• 生活继续

    But life move on.


  • 虽然许多国家继续努力减少类犯罪这种当代奴役行为全世界继续存在,摧残着千百万生活

    While many nations continue to work to reduce this crime, this modern-day slavery continues to plague the world and devastate the lives of millions.


  • 比利时许多阶层管理部门,因而人们的生活得以继续

    Yet the country has so many layers of administration that daily life goes on.


  • 如果真的退休还是继续享受生活——不管是乘坐热气球,还是拉斯维加斯旅游。

    But when I do finally retire, I want to continue to enjoy my life whether I'm hot-air ballooning or visiting Las Vegas.


  • 20世纪80年代中期我们世界人口第一次超越承受能力一人口仍在持续增长我们继续生活寅吃卯粮的窘境中。

    In the mid 1980s our world first overshot its capacity to provide for its human population, yet this population continues to grow and we continue to live on borrowed time.


  • 2010420日,墨西哥湾发生大面积石油泄露事件。年过去了,沿岸居民生活似乎已经回归正常石油泄露事件人们的影响还在继续

    With one year between Gulf coast residents and the massive oil spill caused by an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig April 20, 2010, it appears that life has returned to normal.


  • 他们是否有意毕业后继续留在这里,建立自己事业生活时,他们都说:一点也不

    But when I asked whether they had any intention of sticking around after graduation to build companies and lives, they told me: No way!


  • 生活继续孩子们学校学习并且规划他们人生

    But life goes on, children study at schools and plan their life.


  • 内塔尼亚胡打算扩大原有定居点建立新的定居点,允许那里的“正常生活继续下去。

    Netanyahu said he did not intend to expand the settlements or build new ones, but would allow "normal lives" to continue.


  • 生活本来可以这样永远继续下去他们决定悬崖,开始建造第一座城墙时一切都改变了

    Things could have gone on like this forever, but everything changed when they decided to dynamite the cliffs and began building the first wall.


  • 记忆依然会痛苦人们继续自己生活重建他们世界

    Memories will remain painful, but people get on with their lives and re-build their world.


  • 如果葡萄酒行业去适应气候变化生活继续——也许少了欢乐愉悦生活继续

    If the wine industry does not adapt to climate change, life will go on — with less conviviality and pleasure, perhaps, but it will go on.


  • 离开寄宿学校-亚当斯毕业后继续深造医学这种生活辛苦又机械,毫无新鲜感可言

    Life after Boarding School for Jane Addams: Jane Addams went on to study medicine after college. But she found the work hard and uninspiring.


  • 时光如水般流逝,痛苦在,已不像当年那么刺痛。 生活还在继续

    But the yearshave passed, and the pain, though still present, is less raw than before.


  • 也许愿意片止痛片,然后在继续自己忙碌生活你一定要知道绝不最佳解决方案

    Though you may be tempted to take a pain killer to numb the pain and get on with your busy schedule, realize that it's not the finest solution.


  • 内心充满苦恼忧伤,本来就即将开始的新生活过于敏感坐在那里,发现即使生活似乎暂时停了下来其他人生活依然在继续

    There I sat-with all my troubles and 15 woes, much too sensitive to life to begin with-discovering how life goes on for everyone else, even as mine seemed to stop for a while.


  • 下次我们那位客户打电话时,需要确定该区是否正确同时生活可以继续

    The next time we call that client , we'll have to determine which area code is correct, but in the meantime, life can go on.


  • 或许玛雅文化极盛时期已经过去了几百万玛雅人和他们的文化仍然继续存在着而且保存的很好大部分玛雅人生活危地马拉西部高原地区,仍然充满着活力

    Its apogee may have passed but millions of Maya people and their culture remain alive and well most vibrantly in Guatemala's Western Highlands.


  • 生活可能会打倒可以选择起来继续战斗,或者是一蹶不振

    Life may bring you down, but it's your choice to get back up or just stay down.


  • 它们是从很小开始,成长已经超过了所有人的期待而且他们继续改变很多年轻人生活

    These started as small initiatives but have grown beyond any expectations, and continue to transform young people's lives.


  • 生活不断继续

    But life has moved on.


  • 虽然目前粉丝只有75人,王亦然表示,公众号自己提供了一个记录日常生活他人分享观点的平台,非常有意义,所以表示自己继续更新下去

    Despite only having 75 followers 5, Wang said she will keep posting updates, as she considers it a meaningful way to keep record of her daily life and to share opinions with others.


  • 我们业务生活没有成功继续良好精神状态失败。~罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森

    Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson.


  • 生活继续孩子们学校学习并且规划他们人生1998年,这里建立地区医院

    But life goes on, children study at schools and plan their life. In 1998, the district hospital was built here.


  • 足球不在生活艺术永存虽然技术出类拔萃我会继续足球热爱! !

    Football, not my life, but eternal art. Although the technology is not my best, but I will continue to love football!


  • 认为工具帮助你,看不到旧工具生活制造如此巨大问题,你继续使用这个工具。

    You think that old instrument will help you, but you don't see that old instrument has created such tremendous problems in life and you keep on employing that instrument.


  • 虽然金牛总是很实际,具有很强的依赖性,并且很固执,可能就是最初将两个人带到对方身边的原因,这些特质并不后来生活继续打动瓶子。

    Though Taurus' strong practicality, reliability, and steadfastness may have been what drew you to one another initially, these qualities may not continue to impress you later on.


  • 压力挫折这些生活在所难免的“调味剂暴风骤雨般向袭来每次交手后总会心底留下深刻的印象,痛苦记忆时刻提醒着继续前行

    Pressure, frustration, these inevitable life "flavor" also struck me as stormy, each having engaged in my heart always impressed, but the painful memories remind me keep going.


  • 压力挫折这些生活在所难免的“调味剂暴风骤雨般向袭来每次交手后总会心底留下深刻的印象,痛苦记忆时刻提醒着继续前行

    Pressure, frustration, these inevitable life "flavor" also struck me as stormy, each having engaged in my heart always impressed, but the painful memories remind me keep going.


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