• 但是打开音乐播放音乐泪如泉涌

    But when I started the music box, my tears began to flow.


  • 开始摇上车窗,但是抓住车门,把打开

    He started winding the window up but I grabbed the door and opened it.


  • 但是一直没有打开手电筒,也没有打开

    But I never turned the light on, never opened the book.


  • 但是已经门关上打开. .。

    But it has to be done for me to shut a door and open a new one.


  • 看看是否那边打开但是没有看到,它光滑了,不能上面去。

    I went round to see if it was open on any side, but saw it was not, and that there was no climbing up to the top, as it was so smooth.


  • 但是电梯打开进入大厅看见一个洛杉矶黑色T恤衫牛仔裤的普通家伙

    But when the elevator doors opened into the lobby, the man I saw just looked like a guy from L.A. in a black shirt and jeans.


  • 比较少购物上但是每次打开冰箱时,们总是很失望。

    I was spending less money on groceries, but every time we opened the fridge we felt disappointed.


  • 那瓶辣根其实不是绝对的刺鼻但是打开第一次闻到的时候,立刻皱起鼻子因为这种甜和发霉的味道混在一起实在不喜欢了。

    The jar of horseradish I buy isn't overly strong, but when I open it for an initial sniff test, it definitely has the nose-wrinkling combination of sweet and musty that I so dislike.


  • 所以,强迫自己下来别人聊天但是不好念头又出现了,所以赶紧跑到楼上去,又一次打开CD机,已经是今晚第三了。

    So I plaster on a smiling face and sit down to meaningless chatter, but not for long. Dark thoughts rush back to consciousness; I run upstairs to check the CD player for the third time.


  • 成名学会躲避但是作为一个演员学会打开自己心灵

    Being a celebrity has taught me to hide but being an actor has opened my soul.


  • 因此,打开窗户了亮话,“如果喜欢的话,希望现在说实话,就拒绝”,但是没有这样做。

    As soon as I opened the door to him, I said, "If you don't like me, I'd rather you just said so now and turned away", but he didn't.


  • 看见虫子前面打开了,但是看看能不能这样

    I can see a kind of worm opening up in front of me, but let's see if I can do this.


  • 开始打开行李但是天车以后,已经习惯要冲凉,还有别的地方可以吗?

    I began to unpack but was overtaken by my habitual urge to have a shower at the end of a day's cycling. Was there anywhere to stay?


  • 狗——他们攻击性太强——但是声连连,让警卫觉察有人了。他们打开探照灯看着过去。

    I hated the things - they were so aggressive - but their yipping and yapping often alerted the guards to my approach, and they would switch on their searchlight and see me coming.


  • 但是这样做以前,需要提醒的是这样问题:你可能会失去一些新闻素材因为你有时离开twitter或者你的浏览器没有打开twitter。

    But before you run off and start doing this, I should note that there is one issue: you might miss some stories because you'll be away from Twitter or you'll not have it open in your browser.


  • 打开然后,“这次离开但是求求你千万不要忘了告诉你的,你晚上回来的时候。”

    She opened the door, and said, "I will let you go this time; but pray do not forget to say what I told you, when you return this evening."


  • 打开国际百家讲坛网站,这家网站的视频库都FLASH格式,但是天火并不能播放。

    I loaded the TED Talks website, which is a gallery of Flash videos, and Skyfire didn't transcode the videos.


  • 但是随着电影屏幕打开开始听到耳边一个很小声音他们朋友家人将字幕翻译瓦斯里语。

    Yet, as the opening scene unfolded, I started to hear little voices around me translating the projections into Kiswahili to their friends and family.


  • 可以利用汽水拉环打开汽水,但是瓶啤酒没有拉环

    I can open my cans of soda with the pop tops, but this beer doesn't have a pop top.


  • 但是,让兴趣东西没有所以便点击打开

    But I was running out of things to explore. So I clicked it.


  • 打开电视翻开报纸看到混乱故事。混乱。但是,恰恰相反,尽管的内阁不被支持,但。

    I turn on the TV, open the newspapers and I see stories of chaos. Chaos. Yet it is the exact opposite.


  • 绝对相信能力30分钟内拿到适当的搜索但是看到搜索令不会保险箱打开的。

    I sincerely believe you can get a warrant in 30 minutes, but until I see that warrant I am not opening the safe.


  • 但是封信却意外地到了手上以为的信直接打开来看了

    But the letter was in my hand by mistake and I thought it is mine and then opened it.


  • 打开易贝,但是他们的商品别的地方没什么两样:昂贵意大利美国太阳镜,还有打折中国眼镜。

    I try eBay, but its dealers don't offer anything better than what I've seen elsewhere: pricey Italian and American sunglasses or discount Chinese ones.


  • 一直打开但是,现在还打开。

    I've been trying to open the door, without result so far.


  • 但是直到圣城无意中打开本纪念上人纪念册的时候,才明白一个多么奇特的

    But it was until I moved to CTTB, once I happened to open a book in memory of the VM Hua, and then I knew he was such a special person.


  • 但是因为月亮了,不敢打开窗子

    But the moon gave far too much light, I didn't dare open a window.


  • 但是因为月亮了,不敢打开窗子

    But the moon gave far too much light, I didn't dare open a window.


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