• 身体饥饿得到满足后就就感觉愉快情感上的饥饿通常是聚焦特别的味道口感

    Physical hunger is happy to get what it can, while emotional hunger usually focuses on specific tastes and textures.


  • 如果男人一个女人情感上联系又另当别论了。

    But it's a different story if a guy has an emotional connection with another woman.


  • 到受损失不仅仅她的职业生涯离开职场女性情感上受到了伤害,因为害怕流言蜚语转而变成了害怕协助

    But it's not just those involved whose careers suffer. The women left in the workplace also get hurt, because the fear of scandal turns to fear of sponsorship.


  • 并不建立感知,它囊括了情感因素这些绝非是衡量爱的唯一标准

    Love is not exclusively based on how we feel. Certainly our emotions are involved, but they cannot be our only criteria for love.


  • 可以一直保护他们同时给他们情感的自由,行动的自由,他们作的事情

    You can be so over protective that you do not release your kids emotionally or maybe even physically to do what God wants them to.


  • 只是情感冲动造成罪过并非原则的对抗,甚至不是故意而为

    But this had been a sin of passion, not of principle, nor even purpose.


  • 病人们会获取更多关于他们疾病信息了解其他消费者对药物看法,或是去获得其他患者的在情感上支持这一点似乎是显而易见的。

    But it seems clear that patients are going online to get more information on their illness, to see what other consumers think of new medications and to get emotional support from fellow sufferers.


  • 有些一生都在追求财富醒来后发现自己成了在情感上精神穷光蛋。有钱没有错的,让钱来主宰我们就是另一回事了。

    Some will spend their lives chasing financial wealth, only to wake up one day and discover that all they've created is emotional and spiritual poverty.


  • 管教型:表现比较热情情感上愿意交流具有敌意,爱管闲事

    Enmeshed: Characterized by moderate warmth and emotional involvement, but also hostility and meddling.


  • 伊丽莎白·班纳特达西先生之间浪漫爱情小说一样跌宕起伏,电影深入地刻画了两人情感上纠葛

    The romance between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy is as tense as it is in the novel, but the film takes their war of wills a bit further.


  • 人们可能很难接受这样建议安吉尔说:“在理智逻辑他们可以理解情感上他们不能接受。”

    It can be tough for people to hear that advice. "they'll understand it mentally and logically, but emotionally is where they have the trouble," says Angell.


  • 字里行间流露出来情感真实让人感觉到亲切忍不住眼光定格作者名字

    However, by showing to the feelings between the lines is very true, people feel very warm, so I can not help to look at the author's name on a fixed grid.


  • 事实,安戈涅维护并非完全是个体情感人性更多的是家庭荣誉义务

    However, it is not only individual emotions and humanity but also family honor and responsibilities that Antigone tries to defend and fulfill.


  • 也许是因为受到情感上压力太过攻击性也是伤人的。

    It's probably emotional stress, but you can hurt others by being too offensive.


  • 科学家们认为,在结束关系女性往往要男性承受更多情感的伤害,好消息,女性往往要比男性恢复更快

    Scientists believe that women actually suffer more emotionally than men when a relationship comes to an end. But the good news is that they bounce back much faster.


  • 实际我们情感主要受控于我们的认知,也就是说我们什么感觉通常取决于我们怎么

    The fact is that our cognition controls much of our emotion. How we feel is often dependent on how we think.


  • 伦勃朗早期自画像作品中我们看到他情感描绘虽然有了相当的深度生命所包含精神思想的深度没有深刻表现出来

    Rembrandt early self-portrait works description in emotion have suitable depth to have, but the depth of the spirit, thought included in the life has no deep showing.


  • 可能认为时间处理个人或者情感问题实际或许正式最需要关注的地方,挣钱来的重要。

    You may think you can't now afford to spend time dealing with a personal or emotional issue, but actually, this needs your attention far more than your bank balance does.


  • 听说黑色意味着情感上没有安全感然而虽然有这些特点喜欢黑色的喜欢本人真正喜欢的人在一同

    It is said that black can also mean emotional insecurity. However, despite all the above-mentioned qualities, people who like black enjoy spending time with those whom they truly love.


  • 实际,“情感本体明显地具有形而形而下两个层面指向

    But in fact, "emotional noumenon" obviously has two points of metaphysics and physics.


  • 20 日有一两个情感上问题不安也是美丽人生组成部分

    The 19th and 20th, an emotional issue or two could upset you, but that's part of a rich life.


  • 作品内在情感尽管忧伤嘲谑成分总体是以欢乐底色

    Although there are elements of grief and satire, happiness is the general theme of the innermost feelings of his novels.


  • 一般认为仇恨跟享乐两种完全相反情感事实,其中界线远比我们所想的来得模糊许多。

    Thus a very fine line can exist between the two, and turning 'on its head' the general perception that revenge and pleasure are only radically opposite states of experience.


  • 人类情感动物相比,大概如同彩色视觉黑白相比一样它们概念一样的,人类的情感复杂得多

    Comparing human emotions to animals' may be like comparing color vision to black-and-white-they're the same concept, but the former is immensely more complex.


  • 经历了这次乡村生活察觉到自己的改变并表示,他去过世界很多贫困地区第一次感受到他可以跟当地人有情感上的联系。

    After experiencing the rural lifestyle, he said he feels changed, adding that he had travelled to many places around the world that were poor.


  • 经历了这次乡村生活察觉到自己的改变并表示,他去过世界很多贫困地区第一次感受到他可以跟当地人有情感上的联系。

    After experiencing the rural lifestyle, he said he feels changed, adding that he had travelled to many places around the world that were poor.


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