长的金刚石薄膜离子注入法对金刚石薄膜进行硼掺杂。

    The diamond films were fabricated by microwave plasma CVD and the boron-doped was created by the cold ion implantation.


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