• 詹姆斯苏珊詹姆斯苏珊爱观剧。

    James and Susan often go to plays but James enjoys the theatre more than Susan does.


  • 詹姆斯·迈尔斯中国国内还有许多东西改善

    But, says James Miles, it still has plenty of things to fix at home.


  • 很多广告做出了回应詹姆斯谨慎不想让人趁机利用。

    Many people replied to the advertisement, but James was very cautious because he didn't want to be taken advantage of.


  • 原来两个男友都是都市新贵,詹姆斯显然让她的前任们相形见绌

    Her previous two boyfriends were lofty City types, but James puts them all to shame.


  • Linux基金会曾经做过一些工作詹姆斯认为内核社区应该提供帮助

    The Linux Foundation does some of this work, but James thinks that the community needs to help.


  • 但詹姆斯·汉森和美国国家航空航天局反对最近年里欧洲冬天气温有七年高过平均值

    James Hansen of Nasa counters that seven of the last 10 European winters were warmer than average.


  • 詹姆斯耳——如果愿意改改收集高座自行车的爱好,个弱视博尔顿理发师帮他理理发的话。

    Nothing doing, David James apart, if he's willing to shift his Chopper collection and begin a painstaking search for a visually-impaired Bolton barber.


  • 赫特尔伯里只有5英里詹姆斯.斯科特先生未能新的汽车修理部搞到一部电话机,所以买了鸽子

    Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons.


  • 认为科技兴奋不是令他烦恼,”猎头人士表示,“如今几乎所有传媒高管都知道了科技的重要,詹姆斯早就对此兴奋。”

    "I think he's excited by technology rather than beleaguered by it," one headhunter says. "Pretty much all media executives get it now but James has been excited about it for longer."


  • 这些意见似乎是违反直觉的,詹姆斯麦克纳尔蒂,美国田纳西州大学心理学认为那些适用幸福夫妻的方法,对于问题夫妻可能并不奏效

    Such advice seems counterintuitive, but James McNulty, a psychologist at the University of Tennessee, says what works for happy couples may not work for those with more problems.


  • 赫本原打算在与詹姆斯汉森(封爵)的婚礼上穿这件婚纱,后来她取消了婚礼。

    Hepburn later called off the wedding.


  • 另外依然是勒布朗詹姆斯不是生活美妙是你的生活不咋样

    In other words, I'm still LeBron James, and you're not. My life is pretty great: yours kinda stinks.


  • 虽然一些人推崇詹姆斯·默多克,认为能力许多竞争对手更迅速地大举押注市场变革许多分析人士表示,这增加了不确定性

    While some admire Mr Murdoch's ability to place vast bets on changes in his marketplace faster than many rivals, many analysts say these have also added to the uncertainty.


  • 对付詹姆斯韦德的办法基本上总是一样尽力他们远离篮圈如果他们投的话,那祈求上帝保佑吧因为根本阻止不了他们。

    The book on James and Wade has always been roughly the same: Do your best to keep them away from the rim, but if they're making their jump shots, pray for mercy, because you're not going to stop them.


  • 销售代表詹姆斯说,中国非洲市场占有率不大正在不断增长

    Sales representative James Yan says China 's share of the African market is small but growing.


  • 医生知道詹姆斯的病情严重为了安慰了个很快便复原

    The doctor knew that James was very ill.However,to make him feel better,he told him a white lie that he would recover soon.


  • 缅因州北部普利茅斯定居点摇摇欲坠放弃,1606年伦敦公司詹姆斯成立了一个定居点。

    The Northern Plymouth settlement in Maine faltered and was abandoned, however the London company established the Jamestown settlement in 1606.


  • 13位银行家》由约翰逊詹姆斯.夸克合著,夸克曾是一位麦肯锡咨询师,该书的观点更为狭隘涉及的历史背景更为宽泛也更具可读性

    13 Bankers”, which Mr Johnson co-wrote with James Kwak, a former McKinsey consultant, makes a narrower point, but has greater historical sweep and is the better read.


  • 这部电影的导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆今天却惹上麻烦:的这部3d巨作《阿达》前苏联大受欢迎科幻作家斯特鲁加茨基兄弟个说法。

    But the film director James Cameron was facing claims today that his 3d blockbuster Avatar owes an unacknowledged debt to the popular Soviet fantasy writers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky.


  • 本场比赛詹姆斯替下首场比赛出现低级失误格林,担当英格兰主力门将并未经受太多考验

    England had dropped keeper Robert Green after his blunder that handed the US a draw in their opening match, but his replacement David James was rarely seriously tested.


  • 迈克尔·乔丹詹姆斯偶像拥有枚总冠军戒指是在斯科特·皮蓬--这位非常特殊也是最被低估的球员之一--的帮助之下才获得的。

    Yes, James’s hero, Michael Jordan, claimed six championships, but none until he had Scottie Pippen and a special and vastly underrated unit behind him.


  • 19世纪以来这种快餐开始流行,发起竞赛明星厨师詹姆斯·马丁承认,要想完美项艰难工作,"除了鱼和牛奶鸡蛋面糊的质量要好外,重要的一点是要确保用的是好油。

    The dish has been around since the 19th century, but celebrity chef James Martin, who launched the competition, admits it is hard work to fry the perfect fish.


  • 就够了……“每个英格兰都会记得他们看到翠鸟地方,”对翠鸟着迷的摄影师查理·汉密尔顿·詹姆斯(Charlie Hamilton James)说道

    But it suffices.. "Everyone in England who has ever seen one will remember where they saw it," says photographer and kingfisher thrall Charlie Hamilton James.


  • 美国队的大门原则上永远向詹姆斯敞开,私下他们说,詹姆斯留在5000英里外的美国玩微着实他们省了不少心。

    Team USA wouldn't have turned away James, but privately they'll all tell you it's been a relief to have him tweeting from 5, 000 miles away.


  • “数位清晰”的创始人雷吉·詹姆斯说:“直到年前尽管推出越来越多频道电视在进军年轻人市场方面一直举步维艰。”

    "Up until 12 months ago, TV was struggling to reach the younger market as more and more channels were becoming available," Digital Clarity founder Reggie James said.


  • 詹姆斯迪恩的确MarlboroMan癌症则看来有点儿娘娘腔儿。

    James Dean, he was cool. The Marlboro Man just looked kinda nancy-boy dying of cancer.


  • 詹姆斯迪恩的确MarlboroMan癌症则看来有点儿娘娘腔儿。

    James Dean, he was cool. The Marlboro Man just looked kinda nancy-boy dying of cancer.


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