• 届时拉特(面对机器人称霸的局面,这两博主称为人类最后希望”)将会带上这个ibm创始人ThomasJ .Watson命名超级计算机上场

    Jennings and Rutter (described by one blogger as mankind's "last, best hope" against our robot overlords) will take on the supercomputer named after IBM founder Thomas J. Watson.


  • 这天第一演讲者就是兰德·保罗之前已经说过如果决定退休也许会竞选参议员

    The first speaker of the day was Rand Paul, who by then had said he might run for the Senate if Bunning were to retire.


  • 爵士伟大并不完美法官30年前说出这些时候,引起了不小争议

    The words of Lord Denning, a great if flawed judge, were controversial when he uttered them 30 years ago.


  • 好莱坞其中杰出主管彼得作为新闻集团总裁首席运营离任。

    Peter Chernin, one of Hollywood’s most prominent executives, quit as president and chief operating officer of News Corp.


  • 格里芬快船选中第三个状元,是迈克尔·奥洛沃坎迪(1998年)丹尼·(1988年)。

    Griffin is the third player selected No. 1 overall by the Clippers, following Michael Olowokandi (1998) and Manning (1988).


  • 另一保守党同僚汉·菲尔德勋爵最近会计造假方面被指控有六项罪名成立,并且很快被判刑

    Another Tory peer, Lord Hanningfield, was recently convicted on six counts of false accounting and will soon be sentenced.


  • 女士依旧自己给车机油,不过更多的事就得依靠小型保养团队来做了,保养团队成员包括90岁的老朋友。

    Ms. Dunning still changes the oil herself, but mostly relies on a small maintenance team that includes a 90-year-old friend.


  • 沃森运行着90台服务器,体积占据了整个房间一月份练习赛中完胜了冠军·斯(Ken Jennings)布拉德·鲁特尔(BradRutter)。

    Watson runs on 90 servers and takes up an entire room, and in a practice match in January it finished ahead of two former champions, Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter.


  • 40未检出尼古丁可替的志愿者被归类“非烟民”;

    The 40 people with undetectable levels of nicotine and cotinine were classified as nonsmokers;


  • 因此19世纪50年代早期接受深肤色英俊音乐会钢琴家理查德•博的爱情,而决定变成一个世界级花腔女高音歌唱家的时候,琼有些害怕。

    Hence her horror when Joanie took up, in the early 1950s, with a darkly handsome concert pianist called Richard Bonynge, who was determined to turn her into a world-class coloratura soprano.


  • 大卫·经验丰富作家,同时也是超链接团队

    David Trinh is an experienced writer and a member of the Hyperink Team.


  • 北京分析家侯(音)农村里那些非法放贷者放出不安全的高利贷来助长农民进入股市

    Hou Ning, a Beijing-based analyst, says that in the countryside unlicensed moneylenders have been helping farmers into the markets with unsecured high interest loans.


  • 如果车手的成绩剥夺,那么英国就能够获得额外积分,从而从胜利者法拉利车队的米·莱库手里夺得总冠军王冠

    If all three are disqualified, the Briton could gain the extra points required to crown him world champion instead of race winner Ferrari's Kimi Raikkonen.


  • 每套五十匣,作为紫禁城内育斋寿花园符望阁及盛京奉天行宫等宫殿的陈设。

    Each set contains about fifty cases that formerly decorated such palatial areas in the Forbidden City as the Weiyu Studio and Fuwang Hall at the Ningshou Garden as well as the Mukden Palace.


  • 我们都会,都会那个年龄没有什么可以永久存在的,美好东西总会消失”,这是叫凯过客说的话

    "We are all getting older, we are all getting up to that age. Nothing lasts forever; all good things come to an end," Canning said.


  • 雷蒙德·格伦丹足球比赛进行实况报道,具有能记住选手姓名非凡才能

    Raymond Glendenning had the remarkable ability of remembering every player's name while giving a running commentary on a football match.


  • 叶赛独特的俄罗斯抒情诗人作品既有浓郁时代色彩和民族风格鲜明的创作个性

    Yecenin is a unique Russian lyric poet, whose works are full of features of times, of the style of nationality, and of distinct creative personality.


  • 1938年,当时初出茅庐荷兰大学内科医生科尔夫,亲眼目睹年轻人暂时性衰而漫长痛苦死亡过程。

    As a young physician at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands in 1938, Dr. Kolff watched a young man die a slow, agonizing death from temporary kidney failure.


  • 斯太太住宅非常美观,布置得十分讲究,两小姐立即住进一套十分舒适房间

    The house was handsome, and handsomely fitted up, and the young ladieswere immediately put in possession of a very comfortable apartment.


  • 吉尔已经取得过去比赛的胜利,而意大利将排在福特车手·海之后第三发车因此也将朝着个人职业生涯第五个分站冠军发起冲击。

    Ogier has won the last two rounds and his starting position of third on the road on Friday behind Ford driver Mikko Hirvonen could give him an edge as he looks to make it five career wins.


  • 来自挪威的72游客英格•龙:“认为展会非常震撼人心。”

    Inge Lonning, a 72-year-old tourist from Norway said: "I thought the exhibition was very impressive."


  • 帕尔默夫人还有詹斯太太上午遇见时邀请关系密切的上了年纪太太,同她们共进晚餐。

    Mrs. Palmer and two elderly ladies of Mrs. Jennings's intimateacquaintance, whom she had met and invited in the morning, dined withthem.


  • 俄国第一诺贝尔文学奖获得者伊·阿·布侨居时期短篇小说中暑创作主题有着特殊

    The short story "Sunstroke" by I. A. Bunin, the first Nobel Prize winner of Russians in literature, takes up a special place in his creation on the theme of love.


  • 俄国第一诺贝尔文学奖获得者伊·阿·布侨居时期短篇小说中暑创作主题有着特殊

    The short story "Sunstroke" by I. A. Bunin, the first Nobel Prize winner of Russians in literature, takes up a special place in his creation on the theme of love.


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