• 教练要求灌篮放进篮筐。

    The coaches told me to dunk, but I would only lay the ball in.


  • 到目前为止两次驾驶教练非常善解人意所以真的很喜欢上课。虽然课程贵,但我已经迫不及待下一次课了。

    I've only had two driving lessons so far and my instructor is very understanding, so I'm really enjoying it and I can't wait for my next session although the lessons are rather expensive.


  • 威廉王子:“一切进展得顺利可能教练说‘不是’,觉得不至于糟糕

    It's going very well. My instructors would probably say 'not so well, ' but I think it's going not too badly.


  • 怀疑相比于最好球队,人们看重球队的输赢多少教练因为得不到奖杯而黯然下课

    But I suspect that the emphasis placed on winning is more than just being the best. How many coaches were sacked because their team failed to collect silverware?


  • 这位韩国籍教练说:“亚运会期间多哈气温寒冷并且的,无法马来西亚营造出这样的气候。”

    "It will be cold and windy in Doha during the Games, but we are not able to simulate the conditions here, " the Korean was quoted as saying.


  • 这位韩国籍教练说:“亚运会期间多哈气温寒冷并且的,无法马来西亚营造出这样的气候。”

    "It will be cold and windy in Doha during the Games, but we are not able to simulate the conditions here," the Korean was quoted as saying.


  • 教练要求灌篮轻轻的放进篮筐。

    The coaches told me to dunk, but I would lay the ball in.


  • 失望因为很想然英格兰教练谈到知道如果继续努力穿上国家队战袍的时刻到来的,”这位21岁的球员

    "I was disappointed because obviously the England manager had talked about me but I know if I keep working hard my time will come," said the 21-year-old.


  • 没错啊,(作为教练)从没主场赢得冠比赛的胜利,不会停留这个上面的。

    And, yes, I've never won a Champions League game at home (as a coach) but I'm not dwelling on it.


  • 教练里克阿德尔曼说:“不得不采取这样立场希望姚明感到舒适而且融入球队的时候让回归,这也有好处。”

    But I'm just going to have to take the stance that I want to bring him along as he feels comfortable, and how it fits into our team. It's got to be something that's positive for him.


  • 教练能这么很高兴,”鲁尼补充道,“觉得仍然像往常一样训练努力以及投入比赛中。”

    "It's obviously great for the manager to say that," said Rooney. "But I feel like I've always trained the same, always worked hard and played the same on the pitch."


  • 怀疑他们认为无法浪费一个合适教练

    But I suspect they'll think they can't afford to wait another year to figure out of he's the right guy for them.


  • 兰尼助理教练雷德·里奇后来说:“知道迈克尔出色,们想让多练练,所以觉得适合他。”

    We knew Michael was good,” Fred Lynch, the Laney assistant coach, said later, “but we wanted him to play more and we thought the jayvee was better for him.”


  • 会,Laudable其他人(除了医院里面一些临床医生教练)。

    But I am.I take home more money at Laudable than anyone else (save some of the clinical physicians over at our hospital and several coaches).


  • 托雷斯不要担心否认是个教练觉得继续留在他帐下不是明智的选择

    Torres: never mind, I do not deny that he is a good manager, But he might not be the best choice for me.


  • Laudable其他人都多(除了医院里面一些临床医生教练)。

    But I am. I take home more money at Laudable than anyone else (save some of the clinical physicians over at our hospital and several coaches).


  • 当然每个教练不同观点喜欢的。

    Of course it's different, because every coach has their own style. But I like the way Mourinho works.


  • 不会最棒教练必须是顶级之一

    I wouldn't say I was the best manager in the business. But I was in the top one.


  • 可能会成为国家队告别赛,必须教练布吕克纳谈谈。”内·维德告诉意大利报社

    "That could be the match in which I'd say goodbye to the national team, but I must talk with coach Karel Bruckner," Nedved told the Italian press.


  • 教练决定任何球队需要的。

    But it's the coach's decision to make. But I'll do whatever the team needs.


  • 意识到,如果去打这份必须放弃暑假橄榄球训练,也意味着必须得告诉贾维斯教练不能去打球了。

    Then I realized I would have to give up summer baseball to handle the work schedule, and that meant I would have to tell Coach Jarvis I wouldn't be playing.


  • 周五下午教练组会踢场比赛从未看过

    The staff have a match on Friday afternoons, but I've never taken the time to watch one.


  • 教练打扫厕所侮辱自尊伤心受伤了。

    The highest trainer sent me to clean the toilet, although, it didn't means insulting to my dignity, but I was really sad about myself and my heart was hurt.


  • 并不意味着已经一个顶尖教练满意所取得的成绩;同时因为取得一些成绩,给予强的自信训戒运动员

    Not that I felt that I was a top-notch coach, but I was very satisfied and it gave me greater strength to talk to my players because I had won something.


  • 米歇尔过去两个赛季曾遭队员私下非议但我并不认为作为教练,他就无法取得进步

    It's not to say Mitchell, who was privately criticized by his players the last two years before this season, can't improve as a coach.


  • 唯一梦想就是作为一个足球教练取得成功但我到了。

    The only thing I dream about is to succeed as a football manager, and I follow that dream.


  • 小孩子就对不起教练

    And one of the other kids said, excuse me coach, but there's not football.


  • 踢得挺好教练胜利满意,相信乐意看到们屠了对手…

    We played some good stuff and the manager is happy with us winning but I'm sure he would like to see us killing teams off better than we are.


  • 踢得挺好教练胜利满意,相信乐意看到们屠了对手…

    We played some good stuff and the manager is happy with us winning but I'm sure he would like to see us killing teams off better than we are.


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