• 那些没有意识到改变”那些无法频率正在发生的提升协调一致”的人将变得焦虑不安,因为他们感觉到了地球的改变,没有意识到正在发生什么

    Those who are not aware and whose vibrational frequencies are unable to cope with what is happening become agitated as they feel something but don't know what is going on.


  • 当时没有意识一点,这种体验电视完全不同

    It didn't dawn on me at the time, but the experience was quite different from watching TV.


  • 如果政府消费者征收销售税,消费者通常要自己负责向政府缴纳销售税,大多数人没有意识他们应该缴纳销售税,只有少数人缴纳了。

    Customers were generally responsible for paying the sales tax to the state themselves if they weren't charged it, but most didn't realize they owed it and few paid.


  • 如果跟踪一个事件的话尽管可能没有意识到,你就会遇到他们

    If you follow any major issue you're encountering them, though you may not know it.


  • 尽管开发人员还没有意识REST看起来实际代码中更有优势。

    REST seems to be winning in actual code, even if not yet in developers' minds.


  • 最后恐怕欧洲来说,美国有点不同的,大体上,我得欧洲人无知的,他们没有意识世界上正在发生的改变。

    And at last, I'm afraid, take Europe, America is slightly different, but Europeans by and large I have to say are ignorant, are unaware about the way the world is changing.


  • 恋的父母教养下找个自恋狂结婚让你也一样“”,仅仅定义讲,很多生活没有意识自己他人伤害

    Growing up with a narcissistic parent or marrying one can be disabling, but, almost by definition, many narcissists go through life without realizing the harm they are doing to others.


  • 很多会说珍稀资源大多数没有意识一点。

    A lot of people say it is a scarce resource, but most people don't recognize this.


  • 大部分男人没有意识一点,迷人女性总是被通过种种方式接近着。

    Most men don't realize this, but attractive women are approached in one way or another all the time.


  • 斗牛时,一个醉汉突然溜达斗牛场中间人们开始大叫起来醉汉没有意识危险

    During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger.


  • 大部分品牌公司没有意识什么都不或许风险更高。

    But what most brands don't realize is that doing nothing may be even riskier.


  • 颤抖,快要出来了,保罗一点也没有意识一切。

    Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears but Paul didn't realize that.


  • 伯爵夫人显然没有意识违背任何规矩悠然自得地坐在阿切尔身旁沙发角落里亲切的目光看着

    But the Countess was apparently unaware of having broken any rule; she sat at perfect ease in a corner of the sofa beside Archer, and looked at him with the kindest eyes.


  • 愤世嫉俗者可能会怀疑是否会有更深层次、连他自己也没有意识到的动机

    But the cynical might wonder whether there is a further, unconscious element to his motivation.


  • 学者一部研究论语》的著作以《丧家》为题招来了网友们的怒骂网友们没有意识实际上“丧家狗”孔子自己描述

    Scholar Li Ling titled his study of The Analects, "The Dog that Lost his Home", and netizens were outraged, unaware that it was actually Confucius' description of himself.


  • 昨晚信里欢迎古德决定免除一部分薪水,古德温没有意识到要重新考虑退休金的问题。

    In his letter last night he said that while he had welcomed Goodwin's decision to waive a payoff he insisted that he was "unaware of any scope for discretion" in the pension.


  • 第二天早上两个销售人员和我擦肩而过完全没有意识以及周围任何其他人存在(他们大多数都是参会者——即潜在客户)。

    The next morning, the two sales guys walked right by, completely unaware of me or any of the people around them (most of whom were also conference attendees—and potential customers).


  • 没有意识一点回头想想真正意图什么清楚了。

    I didn't realize this at the time, but thinking back, it's very clear to me what my real motives were.


  • 并不意味着没有意识到秘密已经泄露了,当然情绪混乱感觉不会再感觉到了,不在那里了,这不是那个维度应有的经历。

    But your sense of involvement, and certainly emotional involvement, it simply will not be there. And it is not intended to be there.


  • 许多收养小孩或是移民的小孩对于他们母语没有意识记忆一项最新研究表明至少部分信息是仍旧残留在他们大脑中的

    Many adoptees and emigrants have no conscious memory of their native tongue, but a new study suggests at least some information remains in the brain.


  • 被诊断植物人患者清醒时期的,看起来似乎他们自身周围的环境没有意识

    Patients diagnosed as vegetative have periods of wakefulness but seem unaware of themselves or their surroundings.


  • 现在没有意思,很遗憾Google至今还没有意识到,如果意识到了而且选择Twitter合作必然打破TwitterFacebook能力平衡

    It's a shame Google hasn't come to such a realization yet, but if it does and it choses to work with Twitter too, that could really rearrange the balance of power between Twitter and Facebook.


  • 经常思考神秘阅读没有意识到自己优势直到你实际上开始了阅读。

    I have often pondered the mysteries of reading, but you don't realize the advantages until you actually began reading.


  • 浏览器行为许多能干Web设计人员开发人员通常没有意识内幕实际状况。

    But when it comes to what the Web browser does, many of the most savvy Web designers and developers often don't realize what actually goes on "under the hood."


  • 即便没有意识,还是很多方法能够让更好利用时间

    But even if it may not feel like it, there are often ways to improve how you use your time.


  • 即便没有意识,还是很多方法能够让更好利用时间

    But even if it may not feel like it, there are often ways to improve how you use your time.


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