• 这家公司可能不值那么多。

    But the company may not be even worth that much.


  • 这家公司没有那么多的

    But the company isn't making that much money yet.


  • 这家公司应该不会戴尔惠普

    That company is unlikely to be either Hewlett-Packard or Dell.


  • 这家公司另一个或许不太知名却同样重要方面革新

    But the company was innovative in another, perhaps less-known way, that's equally important.


  • 这家公司对于很快开始争斗的两个儿子不够

    But it was not big enough for both his sons, who soon fell to squabbling.


  • 这家公司从未建立中国网站而且国际网站如今仍被中国屏蔽。

    But the company never established a Chinese site and today, its international Web site is blocked in China.


  • 这家公司教给了一些至关重要经验例如如何建立人际关系赢得信任

    But the agency taught him some vital lessons, such as how to form relationships and win trust.


  • 这家公司行为荒谬的,即使短期来讲,偏见也损害商业利益

    The absurdity of this company' s actions is that, even in the short term, their prejudice damages their business interests.


  • 这家公司凭借稳定毛利率规模品牌打动了,于是直接找到公司董事长

    But the company intrigued her - its solid gross margins, scale, and brand - and she reached out to the chairman directly.


  • 公司业务兴隆经营者财源滚滚这家公司从未过度扩张,如果遇到艰难时期各合伙人颗粒收。

    It prospered, as did its proprietors, but the firm never overextended itself, and in hard times partners' drawings were nil.


  • 尽管谷歌庞大数据中心需要大量电力来支持,一点毫无疑问这家公司擅长信息在线广告而不是发电

    While there's no question that Google's giant data centers require vast amounts of power, the company's expertise is in information and online advertising, not generating electric power.


  • 只股票1771年早已大跌,主要是因为孟加拉损失这家公司借钱继续支付股息掩盖了问题。

    Those shares had plunged in 1771 mainly because of losses in Bengal, but the company kept paying high dividends and covered up its shortfalls by borrowing money.


  • 尽管当地新鲜蔬菜供应有限这家公司为了应付当前大量来自日本的订单,不得不多增加人手延长工作时间

    The firm has increased its workforce and operating hours to cope with the situation, despite a limited supply of fresh vegetables.


  • 这家公司引发了一场颇有意思争论通过观察它的几千个案例,人们思考消费者炫耀地位方式是否正在发生改变

    But the company has also produced a fascinating argument, illustrated with thousands of examples, about the changing ways in which consumers seek to flaunt their status.


  • 虽然世纪佳缘已经是中国国内最大在线婚恋网站这家公司能不能成长美国相亲网站那样的规模有待观察。

    Though Jiayuan has become the biggest online dating site in China, it remains to be seen whether the company can grow to the scale of its u.


  • 这家公司自从2005年新的领导层后,开始致力于通过突发事件妥协当地伙件合作,专横名声

    But the company, under new leadership since 2005, has worked to erase that imperious reputation by bending to the quirks of local markets and taking on local partners.


  • 很明显花费我们大笔资金这家公司拥有好几年国际客户合作经验,可以为我们提供全球最好在线旅游技术支持

    Obviously, it cost a lot of money, but it gave us one of the best online technologies in the world with years of experience, the experience of working with one of the biggest clients in the world.


  • Ameriprise股息标普500指数均值略微高出一点点,这家公司股票回购传统有助于提高每股收益率。

    Ameriprise's dividend yield is only slightly higher than the S&P 500 average, but its tradition of stock buybacks is also helping to grow its earnings per share.


  • 这家公司虽然处于危机之中,已经过了经济衰退严重日子。

    The business is still in crisis but it has survived the worst of the recession.


  • 辛迪这种翻页跟踪似乎无害的,如果这家公司长期保留这种数据,那么这种信息可能会法院传唤验证一个证词诉讼中用作证据

    Cohn says this kind of page-view tracking may seem innocuous, but if the company keeps the data long-term, the information could be subpoenaed to check someone's alibi, or as evidence in a lawsuit.


  • 牛津大学发言人到,这家公司所谓的调查显然只是宣传服务的伎俩,就像是在延续过时神话

    But a spokeswoman for Oxford University said that the survey was simply an attempt by the company to advertise its services by perpetuating outdated myths about the universities.


  • 这些工作永远不会跟进因为这家公司已经破产了

    But they were never pursued, because the company was broke.


  • 2007年2009年检查中确认出现390处异常状况泄漏事故发生时,这家公司仅仅修复61处故障点。

    Inspections in 2007 and 2009 identified 390 anomalies with the line. But the company had repaired only 61 when the spill occurred.


  • 个人电脑更加强大这家公司误入歧途,涉足硬件;1999之后从未赢利

    But as PCs became more powerful, the firm was wrongfooted by the shift to commoditised hardware: its last profitable year was 1999.


  • 这家公司2009年生产出原型产品,怀疑论者已开始担忧将是“收之桑榆,失之东隅(更确切的说是汽轮机)”。

    The firm will not produce its first prototype until 2009, but sceptics already worry that what it gains on the swings, it will lose on the roundabouts—or, in this case, on the turbines.


  • 正如格雷戈里·莫内在我们2007年的文章中所怀疑的那样,批评人士依旧这家公司能够按照预定日期发射太空宾馆一事表示怀疑。

    But critics remain dubiousjust as Gregory Mone was in our 2007 article — that the company can meet its scheduled launch date.


  • 比如这家公司改变一种广告上宣传具有黄酱味道只有其一半脂肪色拉调料三明治酱——MiracleWhip配方包装

    For example, the company has changed the recipe and packaging of Miracle Whip, a salad dressing and sandwich spread that is advertised as having the taste of mayonnaise with half the fat.


  • 比如这家公司改变一种广告上宣传具有黄酱味道只有其一半脂肪色拉调料三明治酱——MiracleWhip配方包装

    For example, the company has changed the recipe and packaging of Miracle Whip, a salad dressing and sandwich spread that is advertised as having the taste of mayonnaise with half the fat.


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