• 布鲁斯·韦恩,也就是蝙蝠侠,他整个韦恩集团的亿万富翁

    Bruce Wayne, otherwise known as Batman, is a billionaire who owns Wayne Enterprises.


  • 王岳父亲家酒店度假村妈妈房地产投资商

    Wang Yue's father owns several hotels and holiday resorts and his mother is a real estate investor.


  • 然后,发现妇女

    Then I noticed a woman sitting against a wall.


  • 身材娇小的泰国人,英语口音很重,出租车前往汽车站的途中,再三告诉说,在目的地协助开展工作韩国人

    She was tiny and Thai and heavily accented, and repeatedly told me during our cab ride that everyone I was about to be working with was Korean.


  • 德克萨斯州药店营业员认为原因在于墨西哥黑人不同,他们可以在冷饮柜边饮料,但是如果想要一张桌子,白人分开

    One Texas drugstore clerk explained that Mexicans, unlike blacks, were allowed to drink at the soda fountain. But if they wanted a table they would be seated apart from whites.


  • 在底本民哪(原文作女子),荣耀的下来渴。 因毁灭押的上来攻击毁坏了你的保障。

    Thou daughter that dost inhabit Dibon, come down from thy glory, and sit in thirst; for the spoiler of Moab shall come upon thee, and he shall destroy thy strong holds.


  • 耶和华许多儿子,在儿子中拣选所罗门耶和华,治理以色列人

    And of all my sons, (for the LORD hath given me many sons,) he hath chosen Solomon my son to sit upon the throne of the kingdom of the LORD over Israel.


  • 但是德国人得到提名继任教皇时,意大利人上百年来教皇之的情形似乎打破了

    But when a German was named to succeed him, it seemed even to many Italians that their grip on the papacy had been broken.


  • 王岳父亲家酒店度假村妈妈则房地产投资商王岳父母见到自己的前女友(音译)厌恶之情溢于言表。

    Wang, whose father owns several hotels and holiday resorts and whose mother is a real estate investor, said his parents were "visibly disgusted" when they met his ex, Xiao mo.


  • 私人收藏家收购时常这辆车出行,摧毁邻里建筑物,并从中获取乐趣收益

    The last truck was acquired by a private collector, who goes out in it from time to time to demolish buildings in his neighborhood for fun and profit.


  • 最近旅行车开车司机就能接受脾气火爆的卡车司机的不敬。

    Recently I was on a tour bus whose driver was the recipient of the truck driver's salute from an irritated motorist.


  • 耶和华是应当称颂的。喜悦,使你以色列的国

    Praise be to the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel.


  • 果然出乎吗?王没有告诉仆人们,我主我王之后

    Is this something my Lord the king has done without letting his servants know who should sit on the throne of my Lord the king after him?


  • 航空公司专门给他们头等舱记者基于避免困扰考虑接受了

    Air China upgraded them to the first-class cabin and the two reporters accepted this arrangement in order to keep off unexpected troubles.


  • 所罗门父亲大卫,他国甚坚固

    So Solomon sat on the throne of his father David, and his rule was firmly established.


  • 耶和华是应当称颂的。喜悦,使你他的国耶和华你的神王。

    Praise be to the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on his throne as king to rule for the Lord your God.


  • 耶和华许多儿子,在儿子中拣选所罗门耶和华,治理以色列人

    Of all my sons-and the Lord has given me many-he has chosen my son Solomon to sit on the throne of the kingdom of the Lord over Israel.


  • 伊斯梅尔便是个很好的例子。众所周知的军阀头目,早前任命以前能源大臣的提案被否决了。

    One, Ismail Khan, turned down for reappointment to his old job as energy minister, was a particularly famous warlord.


  • 坚固以色列中,直到永远正如应许大卫子孙必不断以色列的国

    I will establish your royal throne over Israel forever, as I promised David your father when I said, 'you shall never fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.'


  • 英国作家·福莱特(Ken Follett)的悬疑小说使两千万的收入稳了排行榜第五

    British writer Ken Follett's scorching suspense novels land him at No. 5 on our list with $20 million.


  • 美国机器LinuxRoadrunner头把交椅,称霸前十名第三来自德国于利希(Juelich开发中心的Linux PC占据。

    US machines dominate the first ten positions with Linux Roadrunner leading, but slots 3 and 10 have been taken by Linux PCs from the Juelich development center in Germany.


  • 或许是浑身脏兮兮的刚5个时区飞机之后,快乐出租车司机告诉你你看起来感觉真的很棒

    Perhaps the jovial taxi driver who told you that you were looking really gorgeous when you were feeling bedraggled after a five time zone flight.


  • 张小姐说:“我现在一般公交车,年轻的时候外出是自行车记得骑车的人和开车的一条马路上,那时候没有单独的自行车道。

    Often, bicycle roads are occupied by parked cars, so people risk their lives by riding bicycles on the motor roads.


  • 个同样空荡荡的停车场上,问一守门的女士哪里可以巴士和出租车,笑了起来,说道“我还是头一回看到有人不是自己开车过来的。”

    'You're the first people I've ever seen who didn't come here by private car,' she said.


  • 个同样空荡荡的停车场上,问一守门的女士哪里可以巴士和出租车,笑了起来,说道“我还是头一回看到有人不是自己开车过来的。”

    'You're the first people I've ever seen who didn't come here by private car, ' she said.


  • 如此细心司机人人都愿意

    He is such a careful driver that everyone likes to ride in his car.


  • 如此细心司机人人都愿意

    He is such a careful driver that everyone likes to ride in his car.


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