• 眼球晶状柔韧性随着年龄增长而降低因此普遍情况随着我们年纪变老,我们视力就变差。

    The flexibility of the lens decreases with age; it is therefore common for our sight to worsen as we get older.


  • 随着我们年龄增长,眼睛晶状变厚因此对光线的折射也会发生变化。

    As we age, the lenses of the eyes thicken, and thus refract light differently.


  • 通过血液样本分析,Samani教授Spector教授发现,有些具有与其年龄不相称的过染色粒,而一种特定基因序列这些人中常见

    From blood samples, Samani and Spector found a particular gene sequence was more common in people who had unusually short telomeres for their age.


  • 发达经济不应承诺2013年前使财政赤字减半,而是可以决定是否提高退休年龄或者解放专业行业

    Instead of promising to halve their budget deficits by 2013, for instance, big rich economies could decide to raise their retirement ages or free up their professional services.


  • 最近日本研究者了一份20 - 83年龄超过500名女性男性的名为“坐位测试研究。这个测试要求被测试者退伸直坐下然后尽量触摸他们脚趾头。

    In a recent study, Japanese researchers asked more than 500 women and men ages 20 to 83 to perform a "sit and reach" test, where they sit with legs extended and tried to touch their toes.


  • 显然他们以前一样同一年龄变得年老只是苟延残喘更长时间,还是老当益壮地度过延长的寿命。

    Clearly it depends on whether they become old and frail at the same age as before and just limp on for much longer, or if the extra years are hale and hearty ones.


  • 经济G20成员国应当结构目标做出贡献,无论是提高退休年龄还是撤销类似物流等的管制。

    The members of the G20 big economies could commit themselves to specific structural goals, from raising retirement ages to deregulating things like transport.


  • 正常来说,随着年龄增长玻璃开始形成’,其实玻璃裂缝

    It is normal that as the eye ages, the vitreous begins forming "webs" (floaters) which are "cracks" in the vitreous.


  • 上述年龄组别人群经济活力人群,因此如果艾滋病继续传播造成严重经济后果

    This age group is the most economically productive part of the population, and if the epidemic continues to spread through that age group, there will be serious economic consequences in the future.


  • 年龄相关白内障有可能在四十几开始不过六十以后这种影响视力晶状混浊现象常见

    Age-related cataracts can start as early as the 40s, but it is most often after age 60 that such clouding of the lens begins to affect vision.


  • 唯一的例外55岁以上年龄段,一群的就业人数增加了将近100万。

    Except, that is, the cohort aged 55 and over, which has gained nearly one million positions.


  • 结论近视患者屈光矫正手术术式选择根据年龄晶状情况、近视程度双眼情况,进行综合判断决定。

    Conclusion: the selection of refractive surgery in patients with myopia should be based on age, condition of the lens, degree of myopia, and monocular and binocular refraction.


  • 目的探讨女性年龄卵母细胞纺锤染色构型影响

    Objective To study the effect of maternal age on meiotic spindle and chromosome configuration of oocytes.


  • 正如书籍中的文字竖排列一般这里生活也是垂直的方式运行资历常常年龄画上等号

    As in books, where the characters flow from top to bottom, so life is run vertically, with seniority often synonymous with age.


  • 不同年龄男性女性脂百分比差异P<0.05)。

    The PBF of the male and female patients with various ages had significant differences(P<0.05).


  • 眼球晶状柔韧性随着年龄增长而减退。

    The flexibility of the lens decreases with age.


  • 人工视网膜视网膜用于治疗年龄相关性黄斑变性遗传视网膜色素变性视网膜疾病。

    The Artificial Retina is a retinal prosthesis that can be used to treat age-related macular degeneration and inherited retinal disorders such as retinitis pigmentosa.


  • 先前的研究已经发现中,存在于年龄相关变化基因表达,海马大脑中的记忆中枢

    Previous studies had found age-related changes in gene expression in the hippocampus, a crucial memory center in the brain.


  • 研究者评估了患有原发性高血压且有打鼾扁桃增大,或夜间高血压15名男孩5名女孩年龄4-18岁间)。

    Researchers evaluated 15 boys and five girls (ages 4 to 18) with primary hypertension who snored or had enlarged tonsils or night-time high blood pressure.


  • 综合评述了金青顶金矿化分带、成矿年龄包裹以及深部采矿露头资料

    The new data of metallogenic epochs, the zoning of the mineralization, fluid inclusions and deep mining outcrops in the Jinqingding gold deposit have been reviewed comprehensively.


  • 女生年龄增长增加,且在青春期后增加迅速。

    There was an increase in the body fat of girls with age, an accelerative increase was found during the late adolescence.


  • 结果:齿胖瘦关系最大,与年龄相关系数最小。符合中医临床诊断观察。

    Results: The relationship between indented tongue with fat and thin of tongue is more larger than that of indented tongue with age, which accords with clinical diagnosis.


  • 结论扁桃青少年阶段年龄增长而增重,学龄期最为突出。

    CONCLUSION The tonsillar weight increases with ages in adolescents, and remarkably increase before school age.


  • 大多数制定一些晶状混浊年龄60

    Most people develop some lens clouding after age 60 years.


  • 的沉积还要遗传年龄日粮营养水平因素的影响。

    However, fat retention in pigs was influenced by genetic, age and dietary nutrient levels etc.


  • 到2015年,一些发达经济”,预计将有四分之一以上人口年龄超过65岁。

    More than a quarter of the people in some "developed economies" are expected to be older than 65 by 2015.


  • 矿石铅同位素模式年龄石英斑岩侵入年龄一致性反映燕山期构造岩浆成矿作用密切关系

    Consistence between isotopic model age of lead ore and intrusion age of quartz porphyry shows close relations among structure movements, magmatism and mineralization in Stage of Yenshan.


  • 目的克隆死亡因子相关基因15MRG15研究正常晶状年龄相关性白内障晶状上皮细胞中的表达,比较二者差异。

    ObjectiveTo clone the gene of mortality factor related gene 15(MRG15) and to investigate its expression in lens epithelium cell(LEC) of normal and age related cataractous eyes.


  • 目的克隆死亡因子相关基因15MRG15研究正常晶状年龄相关性白内障晶状上皮细胞中的表达,比较二者差异。

    ObjectiveTo clone the gene of mortality factor related gene 15(MRG15) and to investigate its expression in lens epithelium cell(LEC) of normal and age related cataractous eyes.


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