• 磨损活塞结构容量气量

    Low wear of the piston structure, large capacity and low air consumption.


  • 直流电机一种具有高效率、磨损噪声新型直流电机机种。

    The DC motor without coal brushes is in a new style, with higher work rate, less wear and tear and lower noise.


  • 其他方法例子公开,还公开了显示出磨损特性植入体表面的特征

    Other examples of method are also disclosed, along with characteristics of implant surfaces that can exhibit low wear properties.


  • 突破汽车行业低磨损冰核滚轴承滑动轴承取代传播中的传奇大众甲壳虫

    A breakthrough for the automotive industry: Low-wear INA needle roller bearings replace plain bearings in the transmission of the legendary VW Beetle.


  • 颗粒松散磨料磨损磨损机理主要微观切削磨损机理,表面明显犁沟或者印痕

    In the low wearing area of the loose abrasive of tiny particle, wear mechanism is mainly the micro-cuts wearing mechanism, and the surface has obvious furrow and indentation.


  • 考虑到着色浇铸料性质,选择具有更大硬度范围磨损优越承载能力聚氨酯替代橡胶明智的。

    Considering its colourable and castable nature, its extended hardness range, low wear and superior load bearing capacity, polyurethane is a smart substitute for rubber.


  • 这种木炭拥有高产能高密度电耗磨损优良特点,而且成品木炭燃烧热量无污染,燃烧时间长

    This charcoal press owns the advantages of high production capacity, high density, low power consumption, low wear and also the output is with high heat, no pollution, and longer burning.


  • 是因为油量(重量轻)、同时使用具有抓地力更不磨损时,赛车具有更快的速度。

    This was because the car could run substantially quicker on a lower fuel load (with less weight to carry around) and using the grippier, but less durable, soft tyre compounds.


  • 文章最后碳高合金钢冲击腐蚀磨损机制进行了探讨

    At last, this article also discussed the mechanisms of corrosive impact abrasion for these LCHA after substitution for nickel with manganese.


  • 通常扁平脚,鞋底内侧外侧磨损

    Pronators often have flat feet, and the medial portion of their shoe bottom wears down before the lateral part.


  • 摩擦系数切屑刀具摩擦系数应当。这会使磨损较小切屑流动更好

    Low friction-the coefficient of friction between the chip and tool should be low. This would allow for lower wear rates and better chip flow.


  • 结果表明,2.0J冲击条件,中碳合金钢碳高合金钢浅层剥落为主,抗冲击腐蚀磨损性能相近

    Results show that the leading mechanisms of both alloys are shallow flaking under 2.0 J impact work, and the anti-impact-corrosion wear are close.


  • 无需油墨传统印刷耗材加工成本标记清晰不易磨损

    Without the printing ink etc traditional consumables , Low processing cost. Mark clearly, not easy to wear and tear.


  • 增加白口铸铁腐蚀磨损耐磨性将比普通白口铸铁的高。

    The corrosion wear resistance of low chromium white cast iron increases when the silicon content increases in it.


  • 改进MLD - 10冲击腐蚀磨损试验机上,选择三种不同冲击,对以碳高合金钢的冲击腐蚀磨损性能进行了测试。

    Under three different impact energy, LCHA with Mn in place of Ni were tested with a modified MLD-10 wear tester to investigate their behavior of corrosive impact abrasion.


  • 改进MLD - 10型冲击腐蚀磨损试验机上,对不同成分碳高合金钢的冲击腐蚀磨损性能进行了测试

    LCHA with several variations of composition were tested with a modified MLD-10 wear tester to investigate their behavior under corrosive impact abrasion.


  • 拖拉机上,调整流量控制阀流速一侧注意太快流速会使升温过早磨损或者给拖拉机造成损害

    On tractor, adjust flow-control valve to low side of flow rate. NOTE: the faster the flow of oil heating, premature wear or tractor damage.


  • 大型矿用球磨机研磨应用对象,实验室条件下研究白口铸铁腐蚀磨损耐磨性影响

    The effect of Si and Cu on the corrosive wears resistance of low chromium white cast iron for making grinding body of large grinding ball mill used in mine was studied in the conditions of laboratory.


  • 分别建立了水涡轮机械中、高浓度湍流模型泥沙磨损模型。

    Turbulence models and wear models of low concentration as well as high concentration solid Liquid two - Phase flows in hydraulic turbomachinery are developed.


  • 研究了含量珠光体基体铸铁冲击疲劳抗力冲击磨损性能影响

    The effect of carbon and chromium content on the impact fatigue resistance and impact abrasion resistance of pearlitic low chromium cast iron has been investigated in this paper.


  • 背-锡青铜双金属制造成本磨损率小、使用寿命取代青铜衬

    Steel backed-tin bronze bi-metallic sleeve can be used to substitute all bronze sleeves due to its low manufacturing cost, better wearing quality and longer service life.


  • 柴油润滑性导致燃油泵严重磨损

    The poor lubricity of low sulfur diesel fuel results in the bad wear of fuel pump.


  • 结果表明化学成分调整后抗磨白口铸铁成功用于生产中等中等稍强磨损工况下使用的渣,成本,耐磨性优良。

    The results show that the modified abrasion resistant medium chrome white cast iron can successfully be applied to slurry pumps which should work under medium or medium-high wear duties.


  • 下贝氏体组织应力磨料磨损相同硬度,稍高硬度的回火马氏体组织具有较高的耐磨性应力磨损下表现为不利的作用。

    Bainite has higher abrasive wear resistance than tempered martensite with equal or higher hardness in hard abrasion, but in reverse in soft abrasion.


  • 应力磨料磨损应力磨料磨损工况条件下,高白口铸铁不须回火直接应用

    Under high stress or low stress abrasion working conditions, high Cr white cast iron can be used just after it having been air quenched.


  • 应力冲刷磨损测试橡胶轮两种磨损试验机进行

    Low stress erosion wear tests were done in sand mixing pan and rubber wheel wear testing machine.


  • 随着载荷变化,磨损机制发生变化,载荷时表现氧化磨损磨损,中等载荷时表现为磨粒磨损和轻微磨损,较高载荷时表现为剥层磨损

    The wear mechanisms are changed with the load, it shows oxidation and abrasive wear at low load, abrasive and mild delamination wear at medium load, and delamination wear at high load.


  • 比较两材料试样一定时间失重变化情况,表明合金钢冲击腐蚀磨损性能优于高锰钢。

    Wear loss of specimens for these two steels during a certain time show that low carbon high alloy steel is much more resistant to corrosive impact abrasion than high manganese steel.


  • 比较两材料试样一定时间失重变化情况,表明合金钢冲击腐蚀磨损性能优于高锰钢。

    Wear loss of specimens for these two steels during a certain time show that low carbon high alloy steel is much more resistant to corrosive impact abrasion than high manganese steel.


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