• 但是他们告诉没有空房间了

    I applied for it, but they told me there was no vacancy.


  • 除了小鱼但是他们告诉交谈。

    Except the little fish, but they told me this, trying to talk to me.


  • 老实说以为模特彻底结束了但是他们告诉可以宣传上半身,”说道

    'I honestly thought that my modelling dream was completely over, but they told me I could still sell my top half,' he said.


  • 但是,还是那些经理告诉如果强迫他们程序员结对,这些程序员会威胁辞职(有时会是全体辞职)。

    Those same managers, however, tell me that their programmers threaten to quit, in some cases en masse, if forced to pair.


  • 人们告诉他们注意到的反应是一些可疑行为例如名员工绑架之前立即表现行为异常,但是这些很难联系

    People have told me that, on reflection they had noticed some suspicious activity, such as a member of staff acting oddly immediately before the kidnap, but it's hard to make those connections.


  • 但是告诉农民们这样想,他们有一些买了保险大多数没有

    But she says, they didn't; some of them respond but a great majority of them don't.


  • 告诉的方法虽然上去很好但是孩子还是……” 他们不是勃然大怒就是情绪激动地说道。

    What you told us to do sounded good but my child is still----” tantrumming, or hitting or whatever.


  • 尼克回家告诉这些教师希望尼克能尊重他们但是他们尊重尼克,”

    "Nick would come home and he would tell me, he'd say, 'Momma, those teachers, they expect me to respect them, and they don't respect me at all,'" she says.


  • Apple告诉,这项服务存在一些技术问题但是他们会尽快搞定的。

    Apple told me that it was having some technical problems, but that they were rapidly being solved.


  • 他们惩罚女儿——通过告诉见的而做了正确的事情——但是当时坐在校车前排、应监督孩子们的8名年长女伴却没有做任何处理”,桑德拉说。

    Roundtree said she had to tell her daughter about the punishment when she got home from school Friday.


  • 医生告诉他们不得不拼图一样头部分开时感到非常难受但是当时别无选择

    When the surgeons told us they had to cut her head apart like a jigsaw I felt sick. But there was no choice.


  • 主持人向致谢,了出来节目播出时,他们只用一个片断剔除了的提问但是肯定打算告诉哥哥完美无缺的,对吧

    She thanked me and ushered me out and when the episode aired, they used only one snippet, removing her question " But surely, you're not going to tell us that your brother was perfect, are you?"


  • 但是卢安瓜谷地许多村子里同巡防队员交流他们告诉马克·欧文斯很显然就是他们指挥官

    But scouts I spoke to in a number of villages in the Luangwa Valley told me that Mark Owens had clearly been their commander.


  • 但是打电话给叔叔阿姨的时候,他们告诉不要悲伤不要哀悼——他们并没有白白浪费他们鲜血他们正义而死,死得伟大。

    But when I call my aunts and uncles, they tell me not to mourn - that they didn't waste their blood, that they died for a good cause.


  • 但是有人告诉他们到目前为止什么也没

    But I was told nothing has been done so far.


  • 这所学校辅导员告诉我:“记得有一个真的非常聪明的男生但是不得不朋友们面前书本起来,因为学习的时候他们取笑

    But he was reading at a sixth-grade level and felt embarrassed in front of the women. He had to hide his books from his friends, who would tease him when he studied.


  • 一直他们但是他们不想告诉因为他们不想担心,不想让害怕

    I keep asking them, but they don't want to tell me because they don't want me to worry. It makes me even more scared.


  • 但是2008年时候,遗传学说服他们告诉遗传学领域已经有了十足的进步,运用相关技术手段会获得很多有用的结果

    But in 2008 several geneticists convinced me that the field had advanced far enough to give us a good chance of getting useful results.


  • 但是医生告诉没有他们能够的了,因为他们已经生命维持也已经开最大

    However, the doctor told me that nothing else can be done, as they had already set the medicine and the life support machine to the maximum.


  • 因此尽管他们颤抖的双手挖掘树根他们会找到财宝但是告诉自己心灵快乐的呢?

    And thus they too find a treasure though they dig for roots with quivering hands. But tell me, who is he that can offend the spirit?


  • 但是那远远没有当事人亲口直接告诉他们感受那么震撼,当事人完全没有后顾之忧地说出口。

    But nothing compares in impact to having people tell you what they're feeling, directly, without pulling any punches.


  • 索普女士告诉BBC:“说‘如果你们一个理由告诉为什么穿平底鞋妨碍今天工作才服气’,但是他们出理由。”

    "I said 'if you can give me a reason as to why wearing flats would impair me to do my job today, then fair enough', but they couldn't," Ms Thorp told BBC.


  • 但是遗憾他们错过所知道的领导,领导告诉坚持这些事情时,必须要牺牲但是这些困难暂时的。

    But I do regret that they missed the leaders that I knew, leaders who told us when things were tough, and that we'd have to sacrifice, and that these difficulties might last for a while.


  • 但是很多服务员看到谢饭后告诉他们饭馆第一看到有人谢饭。

    I have had scores of waiters and waitresses tell me that when we bowed our heads, it was the first time they had ever seen that happen in their restaurant.


  • 至少他们有钱上面!但是告诉,在太空如何面条呢?

    At least they have the money to do it. But tell me, how do you eat noodles in space?


  • 但是周二下午他们告诉我这一日期推迟到了7月7日。

    Later, on Tuesday afternoon, it said that date had been delayed until 7 July.


  • 但是周二下午他们告诉我这一日期推迟到了7月7日。

    Later, on Tuesday afternoon, it said that date had been delayed until 7 July.


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