• 目的:测算并确定中国女性青年惯性参数及其数学模型建立计算中国女性青年转动惯量的多元回归方程

    Objective: to determine the data of move inertia of the segments and to set up the mathematical model of multiple regression equation for young Chinese female bodies.


  • 简短手写附言位于签名下方。

    A brief, handwritten postscript lay beneath his signature.


  • 每次分裂时间可能发生件事是染色基因断裂

    So after each division, the telomeres get shorter and one of the things that may happen after a while is that pieces of the genes themselves get broken off the Chromosomes.


  • 生命周期,有短暂一刻舌头两个微小的半管组成,随后融合

    For a brief moment during that stage of its life cycle, the tongue consists of two tiny half-tubes before merging into one.


  • 琼斯和克勒诺提出的方法可以评估某个经济在某个时间的经济业绩

    The Jones-Klenow measure can also assess an economy's performance over time.


  • 时期内,记忆会同时存在于海其他大脑区域

    For some amount of time the memory resides both in the hippocampus and elsewhere in the brain.


  • 这些蛋白由位于6染色称为主要组织相溶性复合基因MHC编码的。

    These proteins are encoded by genes that are grouped on a part of chromosome 6 called the major histocompatibility complex, or MHC.


  • 最近日本研究者了一份20 - 83岁年龄超过500名女性男性的名为“坐位测试研究。这个测试要求被测试者退伸直坐下然后尽量触摸他们脚趾头。

    In a recent study, Japanese researchers asked more than 500 women and men ages 20 to 83 to perform a "sit and reach" test, where they sit with legs extended and tried to touch their toes.


  • 国际货币基金组织星期三表示许多亚洲经济今年面临坎坷前景,还需要时间才能全球经济衰退中复苏。

    The International Monetary Fund says many Asian economies are to continue to tumble this year and will take some time to recover from the global economic slow-down.


  • 布莱克本和卓斯塔克测定粒中一特殊DNA序列细胞分裂染色自我复制保护了染色免受损耗。

    Blackburn and Szostak determined that it was a specific DNA sequence in the telomeres that kept chromosomes from fraying whenever they were copied when a cell splits in two.


  • 然而储存记忆还是需要依靠脑长出新神经元能力

    Yet storing a memory does require the ability to sprout new neurons.


  • 不断地变化,对男生来说可是有趣时期事实上好像每天身上某个地方会在不断毛加重

    It can be a very interesting time in a guy's life, what with all the changes going on. In fact, it seems like every day something on your body grows bigger or hair begins sprouting somewhere.


  • 这些新的发现来自对大量野生驯化水稻品种3个染色630个基因测序

    The new findings were reached by resequencing 630 gene fragments on three chromosomes from a wide variety of wild and domesticated rice strains.


  • 他们人类染色黑猩猩猕猴比照之后,发现有510基因序列人类被删去了

    They compared the human genome with those of the chimpanzee and macaque, and came up with 510 stretches of DNA that have been conserved in our primate relatives but deleted in humans.


  • Page推测这个综合症可能由于Y染色重组出错,导致染色中不小心出现了一中心没有空隙的回文

    The syndrome may be the result of Y chromosome recombination gone awry, Page speculates, when the chromosome inadvertently becomes a palindrome with no gap in the center.


  • 清单1,显示WSDL 代码代表描述getStockPrice操作如何应该报头包含日期参数并且SOAP信封的消息包含公司符号

    In Listing 1, the piece of WSDL presented describes how the getStockPriceoperation should contain the date parameter in the header and the company symbol parameter in the body of the SOAP Envelope.


  • 唯一的例外55岁以上年龄一群的就业人数增加了将近100万。

    Except, that is, the cohort aged 55 and over, which has gained nearly one million positions.


  • 修改了代码我们想来询问一点具情况

    Sally: He made a code change and we need to ask him for more information.


  • 有人认为染色异常可能会孤独症病例百分之十二十,而15q11-13区染色重复目前唯一所知的能和孤独症相关联异常。

    Chromosomal abnormalities are thought to account for 10 to 20 percent of cases and duplication of chromosome 15q11-13 is the only recurrent aberration so far linked to the disease.


  • 事实如此包括荷兰在内许多经济业已开始调侃第三季度面临的衰退了,而希腊葡萄牙经济衰退了一时间

    Indeed, a number of large economies, including the Netherlands, were already flirting with recession in the third quarter (Greece and Portugal have been contracting for some time now).


  • 第三夜间休息区,在卧室旁边一小路是走到壁橱沐浴

    The third volume is the night area, next to the bedroom there is a walk in closet and the bathing area.


  • 第三夜间休息区,在卧室旁边一小路是走到壁橱沐浴

    The third volume is the night area, next to the bedroom there is a walk in closet and the bathing area.


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