• 电话只有不祥沉默

    She picked up the phone but there was an ominous silence at the other end.


  • 严厉,病人很好

    She was tough but wonderful with her patients.


  • 泰勒知识渊博历史却持不尊重态度

    Taylor combined great knowledge with an irreverent attitude to history.


  • 世界末日即将来临,我们真的关心吗?

    The end of the world may be nigh, but do we really care?


  • 欧元美元依然坚挺日元的汇率则下跌

    The euro remained firm against the dollar, but fell against the yen.


  • 尽管明显受挫英格兰来说绝非胜利无望

    Despite the obvious setbacks, it is not all doom and gloom for the England team.


  • 约翰逊喜欢这个框架细节保留看法

    Johnson likes the broad outline but is reserving judgment on the fine detail.


  • 尽管通常不怕但对风雨遮挡还是重要的。

    Although horses do not generally mind the cold, shelter from rain and wind is important.


  • 法国手枪严格枪支管制,用步枪却没有

    France has tight gun-control laws for handguns, but not for hunting rifles.


  • 一个勇敢女人面前任务感到信心不足。

    She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead.


  • 他们来说可能只是玩,来说一点不好

    It was probably just a joke to them, but it wasn't funny to me.


  • 这些数字理论上看来可能不错岛民们却起不到安慰的作用。

    These figures may look good on paper but are cold comfort to the islanders themselves.


  • 自己的健康负责一码事别人健康负责完全一码事

    Being responsible for one's own health is one thing, but being responsible for another person's health is quite a different matter.


  • 虽然没有目睹死刑执行她的,他其他人难脱干系

    He did not witness her execution, yet he and the others are complicit in her death.


  • 例行公事很无聊公司重要

    The routine is boring, but it is very important to the company.


  • 大多数人来说可能的。

    But for most, this is just not possible.


  • 很简单,但对环境和你的身体有帮助!

    It's simple but helpful to the environment and your body!


  • 语中有很多,但对你来说理解起来并不那么容易。

    There are many of them in English, but it's not that easy for you to understand.


  • 些灯泡看起来一样,但对环境的影响各不相同。

    These light bulbs look the same, but their effects on the environment are different.


  • 医告诉他,他们会仔细观察小猫和它们的妈妈,但对妈妈的存活没有信心。

    The animal doctors told him they would watch the baby cats and their mother carefully, but they weren't confident about the mother's chances.


  • 网络依赖意味着很容易受到伤害。

    But dependency on a network suggests possibilities of being harmed easily.


  • 后悔开了那个玩笑,叔叔生气

    She regretted making the joke, but was angry with her uncle.


  • 理由在变,更多树木渴望不变的。

    The justifications change. The desire for more trees remains constant.


  • 好处。

    It is bitter, but it is good for you.


  • 毁了的事上不上什么忙。

    It would ruin thee, and yet help but little in my cause.


  • 真正树木来说,连根拔起就更难了。

    But for real trees, it's harder to uproot.


  • 篮球一项有趣的运动体力要求也很高

    Basketball is an interesting sport, but it's also physically demanding.


  • 消费者来说好事制造商来说却不是

    That was great for the consumer, not so much for the manufacturer.


  • 尽管这些措施不会永远有效目前至关重要”

    "Although these measures are not effective forever, they are vital for now," he says.


  • 尽管这些措施不会永远有效目前至关重要”

    "Although these measures are not effective forever, they are vital for now," he says.


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