• 论文基于24BMP图像文件格式分析,提出种24BMP图像按位权编码方法

    Based on analyzing the file format of 24-bits BMP image file, this paper puts forth a new encoding method for 24-bits BMP image file.


  • 本文提出一种用随手得可反复使用位权进行二进制十进制相互转换简便方法

    This paper puts forward a simple and convenient method of mutual conversion of binary Numbers and decimal Numbers, which USES a form that is very simple and can be used again and again.


  • 有三候选人角逐领导

    Three candidates contested the leadership.


  • 提到自己所犯最大错误之一,就是授予了董事会投资者否决行使,导致他们有时滥用而且妨碍了进行好的买卖

    He references one of his biggest mistakes as giving veto power to two investors on his board of directors, who abused that power and blocked him from doing good deals sometimes.


  • 世界上儿童都平等的享有受教育相应的教学机构学习利,包括学校学院大学等等

    Every child in the world has an equal right to education and to learn in an educational institution such as a school, college, university etc.


  • 点睛之笔:“不是道德问题否认任何一美国同胞这个国家拥有选举错误的——是致命的错误。”

    Best Line: "There is no moral issue." It is wrong - deadly wrong - to deny any of your fellow Americans the right to vote in this country.


  • 通过友善律师帮助他们避免丧失抵押品赎回

    Only through the help of a friendly lawyer did they escape foreclosure.


  • 活动组织者感到他们独特性来自他们如何人们

    Each of the four event organizers felt their uniqueness could be tied back to how they empowered people.


  • 美军高级军官亚力山大将军优先改善军用网络防御能力

    One senior military official says General Alexander’s priority will be to improve the defences of military networks.


  • PJ•福专业猎手公园以外狩猎管理区持有狩猎特许,他马克·欧文斯公园的野生动物产生了种领主的感觉

    P. J. Fouche a professional hunter who manages a hunting concession in a game-management area outside the park said that Mark Owens developed a proprietary feeling about the park's wildlife.


  • 发言人:“我们可以证实参加了英超转播投标因此我们对结果感到失望。”

    A spokesman said: "we can confirm that we did bid for Premier League rights and we are therefore disappointed in the outcome."


  • 纽约白人女性于1998年生出一对黑人夫妇孩子,也是因为胚胎弄错了,为此引发长达两年围绕争夺探视的官司。

    A white New York woman gave birth to a black couple's baby in 1998 after an embryo mix-up that set off a two-year court fight between the couples over visitation rights.


  • 案件里,一旦一个法庭组建接受审判采取的第一个行动就是任命记录员,的职责是大声重复听证期间发言者提出每一个要点

    Once a court forms and accepts jurisdictionover a case, its first action is to appoint a recorder, who will repeat loudlyduring the hearing each important point made by the speakers.


  • 柬埔寨方面指挥官怀疑这次会谈能否解决双方一个古老寺庙归属争执。

    A commander on the Cambodian side expressed doubts that the talks will lead to a resolution of the dispute over ownership of an ancient temple complex.


  • 法律中规定用水优先从理论上来看,比如加州帝王生菜的农民损失掉滴水之前,整个拉斯维加斯城市用水切断

    The law's seniority rules theoretically mean that, for example, the taps to Las Vegas would be shut completely before a single lettuce-grower in California's Imperial County lost a drop.


  • 丑闻涉案一家公司据说先前竟然选择授予已经去世管理人员

    If that sounds odd, Cablevision, another firm caught up in the scandal, reportedly gave options retrospectively to an executive after his death.


  • 前文提到P•J•福猎手公园外缘区域持有狩猎特许告诉,欧文斯出现在巡防队员面前时,他们都会他敬礼

    P. J. Fouche the hunter who manages a concession on the edge of the park told me that scouts would salute Owens when he appeared.


  • 虽然昌西本人算不上高水平的应试者,但他却相信通过考试可以赋予美国精英阶层种“天然高贵”,一个有序的,精英治理的社会奠定基础

    A mediocre test-taker himself, Chauncey believed that tests would filter into the US elite ‘a natural aristocracy, ’ and this would be the basis for an orderly and meritocratic society.


  • 房地产开发商出庭作证,他给这些政客们钱财,换取项目优先审批通过

    The collaborating witness posed as a property developer offering money to politicians and aides in return for assistance in getting projects prioritised and approved.


  • BMI 公司曾经拥有起降希思罗机场起降总额的11%,居第二直到最近这都一笔令人羡慕不已的巨大资本。

    Until quite recently, the chance to acquire BMI’s 11% share of take-off and landing slots at Heathrow would have been enviable.


  • 所以专家建议获得子女抚养最好找到合适伴侣从而使孩子行为成长正常越好。

    So experts consider it is best for that parent who has gained custody over children to find a proper spouse in order for the children to behave and develop as normal as possible.


  • 美国大学传播学教授凯瑟琳·蒙哥马利说: “年轻人把个人信息上传到网络,他的安全将会受到威胁。” 她也是保护青少年隐私倡导者

    “It’s the Wild West for teens when it comes to privacy online, ” said Kathryn Montgomery, a privacy advocate and communications professor at American University.


  • 美国大学传播学教授凯瑟琳·蒙哥马利说:“年轻人把个人信息上传到网络,他的安全将会受到威胁。”她也是保护青少年隐私倡导者

    "It's the Wild West for teens when it comes to privacy online," said Kathryn Montgomery, a privacy advocate and communications professor at American University.


  • 这份报告究竟是预示这场旷日持久战争以大获成功来告终还是仅仅只是另一场没有结果小规模战斗,现在决定掌握参议院那100身经百战勇士的手里。

    Whether the report presages a victory so resounding that it ends the long war, or just another inconclusive skirmish, now depends on the 100 battle-hardened warriors of the Senate.


  • 投资者收益高度依赖投入时机。

    The final return of an equity investor is highly dependent on when he starts to put money in.


  • 杂志则明星他们婚礼办成了一次国际性新闻事件”而丧失了他们的隐私

    The magazine says the stars forfeited their right to privacy by making their wedding an "international media event."


  • 杂志则明星他们婚礼办成了一次国际性新闻事件”而丧失了他们的隐私

    The magazine says the stars forfeited their right to privacy by making their wedding an "international media event."


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