• 39岁的参赛者马拉赛跑中途瘫倒了

    A thirty-nine-year-old competitor collapsed half-way through the marathon.


  • 过于渴望胜利带来危险的后果记住第一马拉运动员费迪皮迪兹说完:“欢呼吧我们了!”几秒钟就倒在地上死了

    Being too keen to win can have dangerous consequences: remember that Pheidippides, the first marathon runner, dropped dead seconds after saying: "Rejoice, we conquer!"


  • 这太令人惊讶了,”一20多岁的跑步者在4月份观看了王桂兰参加辽宁马拉比赛后表示。

    "That's surprising," a runner in his twenties said after seeing Wang compete in the Liaoning marathon in April.


  • 尼克吃惊,但是经过反复思考后决定每一家长同样选择

    Nixon was surprised, but after he thought it over, he decided to give every parent the same option.


  • 如果跑完19英里马拉运动员感觉如何的。

    If you ask a marathon runner how he feels after 19 miles, he will say he is tired.


  • 卡尔·哈桑母亲,住索马里兰附近埃塞俄比亚村落里说,坚决女儿接受割礼,让儿子和接受割礼的女孩结婚

    Kalthoun Hassan, a young mother in an Ethiopian village near Somaliland, told me that she would insist on her daughters being cut and her sons marrying only girls who had been.


  • 但是费德勒希望巨头在下赛季得到更多挑战,像乔-威尔弗雷德·特加以及其排名前10选手来争夺大赛冠军。

    But Federer expects the Big Four will be challenged even more in the coming season, with the likes of Jo-Wilfried Tsonga and others in the Top 10 also in contention for major titles.


  • 餐车“,一满头银发脖子处都是褶皱皮肤老人回答到。”

    "Diner," answered the aging man with silver hair and loose skin that hung in folds around his neck.


  • 根据匈牙利米蒂新闻社援引专家报道周三中午污染到达杰尔-莫-肖普朗州,已经接近多瑙河

    According to an expert quoted by the Hungarian news agency MTI, the pollution had been due to reach the county of Gyor-Moson-Sopron by midday Wednesday, bringing it closer to the Danube.


  • 尼克接管“约翰·C”学校之前,学生行为糟糕透顶以至于有一老师把这种局面描述成“混乱”。

    Before Nixon took over "John C, " student behavior had gotten so bad that one teacher described it as "chaos."


  • 1889年,苏利文最后赤手拳王JakeKilrain马拉较量中获胜。 比赛在令人崩溃的热浪中开始,持续了两个小时之久

    Poet Vachel Lindsay memorialized Sullivan’s most impressive victory, in an 1889 marathon battle with Jake Kilrainthe last bare-knuckle championship, waged in wilting heat and lasting over two hours.


  • 早在5年前MeghanArbogast已经成功马拉选手,在2个小时58分就跑完了。

    Meghan Arbogast was already a successful marathoner 5 years ago, with a 2:58 to her credit.


  • 马丁17个孩子退休年后觉得无聊,所以在99时又找了一份工作。他挑战世界上年龄最大马拉¬选手历史纪录,目前的纪录是一93的老人创造的。

    Martin, who had 17 children and returned to work at the age of 99 saying he was bored after two years of retirement, would beat the previous record for world's oldest marathon runner by eight years.


  • 希罗多德历史学家,穷尽毕生精力研究历史上真实马拉战役。 最后得出了惊人的发现:英雄斐迪庇第斯的著名事迹不是发生在马拉战役之后而是马拉战役之前

    According to Herodotus, a historian writing within a lifetime of the actual battle this Phidippides guy did his running before the fight, not after it.


  • 75马拉长跑世界纪录50长跑者的纪录的1.5倍。

    The world record for a 75-year-old marathon runner is about 50% longer than the world record for a runner who is 50 years younger.


  • 从此番关于北海道举行”超级马拉”的描述,我们也许可以感觉到:村上春树,作为日本著名的”长跑小说家”,如果不是疯子,必定异常执着

    This description of a 62-mile (100-km) “ultra-marathon” in Hokkaido might suggest that, if not a madman, Haruki Murakami, Japan’s foremostrunning novelist”, is a very focused man.


  • 洛杉矶,洛佩斯在34.5公里后开始加速,并且仅14分33随后的五公里,最终以35秒的优势夺得奥运会马拉冠军,成为奥运会历史上第一小时八分之内跑完马拉的运动员。

    He went on to win the race by 35 seconds. The following year, Lopes became the first runner to complete a marathon in less than 2 hours and 8 minutes.


  • 现在流通的1美元硬币最早出现1998年,上面印着萨卡加维亚的头像,面世后很快被广泛使用。萨卡·加维亚是一年轻的肖尼族翻译,曾担任过刘易斯克拉克探险队的向导。

    The current dollar coin, which made its debut in 1998, features Sacagawea, the young Shoshone interpreter who guided the Lewis and Clark expedition.


  • 这项研究中,奥勒研究院彼得鲁温博士领导一群学者93母亲的3岁孩子,进行饮食习惯调查

    In their study, researchers led by Dr. Peter M. Lewinsohn of the Oregon research Institute surveyed 93 mothers about their 3-year-olds' eating habits.


  • 规则1越长的比赛越高里程毫不奇怪,马拉运动员需要5公里专业运动员要更多的量。

    Rule 1: the longer the race, the higher the mileage. Not surprisingly, a marathoner needs to run more than a 5k specialist.


  • 马拉赛跑选手了,他们虚脱状态

    Two of the runners in the Marathon race collapsed and were carried off in a state of prostration.


  • 马拉赛跑选手了,他们虚脱状态

    Two of the runners in the marathon race collapsed and were carried off in a state of prostration .


  • 其他老师一起跑了这场马拉我们也没拿到第一我们没有任何人中途放弃。

    I ran the marathon with three other teachers. None of us won the first prize but we all tried our best to finish what we started.


  • 1972年理查德·尼克宣布登月成功时架势就像是宣读公司报表CEO

    Richard Nixon announced it in 1972 with all the drama of a CEO reading out the company report.


  • 尼克几乎每次和我谈话隐隐约约地最亲密助手是否应当辞职

    In almost every conversation Nixon asked me in his elliptical manner whether his two closest aides should resign.


  • 突然穿着衣服老人过来

    Suddenly, an old man in baggy clothes came.


  • 突然穿着衣服老人过来

    Suddenly, an old man in baggy clothes came.


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