• 飞机属于厄瓜多尔航空公司法航租用用于波哥大飞往厄瓜多尔首都基多航线

    The aircraft belonged to Ecuador Airline, but it had been chartered by Air France for the route from Bogota to the Ecuadorian capital Quito.


  • 其中物理过程非常复杂实验得到的结论迷人。

    The physics is fiendishly complex, but the conclusions from this experiment are fascinating.


  • name->* 子表达式产生字符串列表中, .

    The strings that result from the .-foaf:name->* sub-expression are in a list, but the resources that come from the .


  • MDAT可以生成这些框架代码开发人员提供特定实现

    MDAT can generate skeleton code for these classes, but the specific implementation is provided by the developer.


  • 设计师指出墙壁伸展方向,承包商构想细节——放置门窗

    The architect shows where the walls go, but the contractor figures out the detailsstud placement, framing for the Windows and doors, and so on.


  • 之相反,内联元素延伸到周围不同字体颜色超链接标记

    In contrast, an inline element is continuous with the words around it, but it is marked by a different font, color, hyperlink, and so on.


  • 已经瘫痪38基督一句声明之后竟然完全恢复成了正常的健康人。

    For 38 years this man had been paralyzed, but after one statement from Christ he was fully restored to normal health.


  • 我们保姆以及她们日托中心很满意,父母专职照料他们孩子是不是更好呢?

    We liked their nanny and their day-care center, but wouldn't it be better for the kids to be cared for full-time by their own parents?


  • 奇怪的是虽然98%森林火灾人类活动引起的,但由纵火犯引发的火灾却很少

    Though human activity is responsible for 98% of all wildfires, arson starts a surprisingly small proportion of them.


  • 尽管西方人相比中国慢性心衰患者死亡率但由慢性心衰造成负担日益增加。

    Although mortality from CHD in China is relatively low compared with Western levels, the burden of CHD has been increasing.


  • 乐器发出悠扬旋律我们耳朵来说不是什么新鲜事蔬菜发出的曲子倒是头一回听说。

    The harmonious melody of interesting musical instruments is nothing strange to our ears, but enjoying the tunes of vegetables certainly is.


  • 父母判断孩子已经不堪忍受病痛折磨地步以至于必须结束生命,这种情况合适吗?

    Yet is it ever OK for a parent to judge that a child's state is to unbearable that he or she must end their life?


  • 贺卡轻轻地夹上一朵小花,也许会枯萎褪色诉说挚爱永远不会凋谢

    In the card gently clip a small flower, she may wither, will fade, but she told me the love, but never fade.


  • 解析器不是JDOM一部分JDOM使用所以包括为了确保JDOM可以即装即用。

    That parser isn't part of JDOM, but is used by JDOM, so it's included to ensure that JDOM is usable out of the box.


  • 稍微有些状态但由太适合状态处理文本文件例子Windows风格的.ini文件。

    An example of a somewhat stateful text file that is nonetheless probably not best handled with a state machine is a Windows-style.ini file.


  • 结论依旧不明了惠氏制药公司资助研究发现试图保护记忆力妇女也许应该坚持猜纵横字谜

    The results are still mixed, but a new study funded by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals finds women trying to preserve their memory may want to stick to crossword puzzles.


  • 心理学教授Danielt .Gilbert主持研究来看,这个传统观念那么正确

    But according to a new study co-authored by Psychology Professor Daniel T. Gilbert, that traditional belief may not be entirely true.


  • 尽管比赛现场风大下起大雪但由奥运亚军尼娜为领头羊的中国女队还是包揽滑雪的前四名。

    Olympic silver medalist li Nina led a Chinese sweep in the freestyle skiing women's aerials despite high winds and falling snow.


  • WebSphereMQ提供支持触发机制所有组件管理员负责配置它们包括启动触发器监控器

    WebSphere MQ provides all the components to enable triggering but it is up to the administrator to configure them, including starting the trigger monitor.


  • 公司理事们出资完成关于BBC冲突报道报告称,BBC事实上可能给予以色列过多的报导。

    But according to a report on its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, paid for by the corporation's governors, the BBC may in fact give too much voice to Israel.


  • 健康计划部门英国胎儿酒精综合征国家组织管理(Nofas - UK),酒业零售商帝亚吉欧赞助

    The Department of Health scheme will be run by the National Organisation for Foetal Alcohol Syndrome UK (Nofas-UK) but funded by the drinks retailer Diageo.


  • 土地本身免费提供的基础设施街道路边排水沟上水下水道等,大约收费25,000美元。

    The land itself is free, but assessments for services provided by the town such as streets, curb and gutter, water and sewer.


  • 被美军及其盟军杀害平民数量有所降低武装分子发动袭击数量显著提高这意味着平民的死亡数量有所上升

    The number of civilians killed by the United States and its Allies was lower, but insurgent attacks are significantly higher, meaning the overall number of civilian deaths is up.


  • 其中一些代码包含语言特定字符的代码;一些代码页具有相同的字符,不同CCSID中的不同代码点来表示。

    Some of these code pages include code points for specific characters in their language; some have the same characters but are represented by different code points in different CCSIDs.


  • 部分令人困惑平衡的时间要素的,江恩自己应该明显,已经表现出我们关系的一部分提供资料基础

    The part that is most confusing is balancing this with the element, but based on the information given by Gann himself it should be obvious that he has already shown us part of the relationship.


  • 部分令人困惑平衡的时间要素的,江恩自己应该明显,已经表现出我们关系的一部分提供资料基础

    The part that is most confusing is balancing this with the element, but based on the information given by Gann himself it should be obvious that he has already shown us part of the relationship.


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