• 有一听见在嘀嘀咕咕我说抱歉?什么?”时,没有回答

    Once or twice I heard her muttering, but when I said, "Sorry? What did you say?" she didn't respond.


  • 同一不是车的阶段

    But when I say it's the same car I don't mean to be talking about car stages.


  • 这些把陷入困境的话时,并没有在寻求那种荣誉

    But when I uttered the words that landed me in trouble I was not seeking that kind of honor.


  • 就是杰瑞德·托增演出片子”,他们知道

    But when I say, 'This is the one where Jared Leto gained a lot of weight,' they know it.


  • 不敢这么病情恶化时,他总是显得很开心

    He daren't say so, but he always looks cheerful when I am worse.


  • 妈妈只是成为一样的人,试图集中注意力工作时,抓狂

    Mum says she's just trying to be like me but it drives me crazy when I'm trying to fix my attention on my work.


  • ,“他们来自美国时,他们就问,‘到底哪里人啊?’”

    But when I tell them I'm from the United States, they say, 'Where are you really from?


  • 他们可能已经很好的完成内部工作内部——就如之前们和的,们指的是你们所有身体——整体,包括灵性

    They may have well done the work internally, and when we say internally we mean all the bodies -the spiritual self, the integrated self that we have spoken with you about before.


  • 战斗们制订了攻击计划时,阿拉姆博总是

    We want to fight, but when we make a plan to attack, Alambo always says no.


  • 查看目前那些指标时,情况确实怎么好可以看到正在发生一些令人鼓舞的事。

    When you look at the current signs you say, OK, this is not a pretty story yet, but you can see some good things happening.


  • 发誓不是那种幻听人,”斯利瓦斯塔瓦,“那天晚上,经过加油站的时候,听到传来的很小声音。”

    "I swear I'm not the kind of guy who hears voices," Srivastava says. "But that night, as I passed the station, I heard a little voice coming from the back of my head."


  • 一位母亲几个孩子,她回答三个事实她有四个

    When I asked a mother how many children she had, she told me she had three, but there were four.


  • 曾经讨厌阅读,”布兰登回忆,“后来别人送去成箱书时,看到那些表情。”

    "I used to hate reading," Brandon remembers, "but then I'd see the faces of people when we were giving them boxes of books."


  • 每天感觉比昨天进步不是向着自己希望方向迈出一大步以后,就觉得自己连走路超人

    Sure, I felt better every day, but it's not like I was walking around like I was Superman after making significant strides in becoming the person I was meant to be.


  • 自己日本房地产经纪公司通电话时,是否学校她回答现在还没有只要耐心等待就好

    I was talking to my Japanese real estate agent. I said is there a school in this area.She said not now, but just wait.


  • 去年开始拍产妇照片时,1个不到10个客户就在上个月们的客户数已经超过了70个。”高田

    "When I opened my studio for maternity photos last year we had less than 10 customers a month but last month we had more than 70 customers," said Takada.


  • :“这个问题的确严重集体行动时,结果就不一样了。”

    "The problem is massive but we do make a difference when we all take action," he said.


  • 又似乎难以让人信服了,死了的时候,存在不是吗

    But that seems very hard to believe? I mean, when I'm dead, I don't exist, right?


  • 每次看到这些朋友的时候,希望穿上的运动短裤,”46岁乔丹年龄削减一切永远不会削减对篮球的渴望

    "Every time I see these guys, I want to put my shorts on," said Jordan, 46, whose age has diminished everything but his desire.


  • 她们是否丈夫商量在房屋产权证上共同加上她们名字时,很多这会影响关系

    "But when I ask them if they were going to talk to their husbands about adding their names to the deed, some women would say, 'no, no, no, of course not, that would upset my relationship with him."


  • 留住年轻队员无法合同达成一致时,面对斯里离开这个)现实”,温格对他的队员

    You want to keep your young players but when we didn't reach an agreement over a new contract I prepared myself to face it [the prospect of Nasri leaving]," Wenger told Arsenal Player.


  • 也许有人会心里这么上课时从来都没有这么干过

    Maybe someone said it under their breath, but I've never, ever had anyone say that when I've been in a class.


  • 为什么参加演唱会,你总是你给上音乐课学费来支持

    But when I used to ask why you didn't come to my gigs, you used to reply that you supported me by paying the bills for my music lessons.


  • 补充:“可以想象一种情况一些工业污染过程重要的,空间成品带回地球。”

    He added: "You can imagine a situation when some of our industrially important but polluting processes are done in space and the finished products are brought back down to Earth."


  • 奥巴马先生曼哈顿市中心世贸中心消防站对人群:“显然不能找回失去朋友星期天发生的一切传达了一个信息:当我将永远不要忘记时,们就要永远铭记

    Obviously, you can’t bring back the friends you lost, ” Mr. Obama said to the crew at a firehouse in midtown Manhattan that lost 15 men, an entire shift, at the World Trade Center.


  • 吴先生告诉,“当我看到电影”哭了。”这位出席star-struck的皮尔女士回答:“就是一个米歇尔奥巴马

    But it was Ms. Pill who appeared star-struck as she replied, “I’m the next Michelle Obama!”


  • 陈晨:“以为那些登山者的遗体感到害怕,当我登顶时看到他们的那一刻,尊敬取代了恐惧。”

    "I thought I would shudder at the mountaineers' corpses, but reverence replaced horror the second I saw them on my way to the peak, " said Chen.


  • 冤枉时候不仅真相做什么,你感到羞耻

    When I was wronged when you not only tell the truth, but that is what I do, you do not feel ashamed of it?


  • 人们认可或者欢迎幸福,努力整个过程被认可时候幸福

    Of course, when people recognize me or my popularity is important but, that's when people get to know the whole process of making myself.


  • 人们认可或者欢迎幸福,努力整个过程被认可时候幸福

    Of course, when people recognize me or my popularity is important but, that's when people get to know the whole process of making myself.


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