• 以此作为今年参选的敲门砖,做出许多承诺没有的改变

    It is on that ticket that he has run this year, making many small pledges but no new big ones.


  • 尽管绑架团伙实行了全国范围搜捕丝毫没有发现他们的蛛丝马迹。

    Despite a nationwide hunt for the kidnap gang, not a trace of them was found.


  • 人们常常假设没有证据证明所谓迁移”多数移民来自农村地区,这两个同时发生因素推动的。

    It has been frequently assumed, but not proved, that the majority of the migrants in what has come to be called the Great Migration came from rural areas and were motivated by two concurrent factors.


  • 虽然可能原谅智能手机偶尔出现错误门锁传送的错误信息可能没有那么耐心

    While you may forgive your smartphone an occasional fault, you probably have less patience for error messages from your door lock.


  • 地质记录中的其他规模物种灭绝认为影响重没有哪一白垩纪灭绝那样夸张

    Several other mass extinctions in the geological record have been tentatively identified with large impacts, but none is so dramatic as the Cretaceous event.


  • 男人女人不同的思维方式差别没有那么

    Men and women think differently. But not that differently.


  • 此外站点没有特别说明是否将来增加其它课程那样可能性非常

    Also, the website does not specify if other courses will be added in the future, but that's highly probable.


  • 同样清楚这些措施确实短期内起了延迟危机爆发,没有解决任何问题而且使危机更加严重更加漫长

    It is also clear that these measures did provide some short-term delay, but have not solved anything and have only served to make the crisis larger and more drawn out.


  • 对于来说没有预料那么伤害

    But this hurt him less than it might have done.


  • 西班牙人甫抵达,阿泰克人就充分了解的变故,有些他们本可以阻止至少加以控制还是没有完全理解

    The Aztecs were well aware, from the first arrival of Cortés, that something very significant was going on, something they could possibly stop, or at least control, but did not fully understand.


  • 没有导致冰盖发生不稳定现象,也无法海平面上升担忧提供新的依据。

    But it did not destabilise the ice sheet or provide a new reason to worry about rising sea levels.


  • 当然这种收缩”并不可能长期持续,目前而言,没有缓解迹象

    The great squeeze cannot go on forever, of course, but it shows no sign of slackening.


  • 尽管可能闲置内存如果它们只是一些小,其间夹杂着活动对象那么可能没有哪个碎块足以满足某个特定分配需求

    There might be lots of free memory, but if it is in small slices interspersed with live objects then no individual piece might be large enough to satisfy a particular allocation.


  • 尽管相反论调萧条完全可以没有这种结果的经济萧条。

    Despite claims to the contrary, the Great Recession could have been a Depression without it.


  • 没有公开表示党内一些代表怀疑是否2012年选中作为领导他们合适人选

    Nobody says it publicly, but some of his party's deputies wonder if he is the right man to lead them into the 2012 election.


  • 鲁特在网上表示:“许多朋友可能会,‘你赔了’,什么是地狱呢? 地狱就是没有冒险没有收获。”

    "Many of my friends would say, 'that is just too high a price to pay' but what the hell, nothing ventured, nothing gained, " Croot said on eBay.


  • 日本依然他们仍然过得体面的生活——机会太少时,他们没有争取机会的梦想雄心

    Japan is still quite well off, and they can still afford a decent life - but there is no big dream or ambition to fight for when opportunities are fewer.


  • 令人惊奇的是研究者发现男孩女孩结构功能几乎没有差异

    But surprisingly, researchers have found very few large-scale differences between boys and girls in brain structure or function.


  • 人类自然关系蒸汽速度——西部铁路》中没有那么清晰的表现出来。此画纳在1843年和1844年左右完成

    But the relationship between man and nature is much less clear-cut in this picture, called Rain, Steam and Speed — the Great Western Railway, completed by Turner sometime around 1843, 1844.


  • 西班牙巴西夺冠热门,并不意味着其他球队没有机会,我们还有德国阿根廷以及荷兰

    Spain and Brazil are the favourites but behind them both there's a host of teams who can win it, including ourselves, but also Italy, Germany, Argentina and Holland.


  • 尼罗巨蜥没有缅甸不过6英尺不同的是,这些长着剃刀般牙齿、以及匕首一样爪子的食肉动物成群结队的进行捕猎

    Nile monitor lizards are not as big as Burmese pythons, maxing out around 6 feet long, but unlike the snakes, these razor-toothed, dagger-clawed predators are known to hunt in packs.


  • 波特先生没有哪本书能同他20年前畅销书国家竞争优势》相提并论。

    Yet Mr Porter has not had the equivalent of a number-one hit since "the Competitive Advantage of Nations" 20 years ago.


  • 起来不错,似乎又和那些通过电话为人们提供信息服务呼叫信息中心没有特别区别

    That is useful, but not startlingly different from the sort of call-centre hell familiar to anyone who has tried to get information out of a large company by telephone.


  • 水箱一个海豹伸头进去开口没有到足于让全身通过。

    The box had an opening big enough for the seal to put his head in, but not large enough for him to enter completely.


  • 后来证实,这位12岁的选手实际上岁,也就没有参加少年联赛资格

    But the 12-year-old phenom turned out to be two years older, making him ineligible for Little League play.


  • 事实上很多现有程序问题它们可能需要特性实际上没有使用这些特性。

    In fact, that's a big problem with many existing programs: they're chock full of features that might need to be there, but which aren't actually used by anyone.


  • 事实上很多现有程序问题它们可能需要特性实际上没有使用这些特性。

    In fact, that's a big problem with many existing programs: they're chock full of features that might need to be there, but which aren't actually used by anyone.


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