• 以为出来的,实际上真的受了伤。

    He thought she was play-acting but in fact she had really hurt herself.


  • 实际上没有那样反倒出乎的意料

    And the fact that she didn't say that just blew my mind.


  • 实际上没有那样反倒出乎的意料

    'And the fact that she didn't say that just blew my mind.


  • 表面上看漂亮,助人实际上优点自私。

    On the surface, she is beautiful, but also willing to help others, but in fact she selfish advantages.


  • “虽然骨子里中国人,”,“实际上长成一个美国人。”

    "Her soul is Chinese," she says, "but really she's growing up American."


  • 尽管他们自称德州人,但实际上知道布什父子康涅狄格人,并且连渡假都缅因州

    Though they posed as Texans, she knew they were Connecticut parvenus who preferred to summer in Maine.


  • 主人解释照片好像确实卡住了,实际上的身材没有那么魁梧,只是毛发太多而已。

    Ksyusha's owner explains that it does look like she is stuck, but actually her body is not as big as it looks because of the large amount of fur.


  • 应对方法:“或许会谈利益损失实际上可能会失去一些更为重要东西:自己脆弱自尊。”

    Solution: : "She may speak in terms of profit and loss, but in reality something much more important is on the line: her own fragile sense of self-esteem."


  • 应对方法:“或许会谈利益损失实际上可能会失去一些更为重要东西:自己脆弱自尊。”

    Solution: "She may speak in terms of profit and loss, but in reality something much more important is on the line: her own fragile sense of self-esteem."


  • 戴希。施奈德:“特别足以你高不可攀但实际上她却有着能够想象的最美好友谊就是为什么会追随的原因。

    Stacey Snider said:"Jen's special enough to be somewhat unattainable but real enough that you can imagine a friendship, which is why you pursue her."


  • 实际上并没有真正去尝试任何一”阿克尔建议他的客户创造条件让积极习惯消极的习惯更容易提前20开始让坏习惯没有条件开始。

    But she didn’t really try any of them,” he says now. He advises clients to make positive habits 20 seconds easier to start and bad habits more difficult.


  • 虽然又是又是侃,实际上玩得并不开心

    She laughed and chatted but was, in truth, not having much fun.


  • 诚然这样目的为了保护免受被遗弃危险实际上当时的社会家庭生活中的作用重要

    Admittedly, the purposeof this was to protect her against the risk of desertion, but in reality its function in the social and family life of the time was much more important.


  • 诚然这样目的为了保护免受被遗弃危险实际上当时社会家庭生活中的作用重要

    Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of desertion, but in reality its function in the social and family life of the time was much more important.


  • 个陌生人漂亮地处理了我的危机,但实际上并不是唯一一个(这样做的)。

    This one stranger responded beautifully to my small crisis, but she actually wasn't the only one.


  • 社会学一个小组项目工作受到冷遇:“他们假装欢迎实际上不是这样。”

    Also while working on a group project in a sociology class she says she was given the cold shoulder: "they pretend to welcome you but they do not."


  • 或许有人黄瓜,或许妈妈疲劳眼睛片……实际上除了泡黄瓜治疗眼睛什么使黄瓜声名鹊起

    Maybe someone will make some pickles, maybe Mom will slice off a few rounds for her tired eyes... but really, aside from pickles and eye treatments, what is a cucumber's claim to fame?


  • 实际上以前并不认识自从所在的村庄1999年差点就被夷平以来,一些就认识了

    He did not really know her, but since her village was all but abandoned in 1999, somebody has to.


  • 完从爱敦荒原上高地低地中间穿过的路程段距离实际上只不过英里远所期望的要难多。

    The journey over the intervening uplands and lowlands of Egdon, when she reached them, was a more troublesome walk than she had anticipated, the distance being actually but a few miles.


  • 法国可能没有以前非洲的势力实际上中国已经赶上了法国作为撒哈拉以南非洲的主要出口国法国在这里势力仍然很大。

    France may not be the power it once was in africa-indeed, China has overtaken it as the leading exporter to sub-Saharan africa-but it still counts.


  • 特别要说的安妮·斯顿,之前人们认为名气响了”所以不大可能重演瑞秋这个角色实际上正是发起电影版制作

    Apparently Aniston, once believed to be "too famous" to reprise her role as Rachel, is leading the charge in getting the movie made.


  • 尽管有很多高层会谈干预但实际上由于1973年3月上旬严重中风才最终促成了儿子获释

    Despite the highlevel talks and interventions, it was her severe stroke in early March 1973 that accomplished her son's release.


  • 开始还以为呼唤小猫随后,很明显地,实际上在冲叫!

    When she started to get really vocal at first I thought she was calling to the kittens, but then it became clear that she was actually calling to me!


  • Mazzeo未经授权香水传记”,实际上著名方形香奈儿五号香水瓶来窥可可·香奈儿的传记一生。

    Mazzeo calls her book an "unauthorized biography of a scent," but in fact it is a biography of Coco Chanel as seen through the prism of her famous square flacon.


  • 似乎是对白天发生保持镇静实际上几乎吓坏了,自己也因为这件事的新奇、不容思索和受环境支配的结果而惶惶不安起来,因为是一个易于激动和爱好思索的

    She seemed stilled, almost alarmed, at what had occurred, while the novelty, unpremeditation, mastery of circumstance disquieted him - palpitating, contemplative being that he was.


  • 实际上被遗弃一家孤儿院年轻很幸运通过了很好的夫妇

    She was actually abandoned at an orphanage when she was young but luckily she was adopted by a nice couple.


  • 是的实际上想让

    Yes, but actually, I want her to win.


  • 是的实际上想让

    Yes, but actually, I want her to win.


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