• 配不上如果的话,发誓一生

    But if I ever could, I swear I would love you for the rest of my life.


  • 如果英语美国人说的那么未来完美。

    But if I could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant.


  • 如果作为一个美国人一样英语未来辉煌的

    But if I could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant.


  • 专业专业如果我能一点深入了解的专业好了!

    Majors: I loved my major, but I wish I had gotten more involved at an earlier point.


  • 如果想到绝望强烈的字眼描述大卫的爱,就会在此处,绝望向来艰难无比。

    But if I could think of a stronger word than "desperately" to describe how I loved David, I would use that word here, and desperate love is always the toughest way to do it.


  • 可以成为Barbara如果想出如何自己可以成为一个很好的Oprah

    And I thought, well, I could make a pretty goofy Barbara. And if I could figure out how to be myself, I could be a pretty good Oprah.


  • 死刑如果我能幸存下来很愿意将你们荣誉发扬光大,获得伟大成就记录成册。

    I may be sentenced to death. But if I should survive, I would be willing happily to promote your glories and I would write down and record the great achievements we make.


  • 相信说的话如果证明的观点,你也许说服

    I don't believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able to convince me.


  • 不确定你的鱼是否记住你的脸,但如果以其他方式记住你,也许是通过你走向鱼缸时的脚步声,也不会太惊讶。

    I'm not sure that your fish will be able to remember what your face looks like, but I wouldn't be too surprised if it could remember you in other ways, perhaps by the sound of your footsteps as you walk towards the tank.


  • 是的——确信还有更多如果完全掌握其中一个,你拥有建造美好生活的牢固基础

    Yes -i'm sure there are more, but if you can manage to get each of these under control you will have a strong foundation upon which to build a wonderful life.


  • 如果还有珠峰更高,却只有三度左右平缓坡度以至于漫步其上的地方,你会怎么想呢?

    But what if I said there is a place even higher than Everest, with a gentle three-degree slope that you could stroll up?


  • 意思是如果回顾一下1930年代的“复苏”,实际上那个复苏把带入了一个更大麻烦中

    I mean, if you can look at spurts in the 1930s, but usually it just led to bigger trouble down the road.


  • 拿到的门牌号来说有用也可南极洲如果你不在附近的话,这个游戏没有意义了。

    It was very useful to have your number, but you could have been in Antarctica for all I knew, and the game wouldn't work unless you were close by.


  • 如果这件发生密西根发生在纽约

    But if it could happen in Michigan, I suppose it could also happen in New York.


  • 离开曼联已经去了三个伟大俱乐部如果吉格斯那样,一直曼联的话就实在太了。

    I've been to three great clubs since I left United, but it would have been great to stay like Ryan Giggs has.


  • 如果自己定位回答也许不对就算个错误,正确做出筛选

    If you ask me my position on anything, I may give you the wrong answer, I may make a mistake, but I think I have the right filter.


  • 不是每份工作发挥的(潜在奇怪的)个性如果找到办法仍然强烈推荐这样做没有什么比这个让你的一天更快乐的了。

    While not every job will let you bring your (potentially strange) personality to the table, I highly recommend doing it if you can find a way. Nothing brightened up the day more.


  • 想象不仅80,9095,们想象更长时间,如果想象早点出生,会发生什么情况?

    We imagine instead of living 80 years,living 90 or 95 or more We imagine a longer life But what is it that happens when I say ? if only I'd been born earlier?


  • 如果现在苹果股东愿意看到公司明白他们终结竞争机会有限了。

    But if I were an Apple shareholder right now, I'd like to see signs that the company understands it's got only a limited chance to crush the competition.


  • 为了等到朋友回来每天少量延长绝食最后期限4月21日如果要求那时没有得到满足将停止饮水

    I will take a little water each day to prolong the hunger strike until my friends come back, but the deadline is 21 April and, if our demands have not been met by then, I will stop even taking water.


  • 但如果真的告诉

    If I were to tell you.


  • 如果他们行动得悲剧中英雄那么就没有谴责模仿他们

    But if they acted like tragedy heroes, no one has condemned me to imitate them.


  • 有人建议这样的话表明立场:“如果接受提供专业服务自由职业费率理解如果情况有变第一时间通知。”

    Someone suggested using this statement: “I understand if professional freelance rates aren’t in your budget now, but please let me know if that changes.”


  • 如果事情看起来已经改变不变永远留在心中而且、飞、飞走。

    When things have seemed to change, there's one thing that's still the same. In my heart you have remained, and we can fly, fly, fly, away.


  • 如果继续收集比赛用球的话相信没人不高兴的。

    But if I keep earning match balls then I'm sure nobody will complain too much.


  • 知道如果唱歌它们会觉得难听

    I I don't know... but if cats could sing, they'd hate it too.


  • 如果远见完全点燃挺过艰难时期不知是否坚持做好那些必要持续工作

    But if I had not been completely fired by the vision that kept me going during difficult times, I do not know if I could have kept up the relentless work that was necessary.


  • 如果远见完全点燃挺过艰难时期不知是否坚持做好那些必要持续工作

    But if I had not been completely fired by the vision that kept me going during difficult times, I do not know if I could have kept up the relentless work that was necessary.


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