• 正确注写识别表面粗糙度代号尺寸公差配合代号,公差代号。

    Be able to label and read surface roughness codes, codes of size tolerance and fitting, and geometrical tolerance codes.


  • 利用系统提供菜单功能方便地标注表面粗糙度公差

    Moreover, with the supplied Menu function, one can easily mark out the surface rough rate and its tolerance of position on the diagram.


  • 坐标测量各种零件进行几何元素公差测量

    The CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine) can be used to measure the geometric element and the tolerance of position and shape of many kinds of work pieces.


  • 根据零件互换性要求功能要求,分析公差最大实体要求几种标注方式

    According to the exchanging and functional requirement of parts, several kinds of marking methods of geometric tolerances maximum material requirement have been analyzed.


  • 拔模斜度余量只有铸造厂商定后才能合并尺寸公差公差中。

    Draft allowances can be incorporated into dimensional tolerances or geometric tolerances only upon consultation with the foundry.


  • 论述公差项目之间关系合理地选择标注方法

    The article describes the relation of various items of form and position tolerance and the method of mark selecting properly.


  • 多层壳体组件具有尺寸精度公差要求严难度大特点

    Multiplayer shells assembly have characteristic, which are high dimension precision, strict form and position tolerance, difficult bond technology and etc.


  • 给出了基于CAD系统计算机辅助尺寸公差公差综合设计总体框架原型系统。

    The general framework and prototype system for synthetic design of dimensional and geometric tolerance based on three- dimensional CAD system are established.


  • 一种意见在建立了公差概念之后,应采用尺寸公差

    One is using dimensional tolerance and the other is profile tolerance.


  • 建立了运动误差公差制造误差及运动质量误差等因素数学模型给出了三种运动可靠度的计算方法

    The mathematic models of errors among movement and shape seat, manufacture, motion quality etc. are established and the computing method of three motion reliability is put forward.


  • 技术要求包括尺寸公差表面粗糙度公差材料等要求。

    Size tolerance, surface roughness, geometric tolerance and material requirements are supposed to be contained in technical requirements.


  • 通过实例,简要介绍了印模间接测量公差表面方面应用

    The application of copying method in indirect measurement of positional tolerance and surface profile is introduced and several examples are given as well.


  • 提出尺寸公差公差混合设计方法

    A composite tolerance design method is proposed for dimensional tolerances and geometric tolerances.


  • 分析论述采用包容要求最大实体要求并对中心要素公差进一步要求零件检测方法

    The article analyzes test methods for parts to follow the envelope requirement or maximum material requirement, as well as further requirements of geometrical tolerances for its central feature.


  • 公差原则进行精度设计处理尺寸公差公差关系指导原则。

    As guiding principles, the tolerancing principles deal with the relationship between form-position tolerance and size tolerance in precision design.


  • 该机加真空尺寸,尺寸精度公差粗糙度要求极高不同于常规大型超高真空室。

    It's dimension is large, and requirements of accuracy, tolerance and roughness are very strict. It is different from conventional large UHV chamber.


  • 理想边界尺寸公差公差综合代表实际要素满足设计要求条件极限状态。

    An ideal boundary, which stands for the limit condition of real feature under meeting design demands, can be formed by suitable dimensional and geometrical tolerances.


  • 合理选注公差工程界设计制造质量控制等方面优化产品质量前提保障

    Reasonable choice for geometric tolerance is the premise and guarantee of optimizing the quality of products when designing, manufacturing and doing quality control by engineering community.


  • 轮廓误差零件公差国家标准和国际标准应用广泛难于测量评定项目

    The profile error is the item which applies widespread but difficult to measure and evaluate in country standard and international standard of the components shape error and position error.


  • 进行微细电火花扫描加工时,由于电极损耗相对严重,导致公差难以保证加工效率较低。

    In 3d scanning process of micro electro discharge machining (micro EDM), the machining efficiency and geometrical tolerance are difficult to be guaranteed due to the serious electrode wear.


  • 技术制图几何公差符号比例尺寸

    Technical drawings. Symbols for geometrical tolerancing. Proportions and dimensions.


  • 本文提出干电池主要零配件精度概念以及尺寸公差公差表面粗糙度等精度要求工作表达式。

    The conception of the precision of the main parts for dry battery application and the working chart of the tolerance of the dimension and shape and the coarse degree of the surface were put forward.


  • 该文论述了最大实体要求,可逆要求用于最大实体要求,最大实体要求用于基准要素三种情况尺寸公差公差相互补偿及计算问题。

    With regard to measure the spares that adopt maximum material requirement and don't ask shape and position tolerance, it is not accurate to measure with position gauge only.


  • 三个实例分析验证系统有效地实现尺寸公差公差综合设计同时完成了公差评价系统和公差优化设计系统的有机集成。

    Three examples are studied to demonstrate that the system can effectively design dimensional tolerance and geometric tolerance, and integrate tolerance design and tolerance evaluation.


  • 工装基本要求刚性公差尺寸公差符合要求。

    The most basic requirements of the fixture is a good rigidity, shape and tolerance and dimensional tolerances meet the requirements.


  • 国家标准公差指引线制定一般的标注示例没有较详细的文字说明,致使公差指引线出现比较混乱的的使用问题。

    There are some label samples about shape and place error in national standard, but without letter explanation. It makes shape and place error label leader line using disordered.


  • 镜台底座某设备中重要部件其注塑尺寸公差要求

    The mirror foundation is in the medical equipment-the important part, therefore casts after to it the size, the shape position common difference requests very strictly.


  • 镜台底座某设备中重要部件其注塑尺寸公差要求

    The mirror foundation is in the medical equipment-the important part, therefore casts after to it the size, the shape position common difference requests very strictly.


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