• 汉考克对话是否记录下来重读以及谈话是否实时发生也是至关重要的。

    But Hancock says it is also crucial whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread, and whether it occurs in real time.


  • 虽然选项实现了实时性能并且即使负载条件也可使操作系统顺利地运行,这样做也付出了代价

    Although the option enables soft real-time performance and even under load makes the operating system execute more smoothly, it does so at a cost.


  • 欢迎来到实时竞价世界一个有点烦人更智能的广告销售方式,最近才开始震撼在线媒体企业

    Welcome to the world of real-time bidding, a cleverer and nosier way of selling advertising that is beginning to shake up the online media business.


  • 汉考克问题的关键在于对话是否记录,是否可以回查,以及是否实时交流。

    But Hancock says it is also crucial whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread, and whether occurs in real time.


  • 比如可以缓存地图数据减少响应时间通常并不适合搜索查询结果或者实时交通信息进行缓存。

    For instance, it makes sense to cache map data to reduce response time, but it's often impossible or impractical to cache results of search queries or real-time traffic information.


  • 谷歌作出改变是因为现今人们希望Twitter或者其它网站搜索实时消息谷歌目前搜索算法无法做到这一点。

    Google made this change is because nowadays people hoped that from the Twitter or other website to search for real time news, but Google's search algorithms are unable to do this.


  • 最后轮到发言了,‘现在我们来看看新的用户界面半透明的,有实时动画一个完整alpha通道’“Ratzlaff回忆道,”现场只有笑声,因为根本不肯能去重做用户界面。

    “And then here at the end, here’s me saying, ‘Oh, and here’s a new user interface. It’s translucent, there’s real-time animation, and a full alpha channel, ’” Ratzlaff recalled.


  • 浏览器中添加实时功能这会使得浏览器自身功能离得更远web应用视频服务带来了可能性

    But this would take the concept further by adding real-time abilities to the browser and open the possibilities to new types of Web apps and video services.


  • 特拉斯提醒道:虽然模型充满潜力,“沈博文模型成功地模拟一个气旋并不意味成功实时模拟未来风暴。”

    As promising as the new model may be, Atlas cautions that "Shen's model worked for one cyclone, but it doesn't mean it'll work in real-time for future storms."


  • 真实空间的界限哪里呢?

    But where are the limits in real time and real space?


  • 通常会将其作为一个问题看待特别在使用可以多个位置初始化实时进程替换基于文件批处理进程更是如此

    But it is often identified as an issue, especially when file-based batch processes are being replaced with real-time processes that can be initiated from multiple places.


  • 理想情况下应该实时此工作实际经常计划批处理活动形式进行。

    Ideally this should be real time, but more often than not it's in the form of a scheduled batch activity.


  • 每当空想愿意变成事,那时一声召唤,便立即进行战争不是老百姓的作风,这些民族不是时刻有着英雄烈士气质

    Waging war at every summons and every time that Utopia desires it, is not the thing for the peoples. Nations have not always and at every hour the temperament of heroes and martyrs.


  • 肯定不能给出关于真实爆炸真实最终答案”,,“如果研究它,可能发现些什么有可能提出明智问题来。”

    "It will never give you the real final answer about the real Big Bang and real time," he said. "But if you study it, you may discover something, and you may be able to ask more intelligent questions."


  • 人们是否相信主观他们问题似乎总倾向于必须身份与其同等相待证明我的信仰事实上信。

    When people ask me whether I truly believe in subjective reality, their question usually assumes that I must equate my identity with it in order to believe in it, which I don't.


  • 不是任何情况下需要支持

    But hard real-time support isn't necessary in all cases.


  • 所有模型预测出海洋变暖如果这些模型与云层大气循环之间没有正确联系的话,那无法反映云层实时状况。

    All models predict a warming ocean, but if they don't have the correct relationship between clouds and atmospheric circulation, they won't produce a realistic cloud response.


  • 在一段时间可以作为一般新闻这个时候实时报道这个事件已经不那么重要了,已经发生了一段时间了。

    It might very well still be news, but the real-time coverage of that event is no longer important. It has already happened.


  • 面对自己婚姻恶化理论无法拯救

    When confronted with the reality of his own deteriorating marriage, however, theory fails to rescue him.


  • 乍听起来可能有些奇怪回归平凡世界的确更加精彩有趣

    This might sound strange but in the moments when you are present the ordinary world becomes more interesting and wonderful. Colors can seem brighter.


  • 传统观念认为压力促进绩效研究中的实时数据表明员工开心工作,绩效会上升。

    Conventional wisdom suggests that pressure enhances performance; our real-time data, however, shows that workers perform better when they are happily engaged in what they do.


  • 事实上大多回忆一些基本实时都会出现一些问题同意这个观点的人还是很高的比率

    This is a surprisingly high percentage given how most people frequently have problems recalling basic facts.


  • InDinero情况,这样描述是到位的,因为公司确实旨在提供一个类似交易实时金融报表

    But in the case of InDinero, the description actually works, as the company really does aim to provide a similar sort of real-time financial dashboard to small businesses.


  • 估计城市驾驶实时处理能力要求增加4仅仅是安装处理能力强大的计算机软件不能确保成功

    Urban driving increases the demand for processing power by a factor of four, he reckons, but merely installing more powerful computers and software will not guarantee success.


  • 尽管许多GC模型具有自己优缺点应用程序目标缩短GC暂停时,两个主要选择(generational)实时收集器

    Although each of the many GC models has its pros and cons, when the goal for an application is short GC pauses, the two main choices are generational and real-time collectors.


  • 回到先前假设正在调试一个实时Grails应用程序没有找到您需要的东西

    Getting back to the hypothetical story of you debugging a live Grails application, you still haven't found what you are looking for yet.


  • 当意识到照片里的正是自己的手,张照片恰我们分钟刚刚拍下,我的震惊缓和下来。 click here.

    My shock was tempered only slightly by the fact that it was my hand, and we’d taken the picture just a minute earlier.


  • 带钢表面缺陷检测带钢质量控制重要环节之一现有带钢表面缺陷自动检测方法准确性实时上还难以满足工业现场需要

    Strip surface detection is one of the basic process of strip quality control, existing methods for strip surface detection couldn't meet the accuracy and real-time capability for industrial spots.


  • 虽然内核方法自己优势(支持标准Linux内核共存),这种方法缺点

    Although the thin kernel approach has its advantages (hard real-time support coexisting with a standard Linux kernel), the approach does have drawbacks.


  • 先期渲染的看起来实时节省处理的时间,说实话看起来和即时演算的区别

    No, it is pre-done but looks real. This is to save on processing and quite honestly, you would see no difference.


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