• 可能做好准备过了至少一件好事

    Well, she probably got grounded for a month, but at least it was for a good cause.


  • 至少一种进步

    But it is at least a step forward.


  • 至少给了一个机会让她了解她的竞争对手。

    But it gave her a chance to scope out her competition.


  • 众议院没有类似行动至少表明国会参与过程

    House did not have a similar action, but that is at least some sign of congressional involvement earlier on in this process.


  • 很遗憾她们可以投票日子还遥不可期,至少正确方向迈出的一步。

    The day on which they will be able to do things like vote is unfortunately further off, but this would be at least a drive in the right direction.


  • 就是喜欢剖析某个小动作,自己添油加醋的乱想,至少说明我在乎。

    I may dissect each little thing and put myself out there too much, but at least it means I still care.


  • 章节位于最后一个部分,并且承诺只是并行程序设计入门至少是个开始

    The chapter was the last one in the book and admits that it just presents the rudiments of parallel programming, but it's at least a start. 8


  • 向Shots表示,有望在不久的将来能调制成创复原至少需要5时间。

    She tells Shots that she hopes to someday create a wound care cream, but that it would be at least five years off.


  • 想不起来别人名字未必会令对方立时翻脸不认至少说明对方缺乏兴趣

    Not remembering someone's name may not be a deal breaker, but it shows a lack of interest in that person.


  • 半个世纪印度媒体保留关于中国偏执观点这至少是中国媒体对印度的更加报道偏激造成的。

    More than half a century later, the Indian press remains paranoid about China, but partly because China gives it a lot to be paranoid about.


  • 至少预示着混合植物油氢化豆油的用量将减少,混合植物油可能也会包含一些没有氢化的豆油。

    It does at least portend a reduction in hydrogenated soybean oil in vegetable oil blends, which could include some soybean oil than has not been hydrogenated.


  • 但这需要至少一个分区拥有物理以太网适配器,又拥有连接其他分区虚拟以太网适配器。

    That requires that at least one partition have both a physical Ethernet adapter, as well as a virtual Ethernet adapter that is connected to the other partitions.


  • 至少攻击,一些赞同思想节课不是在说的看法。

    At least it's an attack on ideas with which, by the way, I don't agree, but this course isn't about me.


  • 科恩就其产品上柜问题向一家律师事务所询问时,告知至少花费5万美元-杰里的纯收入上一年增加了7000美元。

    When Cohen inquired about representation with a law firm, he was told it would cost at least $50, 000--but Ben &Jerry 19s had only earned $7, 000 more than that in net income the previous year.


  • 一方面至少谴责痛苦的一个场所。

    But then at least it would be plain who was to blame for the misery.


  • 意味小费就是必须要给的,或者至少成为服务动机

    But doesn't that mean that my gratuity should be a reward for better service, or at least an incentive?


  • 未来几个艰难的思域会有一个体面亮相会,至少也能让本田屹立不倒。

    The next few months will be tough, but giving the Civic a decent debut would at least help shore up the brand.


  • 承认并不是优美文学之后每年一些故事情节雷同的小说面世,至少让我知道不仅仅是自己样的喜好

    Not refined literature, I admit, but since there always seem to be a few more novels written every year with the same general plot, at least I know I'm not alone in my predilection.


  • 至少英国根据本土情况定制利率不足以防止房市泡沫

    Britain, at least, was able to tailor its interest rates to local conditions, but not by enough to prevent a housing bubble.


  • 可以删除或者至少关闭很多些软件,让人不爽。

    You can get rid of or at least turn off much of it, but it's a pain to do that.


  • 通过方法简单勾兑品尝平衡不会好喝至少可以感觉到原味的存在。

    This way, you take a good, balanced wine and simply dilute it. It won't be quite so perfect but you can at least still taste the structure and detail of the original drink.


  • 几乎柏拉图理想模式掩饰范例中,声明中的措辞谴责事件(至少确实将此次事件其描述成“攻击事件”),并未具体罪责推在任何一方身上。

    In an almost Platonically ideal example of fudgery, the wording of the statement condemns the incident (which it does at least identify as an "attack"), but places the blame on nobody in particular.


  • 几乎柏拉图理想模式掩饰范例中,声明中的措辞谴责事件(至少确实将此次事件其描述成“攻击事件”),并未具体罪责推在任何一方身上。

    In an almost Platonically ideal example of fudgery, the wording of the statement condemns the incident (which it does at least identify as an "attack"), but places the blame on nobody in particular.


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